28 Mar 2013
New appointment to role of Senior Catholic Prison Chaplain
27 Mar 2013
Catholic Bishops offer prayerful support to new Anglican Archbishop
27 Mar 2013
Anglican Archbishop David Moxon to begin as Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative to the Holy See
Easter 2013
United in steps of faith (photo caption)
Waikato Times Weekend
Around 250 Christians turned out [in Frankton] to complete the annual Good Friday Combined Churches Worship and Walk.
Resurrection means a new beginning
Auckland church leaders present their combined Easter message, saying life can spring again from drought
Easter a message of hope amid life's sadnesses, by Vivienne Ball
Religion in New Zealand
Catholicism: Holy smoke, by Karl du Fresne
NZ Listener 28th March, 2013 Cover Story,
Despite all the scandals and controversies, Catholicism is emerging as the country's most popular denomination. It can't have been easy being Catholic these past 10 years. Sexual abuse scandals – the most recent one, involving Scottish cardinal Keith O'Brien, generated headlines just as his fellow prelates were gathering to elect a new pope – have cast a deep shadow over Catholicism; the shameful cover-ups perhaps even more so. Persistent rumours of corruption, conspiracy and power struggles within the Vatican bureaucracy have reinforced an impression of moral rot at the heart of the Church. It comes as something of a surprise, then, to discover that New Zealand Catholics are unbowed... [This article is not available online. This issue of The Listener goes on sale on Monday]
Christchurch: Are we losing our religion to modern life?
While many of us will enjoy a chocolate bunny on Sunday morning, it seems fewer people than ever may be celebrating the religious side of Easter this year. Anna Turner looks at the decline of Christianity in Christchurch.
Keeping the faith
The 1991 census figures show 17 per cent of people in Taranaki ticked the 'no religion' box. Nowadays, christenings are out of favour, people get married anywhere and everywhere and funerals are run by the funeral homes.
In other news ...
Radio New Zealand. Sunday Morning, with Richard Langston
Elaine Wainwright - Hope in the New Pope (audio)
Professor Elaine Wainwright is head of the School of Theology at the University of Auckland, and she talks to Richard about the challenges facing Pope Francis within the Catholic church and the hope that, in leading by example, he will be a champion of social justice and caring for the environment.
Opinion: Pope comes at time of fresh thinking, by Gehan Gunasekara
Acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's statement that the late President Hugo Chavez must have exerted some influence in the heavenly realm for a South American to be elected Pope, may not be far off the mark. Leaving divine intervention aside, Pope Francis' pronouncements on the need for the Catholic Church to live in the real world and to deal squarely with issues such as inequality, combined with his personal style of modest living, resonate strongly with opinion in Latin America and elsewhere.
Radio New Zealand. Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan. Archbishop David Moxon (audio)
David Moxon is Anglican Archbishop of NZ and Bishop of Waikato - he leaves very soon for a new job as the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative to the Holy See, and also as the Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome.
A lady I remember, by Marilyn Young
The Wellingtonian
[A tribute to Sister Mary Winifred rsm of Wellington]
Priest divides time between two towns (photo)
Father Hamesh Wyatt is happy to be spending Easter in the heart of Southland. As the newly-appointed parish priest for Winton and Te Anau, he'll certainly be spending a lot of time on the road enjoying the province.
Mayor Guppy opens fishing (photo)
Upper Hutt Leader
They've got the boat, now they hope to fill it with folk baptised in the Catholic church but not regular attenders. People wanting to know more about the Christian faith are also welcome to get onboard. To launch their ''year of faith'' about 100 parishioners [of St Joseph's parish, Upper Hutt] turned out for an open air fish and chip meal on the church front lawn on Friday evening...
Quake-prone church open (photo)
St Joseph's Catholic Church in Picton will remain open, despite warning followers that it is earthquake prone.
Maori priest a rare voice in the north (photo)
Filipinos, Indians, Chinese, Pakeha, and Polynesians make the most of multicultural Auckland on a gorgeous sunny morning. They're gathered outside Christ the King Catholic church, which has sweeping views back towards Mt Roskill and the Sky Tower. They're laughing a little as Pa Petera, as he's known in Maori circles, or Father Peter, gets enthusiastic with splashing the holy water over the greenery people hold out for blessing...
