Catholic Education Triennial Convention Engages National Educators (15 Jun 2018)
Catholic educators, Bishops, priests, school trustees and others have taken part in seminars, workshops, tours and exhibitions throughout this week at Wellington's TSB Arena on Wellington's waterfront ...
Website: http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Full text articles: https://www.nzcatholic.org.nz/2018/
In issue no. 542 June 17-30 2018: 'Man of great heart' remembered (Pa Yvan Sergy) ... Daughter of modern saint to speak at NZ conference ... Tertiary chaplaincy leaves Newman Hall for new base ... Opinion: Idolatry in Church and financial institutions ... Editorial: Sports apostolate is needed today ... Migrants communities fear for kids in secular NZ ... Akld youth responses differ from national survey ... Mary Jo Sharp: Engaging with people on the problem of evil ... Theology can't be the same after sex abuse crisis ... Child forgoes birthday gifts for cathedral.
Taranaki taonga honoured by the Pope for service to the Catholic community (photo)
A Taranaki woman dubbed a taonga to the Catholic community has received a prestigious Papal honour. Margaret Hurley was awarded a Benemerenti Medal, a decoration awarded by the Pope and sent straight from the Vatican, during a service at New Plymouth's St Joseph's church on Sunday.
Miracle on St Benedicts Street (photos)
When the owner of Auckland's famous Hard to Find Bookshop was facing bankruptcy and out of options for a new home for his 90,000 books, he asked for a miracle. And got one.
Significant Christian sites part of tour
Early contact between Christians and Maori in Turanganui a Kiwa will get a thorough airing during Historic Places Tairawhiti's bus tour tomorrow.
'I am Joseph, your brother'. by Cormac O'Duffy
US not-for-profit organisation Le Cheile-Together is seeking groups and churches in New Zealand willing to run events to help create a public memorial to Christian-Jewish relations in Jerusalem during its 70th anniversary year. It will be crafted by an Israeli stonemason from Jerusalem marble, with the wording in Hebrew and English: "I am Joseph, your brother".
Pam Watson's compassion honoured (photo)
The life and compassionate works of Pamela (Pam) Watson were honoured at her funeral held on May 31 in the Catholic Church in Waikanae. Pauline McGlinchey of Our Lady of Kapiti Parish described Pam as "a lady who lived out the gospel in her service to the homeless and those on the margins of society".
Woman supported by community mourned (photo)
Melissa Coakes, known as Mel, a Dunedin woman diagnosed with brain tumours only months after being given the all-clear for breast cancer died earlier this week, leaving her partner devastated.
News of the Schools
Gathering of Catholic Schools from throughout the country
Eight hundred Catholic educators are gathering in Wellington this week at the TSB Arena to celebrate Catholic education in New Zealand. The nation's Bishops will be present, and virtually every Catholic school will have delegates attending. Teachers from schools and Catholic tertiary educators will present a range of seminars.
Catholic schools do battle (photo caption)
Southern Junior Catholic Schools sports' tournament
Bishop Edward Gaines School: Principal says goodbye to Tokoroa (photo)
South Waikato News
Francis Douglas Memorial College: 'They couldn't believe our teachers had laptops and school apps' (photo)
Guards armed with machine guns, rote learning and poverty wages are standard conditions for schools in Pakistan, a Taranaki principal discovered.
Hato Paora: Call for driving instructors following influx of students to Manawatu training centre (photo)
Sacred heart College, New Plymouth: O'Connor and Tanner retain NZ Schools Cross Country titles
St Kevin's College unbeaten at end of first round
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW3-dG1A3neGPJ041T9vjVw (Under: Created playlists)
Mark 4:26-34 The parable of the growing seed
A reading and commentary by Sister Stephanie Kitching.
Episode 128 — Conviction, Courage, Communion and Commando (priest) (June 16, 2018)
The conviction of an Australian archbishop of failing to disclose child sexual abuse leads this month's show, with Anna, James and Gavin seeking to navigate the complex case of Archbishop Philip Wilson. In New Zealand, in Rome and in South America, there's a call for courage — among Kiwi seminarians, but also among those seeking to find solutions to the priestly shortage in places like the Amazon. Pope Francis has called for the German bishops to think again about their plans to allow inter-Communion for the spouses of Catholics, while in the US, a priest is showing off his spirit, as well as his physical gifts, in the show Ninja Warrior. It's another eclectic journey through the Catholic Church.
CRUX - Edited by John L. Allen Jr. and Inés San Martin
** Pope denounces abortion as modern-day 'white glove' eugenics
Pope Francis denounced abortion on Saturday as the "white glove" equivalent of the Nazi-era eugenics program and urged families to accept the children that God gives them. News agencies quoted him as denouncing the pre-natal tests that can result in parents choosing to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is malformed or suffering other problems ...
** Scientists, believers should admit how little they know, pope says
Scientists and people of faith always must admit they don't know everything, and they must never be afraid to explore and discover more, Pope Francis told astronomy students and experts ...
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. https://issuu.com/search?q=%22kete+korero%22
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=25
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' https://catholic-diocese.squarespace.com/back-issues
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/
NZ Catholic Education Office. School News Update http://www.nzceo.org.nz/news/
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' https://www.columban.org.au/media-and-publications/the-far-east-magazine/archive/
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/
Fr Frank Bird sm. Living the Word: Sundays of the Year: Discussion Guide - http://livingtheword.org.nz
Marist Messenger. Daily Reflections https://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/category/features/
The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Holy Cross Seminary
Marist Seminary, Auckland NZ
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz
Vacancies in the Catholic Overseas Volunteer programme, contact: volunteers@caritas.org.nz
Job vacancies in the Catholic dioceses of Auckland: http://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/category/vacancies/