'NZ CATHOLIC' - Issue 300, September 21 - October 4, 2008
In the latest issue ...
Communications office to close in bishops' move ... Christian parties
quarrel ... Aids workers and Maori pay tribute to Josephite ... Persecuted
Christians prayed for ... Caritas gives $10k for India floods ... Compulsory
abortion counselling sought ... Priest drowns in rescue effort ... Priest
talks about dialogue between faith and science ... New retreat centre at
Cross Creek ... Marist rugby shows flag around NZ ... ERO File
Cardinal Delargey was not an easy man to "place" ... Synod topic reflects
Pope's desire to lead more Catholics to the Scriptures ... Peace pervades
Knock shrine ... Leader wins ship trip ... Award given for work on cathedral
... Evangelisation programme brought from Sydney to NZ ... Foodbanks are
still being used ... Christchurch helps young people keep the WYD spirit
Ronald Rolheiser: Honesty as sobriety ... Donald DeMarco: Hugh Hefner's view
of sex bogus and ignorant ... Mike Ryan: Permanent deacon a deacon all the
time ... Editorial: Church must not waste media efforts ... Malcolm Evans
... Letters
Pope tells French bishops how to rejuvenate Church ... Rome disciplines
Medjugorje priest ... Brain death criterion doesn't convince the Vatican ...
Catholics and Orthodox Jews defend status of marriage ... The Pope: One way
only to a new heart ... Biographer ticks off homosexuals ... Sarah Palin won
praise from Catholic leaders ... Protection of Church called for ... Hanoi
police hurt activists ... Pope speaks to 250,000 at Lourdes ... Christian
investors saw loan problems looming ... Women prominent in upcoming synod
... Disabled woman committed to Jesus ... Question on Missal answered ...
President sees need for religion in society ... In Brief
Papal Prayer, Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Clips, Net Scene, Tape Deck,
Scripture, Feasts, Church Year, The Doolans, God in the Garden, Caption
Contest, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago, Dio. Diary, Cryptic Crossword, That Word!,
Holy Lives, Kit's Corner, Wit's End.
NZ Catholic's 300th issue ... Candlelight Rosary procession
** A Common Concern: Poverty in the Lands of Plenty (16 Sep 2008)
** Meeting of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (16 Sep
Radio New Zealand. Saturday Morning, with Kim Hill
Politics and Pilgrimage: an interview with Alastair Thompson
Alastair is the co-founder and co-editor of the press release Web site
'Scoop'. At 21 minutes 10 seconds into the interview, he describes how the
reception he encountered in a Wellington parish encouraged him to convert to
the Catholic faith. Then he describes the pilgrimage he and his wife made to
Santiago de Compostela.
Tidy Kiwis (photo)
Taupo Times
St Patrick's Catholic School students decided to be "proud St Patrick's
people" and pick up rubbish to celebrate Conservation Week ...
New head for St Peters
Manawatu Standard | 18 Sep 2008 | Page: 5
David Olivier, the principal of Upper Hutt College, has been appointed the
new St Peters College principal and will begin at the start of Term One in
2009. The resignation of Chris England will come into effect at the end of
the school year ...
Youth seeking answers
Bay of Plenty Times â€" â€" P19 â€" 17 September 2008
Youth groups established at St Thomas Moore Parish in the wake of July's
World Youth Day in Australia appear to be reinforcing a move among young
people who seek new pathways - through spiritual faith...
Social Welfare “Safety Net� Unravelling
Press Release: Caritas Aotearoa
A new report finds that both National and Labour administrations over the
past two decades have been steadily unravelling our social welfare "safety
net" and moving its basis from the meeting of basic need to the narrow focus
of pushing people into work...
Grab a pew and take a look into the future
Blogging, Bebo and online confessionals are just some of the ways churches
are spreading the word to the internet generation ...
Stoush over Wanganui church presbytery demolition
The Catholic Church in Wanganui says it's unhappy with the way it has been
treated by the Historic Places Trust. St Mary's parish has begun to demolish
its three-storey brick presbytery building to make space for a car-park, as
part of a wider redevelopment of the church site...
Mayor denies claims
The Dominion Post â€" News â€" 15 Sep 2008 â€" Page 5
Wanganui Mayor Michael Laws says it is not true that the council has not
done enough to save a local building. Mr Laws said St Mary's Presbytery had
never been a Wanganui landmark, nor could the council deny the Catholic
Church their right to demolish a building that would have cost them more
than $1 million to upgrade. "The Historic Places Trust was offering no money
to nobody, preferring to tell porkies."