News of the schools
Roncalli College, Timaru: Emotions flow as Roncalli girls win (photo)
Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt: Leadership recognised (photo)
The Hutt News
St Patrick's, Kaiapoi: Fair has storybook ending (photo caption)
Northern Outlook
St Patrick's College, Silverstream: Boys taught to take control of destiny (photo)
The Dominion Post
John 20:1-18 From death to life: a reading and discussion with Canon Jenny Wilkins and Canon Deborah Broome at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
LIGHT OF THE WORLD - Otago Catholic Access Radio
March 24 – A report on the inaugural Mass of pope Francis; Fr O'Gorman on the meaning of the Shroud of Turin; Kevin O'Flaherty reads from The Joy of Knowing Christ; Msgr Whitmore brings us musical reflections on Seven Last Words
[Choose the "Click to download" link. The sound quality of the other one is terrible - ml]
'BEING FRANK' - New Zealand Catholic blogs
** New look for Easter 2013
** Less than perfect… far less than perfect (the Marriage Amendment Bill)
** Next steps – what YOU can do about the culture of death in your neighbourhood (Marriage amendment Bill, NFP, theology of the body)
** Bad news and some good news (a website that publishes only good news stories)
** Don't you love Holy Week?
** One of the Good Ones (Pope Benedict's liturgical legacy)
** Can I Have the Works? (faith and asking for extras when ordering food)
Is there a little Magdi Allam in all of us?
Saturday will mark 10 days since the start of the Pope Francis era, and as introductions go, it's been a tour de force. Polling around the world suggests that overwhelming majorities have a positive impression of the new pope, and the media have fallen in love with a man who packs his own bags, makes his own calls and prefers to walk rather than taking the limo. As soon as Holy Week wraps up, however, the focus will shift from style to substance. Hard questions will begin to be asked about whether he's capable of delivering the reform in the Vatican that many cardinals believed they were voting for in electing him...
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. http://proudtobecatholic.org.nz/news-events/kete-korero/
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=25
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' http://www.cdd.org.nz/the-tablet (has not been published online in 2013)
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/?sid=5
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Lighting New Fires' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_lighting_new_fires.html
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Good News and the News' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_good_news.html
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' http://www.columban.org.au/?MID=200510192652
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/articles
Living the Word - Fr Frank Bird sm http://livingtheword.org.nz
Reflect - Veronica Lawson rsm http://www.welcom.org.nz/?sid=394
Daily Reflections (right-hand column) http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
Pompallier's People: The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
Bishop Patrick Dunn
Catholic Discipleship College
Diocesan Young Catholics, Palmerston North
Youth and Young Adults Ministries, Christchurch
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (video news of Pope Benedict)
Hui Aranga - Maori Easter gathering 2013
Thursday 28 March 2013, 8:00 am to Monday 1 April 2013, 4:00 pm @ the TSB Hub, Hawera
Hui Aranga is the gathering of Maori Catholics for the Celebration of Easter and other cultural and sporting activities. This year it is being hosted by Hoani Papita, (the South Taranaki Maori Eucharistic Community based in Normanby).
Eucharistic Convention, Westlake boys' High School, Takapuna, North Shore, Auckland. Friday 5th to Sunday 7th April 2013
Theme: Faith and the New Evangelisation
Registration form in 'NZ CATHOLIC' - March 10 - 23 2013 p.18.
Speakers' details on http://www.eucharistic-convention.com
Further information: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eucharistic-Convention-Auckland-NZ/135562099876270 ..... https://twitter.com/EucharistNZ
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Job vacancies at the Archdiocese of Wellington are listed on http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/jobs ]
[Catholic overseas volunteer vacancies are listed on the Vacancies page of http://www.mahitahi.org ]
Diocesan Liturgy Educator and Director of Liturgy and Music, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Diocese Of Palmerston North.
Two part-time roles or one full-time. Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 24 - April 6, p.24 and from the Diocese of Palmerston North, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North (Attention: Mr Mark Richards), e-mail: mrichards@pndiocese.org.nz ; tel. 06 350-3823.
Chaplain, Ngawha Correctional Facility, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 24 - April 6, p.16 and from Malia Moeono-Kolio, Director of Catholic Social Services Auckland, tel. (09) 378 9650. Applications close 12 April 2013.