US Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Statement on the Anniversary of September 11th" http://www.nccbuscc.org/sdwp/international/annstat2.htm
"Pope remembers and prays for victims of September 11" Vatican Information Service / EWTN 11-Sep-2002 http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=29376
"Ministry at Ground Zero: Firefighter Chaplain Chris Keenan, O.F.M." St Anthony Messenger, September 202 http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/Sep2002/Feature2.asp One year ago, Father Mychal Judge, O.F.M., died while serving New York City's firefighters. Another Franciscan friar carries on that tradition....
"September 11 A Year Later " National Catholic Reporter 6 September 2002 http://www.natcath.com/NCR_Online/archives/090602/090602a.htm Nearly a year after the World Trade Center towers collapsed, the aftershocks of the terrorist attacks are still being felt in the hearts and psyches of millions of New Yorkers and others affected around the nation. Yet amid the tears and anxiety, many who have ministered to the fallen and those who attempted to rescue them from the burning ash and crushed steel testify even today to the presence of the Spirit of God and the outpouring of grace emanating from ground zero....
"Where was God on 11 September?" The Tablet Saturday, 7 September 2002 http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00662 The terrorist attacks on the United States a year ago branded horrible images on to the world's consciousness. How to come to grips with the mystery of evil and redeem those memories? An associate editor of America magazine seeks an answer....
'NZ Catholic' No 145, September 8, 2002
(Once again the, the summary page at http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/front.html displays the stories from the previous issue, but the links open stories from the latest one)
"College players selected for NZ league team " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story1.html Two St Paul's College players have been selected for the New Zealand Junior Kiwis rugby league team.... [Related Link: St Paul's College, Auckland ]
"Youth violence prompts "values summit" " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story2.html The breakdown of values causing increased violent offending by young people has prompted education leaders to hold a one-day "values summit" in Wellington on October 21... [Related Link: Unesco NZ. National Values Summit]
"Big suburb's homes get Jesus video " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story3.html Most households in what is claimed to be New Zealand's biggest suburb have received a free videotape on the life of Jesus..... [Related Link: "Jesus video blitzes our nation" (Challenge Weekly)]
"Catholic bishop resigning for health reasons. Diocese surprised by announcement" (photo) Otago Daily times 9-September 2002 http://www.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/search-display-story-online-new?date=09Sep2002&obje\ ct=L8I44B7656LS&type=html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial The Roman Catholic Bishop of Dunedin, the Most Rev Leonard Boyle, yesterday announced his resignation after almost 20 years in the position. In a letter to parishioners, read at church services throughout Otago and Southland yesterday, Bishop Boyle (72) said the decision was not an easy one, and made with "mixed feelings"....
"Catholic Church to Look at Immigration Issues" (press release, Caritas Aotearoa NZ) Scoop 10 September 2002 http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0209/S00049.htm The NZ Catholic Church is preparing for a week-long, Church-wide discussion on immigration issues which will take place during the Church's annual Social Justice Week, 15th to 21st September....
"Catholic Worker reflects on September 11 2001" (press statement by Moana Cole) Scoop 10 September 2002 http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0209/S00050.htm September 11 should be a time to mourn and remember those killed in the devastating terrorist attacks. But given that the military response to the terrorist attacks have in turn killed thousands more innocents and violate international law, it should also be a time for New Zealanders to demand that their troops be bought home and that the war against the Afghan people cease....
"Light shone on little-known Maori movement " Otago Daily Times 9-September 2002 http://www.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/search-display-story-online-new?date=09Sep2002&obje\ ct=0903000962&type=html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial A little known Maori group has recently allowed some of its history to be told in a book. For 90 years, the people of the Maramatanga, which translates literally as "the light", lived quietly in the Whanganui area, living according to the teachings of the prophet Hori Enoka Mareikura. Many, although not all, of the people are Catholic....
"Top nun speaks out in denial" (photo and related video report) TVNZ One News Sep 14, 2002 http://onenews.nzoom.com/onenews_detail/0,1227,131490-1-7,00.html One of the Catholic Church's most experienced nuns is publicly denying claims of abuse from women in New Zealand and Australia. Sister Mary Bernard, 69, has spoken publicly for the first time to deny that she and other nuns abused children in their care in the 1950s and 60s....
"82 allege sex abuse at Catholic school - head of order " The Press (Chch) 14 September 2002 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2049663a11,00.html Eighty-two men have now complained of sexual abuse as boys at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school. The number of men alleging abuse at Marylands, run by the St John of God Order, has increased from 70 last month. Most were residents there between 1972 and 1977....
"Boy banned from school after sex allegations " Dominion Post (Wellingtpn) 14 September 2002 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/dominionpost/0,2106,2049698a6479,00.html One boy has been permanently excluded from St Joseph's primary school, Upper Hutt where eight boys were accused of sexually assaulting classmates....
"NSW clinic offers 'right' sex baby " NZ Herald 14.09.2002 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=2847103&thesection=news&thesu\ bsection=general New Zealanders desperate to have a baby of the "right" sex are travelling to Sydney for a treatment not available in New Zealand.... [The report includes comment by Father Michael McCabe, director of the New Zealand Catholic Bio-ethics Centre]
ST JOSEPH'S PARISH, PAPANUI (New Website) http://www.catholic.org.nz/papanui
The Website of this Christchurch suburban parish opened last week. With a bright and simple design, it includes the parish directory, a link to the parish school Website, a contact list (with photos) but no newsletter.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz
Catholic Youth Ministry Coordinator, Hawkes Bay The Coordinator will develop youth initiatives in Hawkes Bay, foster links between parishes and secondary school pupils, tertiary students and young working adults. Details from: Clare Shirkey, tel. 06 844 5997 ; fax: 06 845 3046; e-mail: c.shirkey@paradise.net.nz; PO box 7318, Taradale. Applications close 23 September 2002
Pastoral Ministry to the Catholic Deaf Community, Liturgy Centre, Catholic Diocese of Auckland The diocese is seeking a full-time Chaplain to serve the Catholic Deaf Community, as part of the Religious Education team at Pompallier Diocesan Centre. Details from Jane Schollum, Pompallier Centre, tel. 378 4380; fax: 376 2829. Applications close 27 September 2002
Professional Part-time Locum, Catholic Social Services, Wellington. Details from John Consedine, tel 04 385 8642
15 to 21 September Social Justice Week 2002 'Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World' is the theme of the sixth Social Justice Week for the Catholic Church in New Zealand. This year the Week will encourage parishes and schools to look at immigration issues within the framework of human rights and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Through the information provided in the kits prepared by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, participants will be invited to put a human face on the issue and to determine what an ethical and just response would be. Most of the contents of the kits are available on the Caritas website, here: http://www.caritas.org.nz/nz/socialjusticeweek/refugees/sjs2002_refugees_overvie\ w.htm Caritas also has videos on refugees for borrowing, free Social Justice Week 2002 posters, and additional copies of the Caritas Social Justice Series booklet "Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World" that can be purchased from the Caritas office for $4.50 each.
26-28 September 2002 Character Education Conference, St Andrew's College, Christchurch, Theme: "Character Education: the other side of the report card" The first national conference of the New Zealand National Foundation for Character Education Details from: The conference convenor, PO Box 194, Oamaru ... fax: 03 432 4036 ... e-mail: conference@cornerstonevalues.org ... Website: http://www.cornerstonevalues.org
26-29 September 2002 "Life, Faith and Family" Conference, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland Details from Family Life International, PO Box 56 423, Dominion Rd., Auckland 1030 and from: http://www.fli.org.nz