Dear readers,
This is the final 'News & Notes' for 2009. The newsletter will start again after the second or third week of January 2010 depending on the amount of accumulated news.
Every best wish and all God's blessings this Christmas.
Mike Leon
Wellington Cardinal celebrates 50 years of priesthood (December 18, 2009)
Wellington Cardinal Thomas Williams will celebrate his golden jubilee of priesthood and 30 years of being a bishop this Sunday 20th December. Events will begin on Friday 18th December with 5pm Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral and a clergy gathering. On Sunday 20th December the Cardinal will celebrate 10am Mass at the Cathedral, which will be followed by a get-together with family and friends ...
'NZ CATHOLIC' - Christmas Edition - Dec 20 2009 - Jan 30 2010 No. 332
In this issue ...
"There's probably no God" bus campaign comes to NZ ... Telecom's support for FPA prompts questions ... Christmas customs amazingly varied .. Polish wartime refugees remember and revisit the start of their new life ... 2009: The Catholic year in review ... The 10 best Christmas movies ever? ... The colossal Christmas crossword
Sainthood for Australian (photo)
Following Pope Benedict XVI's decision, which formally acknowledges the two miracles, the Vatican will hold a canonisation ceremony to name Mother Mary MacKillop a saint, more than 100 years after her death. (2 pages)
Injustice brought the fiery Scot out in Mary
A biographical note on Mary McKillop
That billboard
That billboard
Church calls it quits over controversial billboard (photo)
An inner city Auckland church, trying to promote debate over Christianity, has given up on a controversial billboard which made headlines around the world.
An inner city Auckland church, trying to promote debate over Christianity, has given up on a controversial billboard which made headlines around the world.
Joseph and Mary billboard slammed
Anger at biblical bed scene
Helping hand (photo caption)
Hauraki Herald
The Christmas project of the Young Vinnies of St Joseph's School, Paeroa.
Hauraki Herald
The Christmas project of the Young Vinnies of St Joseph's School, Paeroa.
New school on target for term one
Eastern Courier
Teachers are hired and pupils are enrolled for Flat Bush's newest primary school, Sancta Maria Catholic Primary.
'We see what you mean : a history of St Dominic's School for Deaf Children and the Catholic Ministry in New Zealand', by Kathy Broadley (book review)
Manawatu journal of history, 2009; n.5:p.74-75
The Manawatu journal of history is published by the Palmerston North Heritage Trust in conjunction with the Manawatu Branch of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.
'Hui Aranga', by Te Ropu Rangatahi o Ruapehu
Toi te kupu, Hon 2008; n.89:p.2
The origin and purpose of the Catholic Hui Aranga. (in Maori)
'Toi te kupu' is a bi-monthly free newspaper distributed to secondary students on behalf of the Ministry of Education. It is carried by some public libraries and may be ordered from the publisher:
No decision yet on former convent site (photo)
The Catholic Church is in no hurry to settle on a plan for the soon-to-be-empty site of the former Sisters of Mercy convent in Gore.
Cool idea to help kids
Enriching the lives of other children could not have been more rewarding for the pupils of St Clare at Stella Maris Catholic Primary School in Silverdale.
Who's going to church, and why we have to, by Jolyon Manning
About 65 years ago, I joined the St Paul's Cathedral Choir and sang in that fine institution for 27 years. Those were the days when Sundays were different and Dunedin's main street lively with a steady stream of churchgoers, both morning and night. How times have changed...
Hamilton family fear for missing father (photo)
The family of a Hamilton man who disappeared while taking a break from looking after his special needs son are appealing for news of him. Frank Fransen, 52, was last seen by his family on November 23 and is believed to be in the Wellington area, after being seen in Porirua last Thursday.
Banding together to raise funds for school (photo)
Some of Tonga's top brass is in New Zealand to help an old school stay alive. Cornet player Kelepi Kaufana Funaki Junior, 13, is one of 49 pupils from Api-fo'ou College in Nuku'alofu on a two-month fundraising tour.
Bereavement: Emeritus Professor Jos Arrillaga (University of Canterbury)
We have been very saddened to learn of the death of Emeritus Professor Jos Arrillaga. Professor Arrillaga received worldwide recognition for his contribution to the development of electrical power engineering during his career and had continued his research work after retiring from the University in 1999, going on to produce a multitude of internationally published books and technical paper and numerous awards. He was undoubtedly New Zealand’s most internationally famous power engineering academic...
** Christmas Reflection **
A musical reflection based on key words relating to the Christmas mystery
A musical reflection based on key words relating to the Christmas mystery
**Station XV **
Episode 28 - roasting by the Christmas fire (Tue, 15 December 2009)
For our final show of the decade, the three (not so wise) men talk about the bishops opposing the FPA's application for an abortion license, the Pope's take on climate change, have a heated exchange about adding "Catholic" to the names of our schools, the latest Irish abuse report, and eye damage to well meaning but misguided Catholic pilgrims? All this and some more great music from the Priests - Happy Christmas everyone!
** Catechiwi **
Teach Me How to Pray (14 December 2009)
It's something we should be doing every day, multiple times each day. No, not brushing your teeth (though that's good too). In the December episode of Catechiwi, we speak to Fr Merv Duffy, SM, on prayer. Fr Merv, a Catechiwi favourite, talks about different reasons to pray, different ways to pray and gives some valuable advice on prayer in general.
** Familia **
Episode 15 (1 December 2009)
This month's edition of Familia features part one of a special two part interview with Dr. Gerard O'Shea. Gerard is the principal of a Catholic primary school in Melbourne as well as being a Ph.D. He recently visited New Zealand to talk about the challenges of being a Catholic parent, and to explain the new sexuality education program, based on Catholic teaching, which has implemented in his school with great success.
Catholic guilt (sin and reconciliation) ... Your Body is a Temple ... “It must be the first of the month: new billboard day!” ... Marriage Validity (annullments of marriages outside the Church) ... Could Mary have done with some baby formula? ... What’s in a name? (on adding "Catholic" to Catholic schools' names)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Health in Jewish-Catholic relations
On Jan. 17, Pope Benedict XVI will hop across the Tiber River to visit the Great Synagogue in Rome, only the second such occasion after John Paul II’s groundbreaking visit in 1986. (That was the first time a modern pope set foot inside a Jewish place of worship, although John XXIII once stopped his car outside to bless the Jews as they exited.) Benedict already has two synagogue visits under his belt: Cologne in 2005 during World Youth Day, and the Park East Synagogue in New York in April 2008...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (video) (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Applications for Tindall Foundation Grants
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.18 and from the Secretary, tel. (04|) 496 1721; e-mail:
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.18 and from the Secretary, tel. (04|) 496 1721; e-mail:
Catholic Family Retreat
Theme "A Firm Foundation"
28th Jan - 1st Feb 2010
Keswick Camp Rotorua
Formation, fun, fellowship & faith for families of all shapes and sizes!
For more info or to register email
Parachute Music Festival
Mystery Creek, Hamilton. 29 January - 1 February 2010
Mystery Creek, Hamilton. 29 January - 1 February 2010
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of ]
Property Management Administrator, Catholic Schools Board Limited, Wellington and Palmerston North
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.10, and from ; tel: (04) 499 0184 Applications close 15 January 2010
National Treasurer, The Society of St Vincent de Paul
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.19, 'NZ Catholic' Dec 20 2009 - Jan 30 2010 No. 332 p.21, and from the National Office, tel. (04) 499 5070; PO Box 10815, Wellington.