Restoration landmark's dodgy roof gives urgency to prayers, by Jenny de
New Zealand Herald â€" â€" A07 â€" 16 September 2008
When it was built 75 years ago, St Michael's Catholic Church in Remuera was
described as a ``triumph of architectural skill''. But now in need of
restoration, a budget blowout means the heritage building is $135,000 short
of its target...
'Don't be jealous'
A reading and discussion of Matthew 20:1-16 with Very Rev. Frank Nelson and
Canon Jenny Wilkens at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand, sponsored by 'NZ Catholic'
newspaper. Some recent topics ...
The politics of feminism ... What do we want from our pollys? ... A little
bit of navel-gazing… the Enneagram ... Wow! (video of testimony by abortion
survivor Gianna Jessen, Queen's Hall Melbourne, 2008 (2 parts)) ... But,
surely it’s pretty obvious?! (abortion and the US presidential election
campaign) ... Statistics (on finding and learning from each other)
'The Fifteenth Station' - Politics at the dinner table: 14 September 2008
It's kind of hard to ignore it with an election both here in NZ and over in
the USA. This month we talk about an open letter from the NZCCSS to all
political candidates on poverty issues, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi getting
things very wrong with regards to the Catholic teaching on abortion, an
Auckland-based homosexual publication slamming the Catholic bishops'
pre-election statement as bigoted and ignorant, the tragedy in Orissa, and
the cancelled beauty pageant for nuns!
'Catechiwi' - Episode 1 8 September 2008
This is first episode of a new monthly podcast. 'Catechiwi' will feature a
one-on-one interview with an expert on a particular area of Catholic
teaching. In the first episode, NZ Catholic editor Gavin Abraham talks to Fr
Merv Duffy SM, a lecturer in Christology, about Christ. Who was Christ? Who
did people think he was? Was he human, divine, both?
'Familia' - Episode 1
This is the first edition of 'Familia' - our new monthly pro-life podcast
from Family Life International. In this episode, Brendan and the team
explore the following issues:
- The 40th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae
- Is it still important for people who don’t have a religious faith to get
- What does a girl need to do to attract the right type of guy, and what
should you do if you think you are dating Mr. or Mrs. wrong?
- A question about a man who got sterilized without telling his wife
- What can we do about our children who don’t practice the faith?
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Genesis isn't a science book: Vatican to study evolution; Benedict's trip to
France; and Pius XII
From time to time, Catholicism can be seized with fits of enthusiasm and
veer toward one extreme or another. Over the long run, however, its instinct
is usually to seek the sane middle, driven by what Pope Benedict XVI has
called the Catholic genius for seeking "both/and" solutions to seemingly
"either/or" problems. In Rome this week, a blow was struck for the sane
middle on the most vexed issue in the modern relationship between faith and
science: the theory of evolution...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
KTOTV - the television channel of the French Catholic Bishops' Conference
The visit of Pope Benedict to France: live and archived video reports
http://www.romereports.com (video)
Christ Fest '08 - A Catholic youth gathering in the style of WYD
25 - 26 October 2008
Sacred Heart Parish grounds, Ranfurly, Dunedin Diocese.
Joshua Catholic Mens Fellowship. The Banquet: a weekend retreat. October
10th, 11th, and 12th 2008
Willow Park, Eastern Beach, Auckland.
Details, registration form and promo video:
'Hearts Aflame' Catholic Summer School - 9-18 January 2008
St Bede's College, Christchurch
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Promoters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' 300, September 21 - October 4, 2008 p.23 and from
Dennis Augustine, Promotions and Advertising Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box
147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; tel: (09) 360-3049; e-mail:
Youth Workers, Logos
Logos is an incorporated society formed by the Society of Mary which works
for young people in Greater Auckland.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' No. 299 September 7 - 20, 2008 p.23, on
http://www.logos.org.nz/?sid=1396 , and from Helen Robinson, (09) 307-2712;
e-mail: hrobinson@logos.org.nz Applications close 26 September 2008.
Consultant in RE (Secondary) and Adult Education, Archdiocese of Wellington
Details in 'NZ Catholic' No. 299 September 7 - 20, 2008 p.23, on
http://www.wcec.org.nz , and from Peter Bray, Director, Catholic Education
Centre, PO Box 1937, Wellington. Applications close 26 September 2008
De La Salle Brothers. Ministry Positions (2)
Duties: to facilitate a range of ministry activities for the schools and to
help promote the growth of the Lasallian network in Aotearoa-New Zealand.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' 300, September 21 - October 4, 2008 p.26, on
http://www.delasalle.org.nz/?sid=68 and from Andrew Ulugia, Lasallian Youth
Ministry, PO Box 5124 New Plymouth 4310 Tel: (06) 753 6149 Email:
andrew@delasalle.org.nz Applications close 3 October, 2008.