"Bishop Pompallier is laid to rest" (video report 2m 9s) TVNZ Saturday evening news,1227,95245-1-7,00.html
French Catholic Bishop returned to spiritual homeland in NZ The Melbourne Age 20 April 2002 New Zealand's first Catholic bishop, who left the former British colony 134 years ago, was laid to rest today in the far north settlement of Motuti, Hokianga. About 4,000 people from New Zealand, France and the South Pacific attended the local church, Hata Maria, to celebrate the homecoming of bishop Jean Baptiste Francois Pompallier....
Loved bishop reaches his final resting place (photo) NZ Herald 19.04.2002\ D=1592326 The biggest welcome-home party the Hokianga has ever seen will reach its zenith in the tiny settlement of Motuti tomorrow for the burial of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Francois Pompallier, the first Catholic bishop in New Zealand....
The bishop's bones, by Tim Watkin (photo) NZ Herald 20.04.2002\ D=1442368 At the end of The Strand [in Russell], outside Pompallier (the house, no longer called the House but merely Pompallier), a marquee has been erected on the front lawn in preparation for its former owner's return. The question I've come north to ask is: why have the Catholics and northern Maori gone to so much trouble to exhume the bishop's bones from his French grave and bring them halfway round the world? The past, it is said, is a foreign country. Perhaps Pompallier should have been allowed to remain there. Why bother his rest if his adopted country isn't bothered about him? ...
(For daily reports on the situation, see: ('Breaking News')
"Custody meets Greek Orthodox and Armenian patriarchs Palestinians and Israelis: Arafat is the one who's stalling" [Extract] Jerusalem (Fides 19/4/2002) - This morning at 11am there will be an emergency meeting of the Custodian of the Holy Land, Father Giovanni Battistelli, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch and the Greek Orthodox Patriarch to find a solution to the question of Bethlehem which has reached [a stalemate]. There is little hope they will succeed. The mixed Israeli-Palestinian commission charged with finding a solution has postponed its meeting to a date still to be set. Palestinian and Israeli sources blame Mr. Arafat for the stall in negotiations... Meanwhile the situation at the Nativity Church compound is every day more difficult: for 17 days Franciscan friars and Sisters, Orthodox Greek and Armenian monks and the 200 occupying Palestinian militants have been without food, water and electricity. Related Link: "NZ's Catholic bishops call for prayers for the Holy Land"
Kidnapping of Kahurautete Dury: Appeal by Donna Hall\ D=1392279&reportID=362582 [Extract] "You can fix this problem for all of us by returning her to somewhere safe, with humanity. You don't have to go to places where you might be frightened to go like a police station, or a post office. You can place her in a church. She's christened Anglican, I am Catholic but all denominations that care for children would accept this child...." Related link: "Catholic bishops offer churches as haven for baby Kahu"
Census Snapshot: Pacific Peoples Statistics New Zealand Press Release: 18 April 2002, 11:06 am [Extract] 5. Religion Presbyterian (Congregational and Reformed) (46,971) was the most common religious denomination for people of Pacific ethnicity. This was followed by Catholic (44,184) and Methodist (27,150). Catholic was the most common religious denomination for people of Samoan (26,934), Fijian (1,590) and Tokelauan (2,145) ethnicities. Presbyterian (Congregational and Reformed) was the most common religious denomination for people of Cook Island Maori (15,582), Niuean (6,609), and Tuvalu Islander (1,062) ethnicities. Methodist was the most common religious denomination for people of Tongan ethnicity (15,402).
Dialogue: Spiritual plight of a fence-sitter NZ Herald 15.04.2002\ bsection=general "List any regular spiritual practices you are involved with," read the question. Hmmm. Like many, I consider myself a "spiritual" person, but what exactly does that mean? It's not that I don't like the idea of churches, in fact they are among my favourite places to visit when sightseeing abroad. But I have always felt the concept of regular church attendance to be alienating, even though the ritual of a church service would probably provide some respite in a chaotic life such as mine. And I wasn't really sure why. So I did a quick straw poll among my many non churchgoing friends as to why we don't pop in occasionally for a new perspective and a recharge of hope and inspiration....
Uniform Policy on Priests' Abuse Proposed D.C.'s Cardinal McCarrick Urges More Openness With Public, Authorities Washington Post April 17, 2002 When American cardinals meet behind closed doors with Pope John Paul II next week, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington said yesterday, they should adopt a national policy requiring every diocese in the United States to notify civil authorities of any credible allegation of sexual abuse by priests.... [Related Link: 'A Path to Healing - Te Houhanga Rongo'. Principles for dealing with complaints of sexual abuse by Clergy and Religious of the Catholic Church in New Zealand
A Belief So Deep, Priest Scandals Can't Shake It Los Angeles Times April 17 2002 Even after the Roman Catholic Church's clergy sex scandal hit home, even when her own parish priest was accused of molestation last month, Maria Lopez never doubted her faith. How could she? Her entire life, she says, has been one long answered prayer....
CATHOLICTV.NET (Produced by the Wellington Archdiocesan Media Office)
Theme of the month: Work, Family and Leisure. Finding the Balance
Interview of the week: Sr Stephanie Kitching interviews Monica O'Connell, massage therapist/reflexologist
Canterbury Museum, Christchurch : "Divine Inspiration" An exhibition of 14 black-and-white photographs from Frank McGregor's 1960s cover work for The Tablet, the Catholic Church's national newspaper. His photojournalist's eye for a compelling image blends with a tender and compassionate insight into the lives of some of the lesser-seen members of the community. In the visitor lounge until May 5.
(Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: )
Catholic Diocese of Auckland. Secondary Schools' Religious Education Adviser. Full details in 'NZ Catholic' 21 April 2002, p.20 and from the General Manager, Catholic Integrated Schools' Board, PO Box 47-904, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Applications close 29 April 2002
Parish Pastoral Worker, Glendowie and St Heliers Parishes, Auckland. Full details in 'NZ Catholic' 21 April 2002, p.20 and from Pat McNamara, 22 Lammermore Drive, St Heliers, Auckland. Tel. 09 528 3459. Applications close 13 May 2002
Parish Pastoral Coordinator, St Pius X Parish, Glenn Innes, Auckland Full details in 'NZ Catholic' 21 April 2002, p.20 and from the Parish Priest, St Pius X Parish, 105 Castledine Crescent, Glenn Innes, Auckland. Applications close 17 May 2002
Logos Project. Secondary Schools' Campus Minister, Auckland (two part-time positions) The Logos Project is a ministry of the Society of Mary to Catholic teenagers and young adults. Website: Further information from: The Secretary, Logos Project (Inc), 26 Hayr Road, Three Kings, Auckland 1004. Email: Applications close 17 May 2002
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