LENT 2017
Caritas's theme for the Bishops' Lent Appeal is "Your face, Lord, do I seek".
The Lent Appeal is run by Caritas on behalf of New Zealand's Catholic Bishops to support their work of charity and justice for the poorest and most vulnerable around the world, including in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Resources and the Lenten Reflection Programmes have been prepared for parishes, schools, small groups and the wider community and are available on the page linked above.
Website: http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Full text articles: https://www.nzcatholic.org.nz/2017/
In issue no. 512, April 9 - 22 2017: First Maori diocesan priest dies (Pa Henare Tate) ... New monasticism takes God to streets ("The Simple Way" ... Making Jesus relevant in a secular society (Cilin McLeod, NCRS) ... Opportunity to help the Holy Land (Good Friday collection) ... Fifty years since Paul VI's social encyclical (Populorum Progressio) ... Way of Cross resource in Aubert light (art refelction activity for schools) ... Mission Sisters' golden jubilarian then and now ... Book hails Akld Latin Mass champion (Fr Pierre Denzil Meuli).
Pa Henare Tate, esteemed leader in the Catholic Church, dies (photo)
Pa Henare Tate, an esteemed leader in the Catholic Church, was a person of guidance who was dedicated to his faith.
Shortage of priests leads to amalgamation of five Catholic parishes in Tasman (photo)
Five Catholic churches across the Tasman District have amalgamated into one "Our Lady of the Bays" parish. As of April 1, the Richmond, Takaka, Motueka, Wakefield and Waimea West parishes will join as one.
Amie Richardson: Why I don't take my kids to church
I am the worst kind of lapsed Catholic. When it suits me – for instance when studying for a literature degree or travelling through Europe – I bring out the references, bible stories and learned responses from my years of Catholic schools and attending Sunday mass. When times are tough, I revert to the rituals that gave me comfort as a kid...
Tonga's Cardinal collapses in Auckland (photo)
Tonga's Cardinal, Soane Patita Mafi, is recovering in New Zealand after collapsing in Auckland as he was preparing for a trip to the Vatican.
News of the Schools
Chanel College, Masterton: Chanel forced to innovate (photo)
John Paul College, Rotorua: Identity of mystery soldier revealed to delight of students (photo, video)
Kavanagh College, Dunedin: Kavanagh's closer Thais (photo)
Roncalli College, Timaru: Sister cities look set to send more students to South Canterbury (photo)
Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt: Promising future for Hutt schooled rowers (photo)
St Bede's College, Christchurch: St Bede's rowers sent home from Maadi Cup over 'social media activity'
St John's College, Hastings: Two national titles for St John's College canoe polo teams (photo)
St Peter Chanel, Green Island: Pupils get taste of homeless life in challenge (photo, video)
Matthew 26:14-27:66 Barabbas or Jesus?
A reading and reflection by Sister Stephanie Kitching.
CRUX - Edited by John L. Allen Jr. and Inés San Martin
** Cardinal Donald Wuerl. On 'Amoris' anniversary, let's appreciate its beauty and relevance
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington says the one-year anniversary of the release of "Amoris Laetitia" spotlights the "beauty and relevance" of the document, including the way it does not reverse Church teaching on marriage but rather offers "greater emphasis on the role of the individual conscience in appropriating those moral norms in the person's actual circumstances."
In Syria, Christians find protection in the world's prayers
In Aleppo, Sister Maria Sponsa Iusti Ioseph says that Christians in Syria, though confronting incredibly harsh and difficult conditions, find solace and support in the prayers of other Christians around the world. Sponsa said that the words and prayers of Pope Francis were received with love in the war-torn country.
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. https://issuu.com/search?q=%22kete+korero%22
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=25
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' https://catholic-diocese.squarespace.com/back-issues
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Lighting New Fires' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_lighting_new_fires.html
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Good News and the News' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_good_news.html
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' http://www.columban.org.au/?MID=200510192652
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/
Catholic Enquiry Centre. Reflections on the Sunday Gospel
Fr Frank Bird sm. Living the Word - http://livingtheword.org.nz
Marist Messenger. Daily Reflections (right-hand column) http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Holy Cross Seminary
Marist Seminary, Auckland NZ
Hui Aranga 2017
Hui Aranga is an annual Maori celebration of Easter. It is held in a different rohe each year. This year, it is being hosted by Aquinas College, Tauranga.
The Good Friday service includes youth re-enacting Christ's Passion. Competitions include kapahaka, religious quizzes and sport for mokopuna, rangatahi and kaumatua.
Liturgies are at the following times:
Holy Thursday, 7pm: Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday, 3pm: The Commemoration of the Passion
Holy Saturday, 7pm: Easter Vigil (Liturgy, not Mass)
Easter Sunday, 10am: Mass of the Resurrection
Visitors are welcome to attend any or all of these liturgies.
Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre
Liturgy Educator / Resource Person
Details in 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 p.19 and from Teresa Wackrow teresaw@cda.org.nz
Applications close 28 April.
Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand
Details in 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 p.19 and from paxnz@xtra.co.nz
Applications close 21 April.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz
Vacancies in the Catholic Overseas Volunteer programme, contact: volunteers@caritas.org.nz
Links to job vacancies in the Catholic dioceses of ...
Christchurch: http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=177