Website: http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Full text articles: https://www.nzcatholic.org.nz/2017/
In issue 527, November 5 - 18 2017: Bioethicist gives euthanasia referendum thumbs down ... Maori college celebrates 150 years in style ... Pointers for singing properly at Mass ... Bp Drennan: Better translation of the Mass possible ... Bp Cullinane: The spiritual dimensions of suicide prevention ... Society of St Vincent de Paul in NZ for 150 years ... Pope shines light on Huntington's disease ... Advertising feature: Remembering the Holy Souls ... Faith in Russia 100 years after the Revolution .
'Playful, eccentric' paediatrician changed the lives of Kiwi children (photo)
Leo Francis John Buchanan was a well-known paediatrician, proud Maori, devout Catholic, rugby nut and a lover of art and music. His daughter, Rachel Buchanan, says he helped thousands of Kiwi children flourish, particularly through his work to increase breastfeeding rates in Maori communities, save premature babies and help children with ADHD.
Suzanne Aubert's chances of becoming a saint rest on doctors verifying her 'miracles' (photo)
Suzanne Aubert's chances of becoming New Zealand's first saint could hang on whether or not it can be proven she performed a medical 'miracle' unexplainable by doctors.
Ruby Nyika: Remembering Uganda under Idi Amin (photo)
In 1973, a white woman, a black man and two coffee-coloured, fuzzy-haired preschoolers began showing up at Sunday Mass in Oamaru. My father - one of the fuzzy-haired preschoolers - remembers open-mouthed ogling from locals and a country that was grey, cold and very, very different. But it was safe.
Hungry for justice, thirsty for change: Caritas State of the Environment Report for Oceania 2016
The Jubilee Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis (8 December 2015-20 November 2016) reminds us of the imperative to give practical assistance to the poor – to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and shelter the homeless. It is a time to ensure all people can access the basics of living. It also calls for addressing all issues of justice and forgiveness, of restoring right relationship with each other and with the earth...
Narelle Henson: Crisis of secularism as faithful grow in number
If the demographers are to be believed, 500 years on from The Reformation, New Zealand still has not felt all of its effects onshore or off.
Anniversary of the Reformation
Paul Moon: Monk's rebellion helped bring power to the people
Dr Paul Moon is Professor of History at Auckland University of Technology.
[Readers may be startled to learn that "Pope Francis decided to rename a square near the Colosseum in Rome after Martin Luther". In fact, the renaming of the square was a decision of the Rome city council, and the only connection with the Vatican was a comment by a press spokesman that it was a good idea - ml]
The naming of Piazza Martin Lutero:
Fr Catalamessa on the contribution of Martin Luther:
News Of The Schools
John Paul College, Rotorua: Rotorua teacher with passion for making a difference to receive national award (video)
Pompallier Catholic College, Whangarei: Kiara Smith, Kyle Chen take top honours at Secondary School Awards
Roncalli College, Timaru: New goal set by entrepreneurs behind star-studded cook book (photo)
Roncalli College, Timaru: Fun of the fair, raising money for college re-development (photo)
St Mary's College, Wellington: Penese sisters team up to help St Mary's College win national basketball title (video)
Matthew 23:1-12 : Jesus warns against the teachers of the law and the Pharisee
A reading and reflection with Very Rev. Frank Nelson and Rev. Canon Jenny Wilkens at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington
Episode 120 — Sadness, Solidarity, Social and Celebrity (October 16, 2017)
CRUX - Edited by John L. Allen Jr. and Inés San Martin
On Reformation milestone, experts detect 'astounding' thirst for unity
Two experts on the Catholic/Lutheran relationship, one Catholic and the other Lutheran, both say that joint commemorations of today's 500th anniversary of the launch of the Protestant Reformation reflect a strong yearning for unity in the grassroots, and may represent a new "springtime" in ecumenism, meaning the quest for Christian unity.
** Pope condemns xenophobia, calls migration a 'sign of the times'
Speaking at a Rome conference organized by International Federation of Catholic Universities, Pope Francis said that the reception of migrants is generating negative reactions, "sometimes even discriminatory and xenophobic," reactions in countries of ancient Christian tradition, and called on Catholic universities to read migration as a "sign of the times."
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. https://issuu.com/search?q=%22kete+korero%22
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=25
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' https://catholic-diocese.squarespace.com/back-issues
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/
NZ Catholic Education Office. School News Update http://www.nzceo.org.nz/news/ UPDATED NOVEMBER 2017
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' http://www.columban.org.au/?MID=200510192652
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/
Catholic Enquiry Centre. Reflections on the Sunday Gospel
Fr Frank Bird sm. Living the Word - http://livingtheword.org.nz
Marist Messenger. Daily Reflections (right-hand column) http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Holy Cross Seminary
Marist Seminary, Auckland NZ
Catholic Youth Festival 2-3 December 2017
The Aotearoa Catholic Youth Festival will take place in Auckland on the weekend of 2-3 December 2017. Hosted by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference, the Festival organisers are expecting over 500 young people to attend.
Director, National Liturgy Office
The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) is seeking expressions of interest in the role of Director of the National Liturgy Office. Details on the linked page (above), in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 p.20, in 'Welcom' November 2017 p.7, and from James van Schie, Executive Officer, NZCBC – jvanschie@nzcbc.org.nz Applications close 20 November 2017.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz
Vacancies in the Catholic Overseas Volunteer programme, contact: volunteers@caritas.org.nz
Links to job vacancies in the Catholic dioceses of ...
Christchurch: http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=177
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