This weekend it's agriculture's turn for a 'Jubilee within the Jubilee', focussing on the struggle against world hunger. The event coincides with an annual Day of Thanksgiving for the Gifts of Creation, in order to highlight the theme: "God's earth, man's earth". The bishops' Jubilee News page has links to preliminary reports on the Jubilee of Agriculture, and next week there'll be further reports on the events of the weekend.
Other linked events on the Jubilee News page include ...
'The Path to Rome', a Jubilee pilgrimage of converts to the Catholic faith promoted by "Miles Jesu" (soldiers of Christ), an institution that fosters a special Christian commitment for the laity. There's a link to the institute's Web site ...
... and (talk about a timely topic!!) The Jubilee of Government Leaders and Politicians. There are links to reports of the main events and to an interview on the topic. Here's a summary of it: "Is there any room for ethics in global village politics? Can one be honest as a politician? Can a Catholic participate in this world of agreements, pacts and special interests? These are the questions that have surfaced during the Jubilee of Governors and Legislators. For views on these questions for democracy, ZENIT interviewed George Weigel, an expert in ethics and public life. Before dedicating himself to writing "Witness of Hope," the biography of John Paul II, Weigel for six years was president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center ( ) in Washington, D.C. ..."
'Wel-com', the monthly newspaper of the Wellington Archdiocese, was one of the newspapers for which I used to compose Web pages, and which stopped being updated when I stopped. Last I heard - which was month or so ago - Wel-com intended to re-start, possibly using the services of Webbuilders ( ) which I recommend for a good deal to any NZ Catholic organisation. The November issue of 'Wel-com' was published this weekend, but articles from it have not yet appeared on its Web site - Still, here's hoping.
'NZ Catholic': 5 November, 2000 After restarting last month with articles from the October 22 issue, our fortnightly national newspaper's Web site has struck a snag. Headlines and short summaries are up from the latest (Nov. 5) issue but they link to the articles from the previous issue! I have reported this to the editor, so hopefully it will be sorted out this week. Here are the Nov. 5 headlines and summaries:
'Cardinal promotes ethics for business' Responsible citizens cannot leave business ethics to corporate executives, Cardinal Tom Williams told the Wellington Council of Christians and Jews last month. Contradicting the view of Church as anti-business, he gave the Catholic perspective on business as vocation and suggested ways for shaping an ethical climate. ...
'Mercy Sisters sell Palmerston North hospital to local doctors ' The 30-bed Mercy Hospital in Palmerston North has been sold to a group of 22 local surgeons and anaesthetists for an undisclosed price. A spokesman for the new owners, orthopaedic surgeon David Brougham, said the former Catholic hospital would be taken over as a full going concern, with hopes for development in the future. ...
'To New York for a weekend ' The national co-ordinator of Catholic Overseas Volunteer Service, Tim Walsh, was taken wholly by surprise last month when he got a United Nations invitation to come to New York. The UN invited Mr Walsh to a weekend conference looking at setting up a world association of non-government organisations. ...
'Lighting New Fires" October 2000 LNF is a newsletter of our sponsor the New Zealand Catholic Edcuation Office. It reports on thee achievements of New Zealand Catholic and other integrated schools* and announces newly-published teaching resources.
(* In New Zealand, Catholic and some other schools with a "special character" receive a certain amount of financial support from the government under certain conditions. This arrangement is called "integration" and schools which take part in it are called "integrated schools".)
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on the bishops' News page at: ]
[Please don't attempt to hand-copy these newspaper database links. Click directly on them after connecting to the Internet or Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address panel.. ]
'Connections made at concert ' Otago Daily Times, Wednesday, 8-November 2000\ torial/content/L7D34I4712GH.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial There may still be some people who feel concerts of secular music in a church contaminate the sacred purpose of worship, but none were evident at St Paul's Anglican Cathedral last Saturday night. Outside the soaring stone auditorium, sky-rockets whistled into the air, superficially in celebration of the capture of the Roman Catholic conspirators who tried to blow up James I and his Parliament in 1605. This set one's mind to thinking about possible connections involving what was happening inside the church ...
'Mercy Hospital holds special place in patients' hearts.' NZ Herald 11.11.2000\ D=159459 This weekend Auckland's Mercy Hospital celebrates 100 years of service to the Auckland community. Over the century the nuns who run and own the hospital have shown rare flexibility, transforming the original Mater Misericordiae hospital of 1900 into the Mercy, a major, incorporated, private, surgical hospital, specialist centre and hospice that answers the needs of modern Auckland. Precisely how Mercy made the changes from an establishment run entirely by nuns in white wimples and veils, to the modern surgical unit it is today, is chronicled in a new book, The Mater, A History of Auckland's Mercy Hospital, 1900-2000, by Massey University lecturer in social policy Michael Belgrave...
'Celebrate Jesus 2000' Celebrate Jesus 2000 saw 30,000 Christians from around New Zealand gather at the WestpacTrust Stadium in Wellington on Saturday. Scoop was on hand to capture the spirit of the occasion. [Seven photos of the 'Jesus 2000' event in Wellington]
'When bigotry ruled immigration' The Press 11 Nov 2000,1008,485797a1861,FF.html Irish, both Catholic and Protestant, have been the forgotten immigrants in New Zealand. Ken Fraser finds a group of historians who plan to change that. Anti-Catholicism has deep roots in British society and was expressed in the reluctance of New Zealand colonial authorities to admit Irish immigrants, says Dr Lyndon Fraser, editor of a new book, A Distant Shore....
'Less famous Dobbyn honoured to meet PM' The Press 31 October 2000 NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE Tarawa, Kiribati -- Not many New Zealanders live in Kiribati but among the handful that do is the brother of Kiwi musician Dave Dobbyn, who says he was brought to the island by God. Kevin Dobbyn, a Catholic brother, was one of about 10 ex-pats living in the tiny South Pacific nation who met Prime Minister Helen Clark at the New Zealand High Commission on Sunday night.
'Beyond the measure of money' The Evening Post 26 October 2000 NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE Business leaders do not have an absolute right to close businesses down just to make more money, according to the leader of the Catholic Church in New Zealand. Cardinal Tom Williams told a public meeting on business ethics in Wellington last night that profit was an indicator of business success but not the only one. He did not believe a businessperson should close a business just because they saw an opportunity to make money elsewhere, to the detriment of employees.
29 Dec 2000 to 7 Jan 2001 Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer Camp. Sacred Heart College, Auckland.
26-29 January Parachute Festival Extreme: Totara Springs, Matamamta The major annual Christian music festival
EMPLOYMENT (Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: )
Development Fund Marketing Executive, Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. Details in 'NZ Catholic November 5, p.23 and from Geoff Kay, Hamilton diocesan Manager: See also: "Major growth plan for DDF" in the Hamilton Diocesan Newsletter: Closing date: 17 November 2000
Lay Tertiary Chaplain, Catholic Chaplaincy, Wellington A fulltime position in Wellington. Details in Wel-com November 2000 p. 19. or from Fr Kevin Connors: Chaplaincy Website: Closing date: 20 November 2000
Part-time Office support Position, NZCEO, Wellington NZ Catholic Education Office has an opportunity for a person familiar with quality management systems and skilled in MS Office 2000. Details in 'Wel-com' November 2000 or from Maureen Condliffe: Web site: Closing date: 24 November
Until next week, God bless.
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager