The bishops' Jubilee News page has updated links to reports on ....
Jubilee of the World of Entertainment (Dec 15-17) The Jubilee of the World of Entertainment was the last of the special events by category on the official Jubilee calendar. There were a few famous names but many street artists, actors of minor theaters and circuses and musicians. We have links to reports on the Jubilee's Eucharistic Celebration and the associated congress on 'the Church and the Movie Industry'
Jubilee of the Fashion world (Dec 16) Although not in the Holy Year's official calendar, this Jubilee event was celebrated in St. Peter's Square. It was organized in less than a month by the National Chamber of Italian Fashion, Pitti Immagine and the Jubilee General Secretariat. The day began with a Mass at 8:30 a.m. attended by 2,000 people, in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia next to the Vatican ...
Christmas in the Year of Our Lord 2000 (Dec 25) : - 8th Vatican Christmas Concert : From Gospel Choirs to Irish Bagpipers
New Year's Eve (Dec. 31 Jan 1) - Prayer Vigil - International children's celebration
Preview of the closing ceremonies of the Jubilee (Jan 5 - 6)
Rosmini College, Takapuna is on the Web at: http://www.rosmini.school.nz
St Joseph's School, Fairfield (Hamilton dio.) has a new site address: http://www.stjosephs.school.nz (Anthony, could you draw this to the attention of the Hamilton Ed Office please, or update the school's directory listing yourself. Many thanks.)
By my count - and I'm sure I missed one or two - Rosmini College's site brings the total number of Websites for New Zealand Catholic secondary schools (= high schools, commonly called "colleges") to 36 sites out of 48 schools (including Garin College, Nelson which has a Website but doesn't open until 2002).
By diocese, the breakdown is: Auckland: 15 secondary schools .... 9 Web sites Hamilton: 4 secondary schools .... 4 Web sites Palmerston North: 9 secondary schools .... 5 Web sites Wellington: 9 secondary schools .... 8 Web sites Christchurch: 7 secondary schools .... 6 Web sites Dunedin: 4 secondary schools .... 4 Web sites
You can see who's got what in the school directory pages of the NZ Catholic Education Office, starting at: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/nzceo/schools/intro.html Secondary schools are at the bottom of each diocese's page.
For a smart-looking set of pages at a modest price, I recommend 'Webbuilders': info@webbuilders.co.nz (careful with the double 'b').
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on the bishops' News page at: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/news/frnews.html ]
[Please don't attempt to hand-copy these newspaper database links. Click directly on them after connecting to the Internet or Select, Copy and,Paste them into your browser's address panel.. ]
'O come all ye faithful to church this Christmas ' NZ Herald 23.12.2000 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?thesection=news&thesubsection=&storyI\ D=166280 Traditional church services attract some of their biggest congregations of the year on Christmas Eve. Around the country as many, if not more, Christians pack these services as the ones on Christmas Day. Auckland's St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral in Wyndham St expects at least 1000 worshippers at midnight Mass, preceded by an hour of carol singing .... [Brief details of Christmas services at other North Island Catholic churches follow],
'A time of togetherness for people from far and wide' (photo) NZ Herald 23.12.2000 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?thesection=news&thesubsection=&storyI\ D=166287 Whether they be English aliens struggling to come to terms with bikinis and barbies on Boxing Day or Somalis mourning missing relatives, everyone's thoughts turn to family at Christmastime ....
'Editorial: May goodness, charity reign for all ' NZ Herald 23.12.2000 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?thesection=news&thesubsection=&storyI\ D=166185 As the Weekend Herald portrayals show today, the Catholic refugee from East Timor embraces Christmas in a far different manner from the traditional New Zealand festivities. As does the South African and the Pacific Islander. Even English immigrants must acquaint themselves with the alien concept of Christmas under, we all hope, sunny skies...........
'Builders set to start new Catholic college ' The Nelson Mail 23 DECEMBER 2000 http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,561193a1931,FF.html Building will start soon on Garin College in Richmond after a $7 million construction contract was signed this week .........
'Priest cracks carol's secret code' Manawatu Evening Standard 23 DECEMBER 2000 http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,561174a1902,FF.html Information unearthed by priestly researchers reveals Britain's enigmatic Christmas carol, 'The 12 Days of Christmas', to be less a carol than an aide memoire to their faith used by underground Catholics about 400 years ago. [I know I included a link on this topic a few weeks ago, but this particular article describes the research that lies behind the claim. Well worth printing and keeping for reference if you think someone might ask you about this. ML]
'People are what count for priest' (photo) Nelson Mail 21 DECEMBER 2000 http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,556991a1932,FF.html As Nelson's newly ordained Catholic priest prepares to take up his first posting in Masterton, he talks with Catherine Hutton about his life before the priesthood and the road to it. Sitting in a large cool room inside Nelson's Catholic presbytery, Father Anthony Kearns, or Tony as he prefers, looks like a man without a care in the world. And we are a world away from the corporate culture of Carter Holt Harvey where Tony once worked as an accountant .........
'More donations than usual boost charities'(photo) http://www1.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/search-display-story-online-new?PATH22Dec2000/edit\ orial/content/MLD49I0590JC.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial Otago Daily Times 22 December Christmas spirit is overwhelming Dunedin social service agencies this year. Agencies approached by the Otago Daily Times yesterday said they had received "remarkable" and "extraordinarily generous" donations compared to last year ..........
'As respect for life is a cornerstone of our society ... Will legal euthanasia lead to a `culture of death'?' Otago Daily Times 18 Dec 2000 http://www1.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/search-display-story-online-new?PATH=18Dec2000/edi\ torial/content/M7E27B7653GH.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial The Dutch parliament recently passed laws permitting terminal euthanasia, and in this country a private member's Bill is being promoted by New Zealand First MP Peter Brown. Brian Fenton, a Roman Catholic priest living in Wanaka, has been prompted by these events to suggest that legitimising euthanasia would be a gravely retrograde step..........
29 Dec 2000 to 7 Jan 2001 Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer Camp. Sacred Heart College, Auckland. http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/heartsaflame
19-21 January 2001 Firepower Catholic Youth Conference, Cambridge, Hamilton. Details on: http://www.firepower.org.nz/conf2001.html and from Christine (Wellington) tel. 04 939 9890
22-24 January 2001 Seminar: "Reaching Youth through Music, Cambridge, Hamilton. The speakers will be Patrick Keady and James Garrahy from Brisbane with many years experience in music ministry. Registration forms available from parish offices and newspaper tables.
26-29 January 2001 Parachute Festival Extreme: Totara Springs, Matamata http://www.parachute.co.nz/para2001/para2001.htm The major annual Christian music festival
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Principal, Catholic Institute of Theology http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/auckland/cit The Catholic Institute of Theology is a centre for theological education, inquiry and research established by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. Further details from 'NZ Catholic' 3 December 2000 p. 23; 'Wel-com' December 2000 p.19; and from Professor Michael Pender, CIT Council Chairperson, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland. Closing date: 31 January 2001
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and all God's blessings ...
Mike Leon,
'kiwicath' list manager
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