Sunday, August 17, 2008
NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference. 'Mindful of the Common Good â€" Thinking
about Election 2008'
Abortion, Stem Cell Research and the Family at Top of New Zealand Bishops'
Voting Issues List:
Auckland, New Zealand, August 12, 2008 ( - The Catholic
bishops' conference of New Zealand has offered voters guidance on the
expected election, saying that social and economic policies must be "in the
service of human dignity and a humane society, in which every person
matters" ...
Catholic bishops issue guide for voters
NewsTalk ZB. An interview with Bishop Denis Browne about the bishops'
(The interview commences after 34 minutes 50 seconds)
Court upholds no-passport Iranian decision
The Court of Appeal has upheld a High Court ruling that it would be unlawful
to further detain an Iranian overstayer without charge. Thomas Yadegary was
jailed after refusing to sign passport documents which would force his
return to Iran...
Can't keep giving as balance shifts
Reciprocity, or give-and-take, may provide the way forward for New Zealand's
welfare system, a Salvation Army social policy analyst says. Manukau
City-based Alan Johnson was the keynote speaker at last Saturday's Poverty
In Aotearoa New Zealand Conference, organised by the Catholic Diocese of
Palmerston North...
Poverty platforms
It's a perennial question - how to tackle poverty in New Zealand. At last
Saturday's Poverty In Aotearoa New Zealand Conference in Palmerston North,
representatives of eight political parties addressed the question with
varying degrees of gusto...
St Pat's boys heading to the 'real ' Samoa
Upper Hutt Leader
A mid-winter holiday in the South Pacific sounds idyllic but it will be more
than "fun in the sun" for 14 St Patrick's College, Silverstream students
heading to Samoa next month ...
Te Aroha teens love WYD (photo)
Piako Post
Four Te Aroha teens joined 600,000 people for the World Youth Day event in
Sydney last month ...
Hibernians to hold annual meeting in city
The annual meeting of the Hibernian Society is expected to draw 55 delegates
and members from branches around the country to Palmerston North on
Period of grace for overstaying Indian 'pilgrims'
3 News
One-month entry visas have now expired for a group of Indian pilgrims who
disappeared here last month while on a stopover en route to the Pope's Youth
Day rally in Sydney...
'Always there'
Barbara Hudson, grandmother of 33, chats with Sister Mary about the
grandparent's role.
World Youth Day pilgrims from many countries, gathered at Te Papa before
going to Sydney, send greetings and testify to their faith
'Beyond Reason'
A reading and discussion of Matthew 15:21-28 with Very Rev. Frank Nelson and
Rev. Jenny Wilkens of St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
THE FIFTEENTH STATION - A New Zealand Catholic podcast
In the programme for Thursday 14 August 2008 ...
Happy birthday to us!
Awww....look at our little podcast. One year old already! To celebrate, we
have a chat to George about what it was like to be at WYD in Sydney. We also
talk about the Bishops on the election, the Lambeth conference and
Anglican/Catholic unity, and New Zealand's apparent journey to a hot
unpleasant place in a hand-carried shopping container with the "Boobs on
Bikes" parade. We also talk a little about our new upcoming podcasts!
The 15th Station Podcast Network is growing! Beginning next month, two new
shows will be launched.
'Familia' is the name of the new show that will address matters relating to
family life. The programme is being recorded and produced by Family Life
The other new show, which has been dubbed 'Catechiwi', will feature a
one-on-one interview with an expert on a certain area of Catholic teaching.
NZ Catholic managing editor Gavin Abraham will conduct the interviews, which
he hopes will help inform, and form, listeners.
You can read the full article on the new shows here:
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand, sponsored by 'NZ Catholic'
newspaper. Some recent topics ...
'Define choice' and 'The Internet King' (issues arising from the 'Boobs on
Bikes' parade) ... Church/politics (on the Catholic Bishops' guide for
voters) ... 'It’s not about what we can do for you' (the WYD legacy) ...
Recognising the family in our tax system
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
A round of questions for the 'shepherd-in-chief'
Anyone who's ever learned a foreign language knows that perhaps 50 percent
of a language is predictable according to its own rules, and the rest simply
is what it is, the product of history and culture rather than logic. Try
explaining to an ESL student why the plural of "mouse" is "mice," but the
plural of "spouse" is not "spice," and you'll find that going over the rules
really doesn't help; in the end, that's just how things are. Much the same
point applies to the inner life of the Catholic church. Maybe half of it
flows rationally enough from theology and canon law, but the rest can be
difficult to grasp in terms of strict logic. Last week brought a fresh
reminder of the point, in the form of Pope Benedict XVI's 90-minute Q&A with
priests in northern Italy...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated) (video)
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
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