NEWS & NOTES - 20 September 2009
'NZ CATHOLIC' - Issue 325 - Sept. 20 - Oct. 3 2009
In this issue ...
Mercy Sisters hold 10-day chapter ... Proposal for optional religious education clarified ... Faith brought cancer survivor Hato from hospital to lead role in NZ film ... Advertising features: Oberammergau Passion Play tours ... Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor to be canonised next month ... Age Concern
Final bell for Our Lady of Lourdes (photo)
The Horowhenua Mail
The end of the Catholic liturgical year will mark the end of Sunday masses at Our Lady of Lourdes church in Paekakariki, and the building may be moved out of town.
Priest answers call to return to Antarctic (photo)
A Queenstown priest is preparing for another "busman's holiday" of ministering to more than 1500 people in the coldest, driest and windiest environment on Earth.
St Mark's Catholic School (photo)
Watch out Great Wall of China, the Great Wall of Cans at St Mark’s Catholic School is catching up.
End of an era for brothers at school (photo)
The last remaining De La Salle Brothers at Francis Douglas Memorial College are leaving.
Fish-inspired building 'evolving'(photo)
Tenders will go out this month for Wanaka's new million-dollar Catholic church, with construction set to begin by the end of the year.
`Strange' walkway to remain open for now
Northern Advocate — A004 — 16 September 2009
The wheels of bureaucracy have started turning on a Far North primary school's request to have a walkway shut down before ``something horrible happens'' to a child there. The principal at Pompallier Catholic School in Kaitaia, Daniel Pepper, went public in July with his concerns about what he called ``strange goings-on'' in the walkway that runs along one boundary of his school, linking Dominion Rd, Taaffe St and Vegar St.
TVNZ. Close Up. The good fight (video report)
Mohammed Ali, a 16-year-old Muslim from Mangere who enjoys going to Mass with his Catholic schoolmates, is ranked number three in the world in his boxing division and shares a name with one of the all time greats. [These videos can only be viewed with the latest Flash Player for your particular browser, e.g. the version for Microsoft Internet Explorer or the (different) version for Firefox - ML]
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Forget yourself **
A reading and commentary on Mark 8:27-35 with Fr Barry Scannell SM at St Mary of the Angels, Wellington.
** Station XV - Episode 25 **
Tonight, on a very special Station 15...
What a show! Tonight we have Father Roderick from SQPN.com, down here on his New Zealand adventure! He joins a very full Rendition Studios as we talk about his travels here and in Australia, the lifting of the swine flu restrictions, the rolling back (or not) of Vatican II, death threats and the former Archbishop of Zimbabwe, and the banning of trousers as a way to remind people of the importance of Sundays?!?
** Catechiwi **
The Theology of Suffering
In this latest episode of Catechiwi, Gavin Abraham interviews Dutch priest Fr Roderick Vonhogen -- currently visiting Australia and New Zealand -- on another fundamental question of the Faith. Fr Roderick answers the question “Why did Jesus have to suffer?”
** Familia **
In this month's edition of the Familia Podcast we explore the following questions: what can we do to avoid pornography; if you are a Catholic, is it ok to circumcise your male children; if a Catholic marries a non-Catholic or non-Christian is their marriage a sacrament; does pre-marital sex change the sacramental nature of marriage; what can a solo mum do to relate Catholic sexual teachings as well as general things guys should know regarding sexuality to teenage sons?
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
The Podcasting Priest (Father Roderick Vonhögen) ... Christ is not a set of rules, he’s a person (a photography project on the person of Jesus Christ) ... Nothing like a newbie to remind us what we’re on about… (a young Thai woman's conversion experience) ... Delusions of grandeur (the ordination of women) ... Unrestricted access (on the lifting of the swine flu restrictions on receiving Communion; hearing Fr Roderick)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
The Vatican reaches out to Lefebvrites
From a strictly demographic point of view, one could argue that the intense interest surrounding relations between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X, popularly known as the "Lefebvrites," is terribly exaggerated. Worldwide, the society has a little under 500 priests, roughly the same number as the Diocese of Buffalo. It claims one million faithful, a number impossible to confirm but which, even if true, would represent less than one-tenth of one percent of the global Catholic population. Yet for a variety of reasons, the Vatican's effort to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again by reconciling with the Lefebvrites carries a significance way out of proportion to those numbers.
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
2009 International Conference: Life, Faith and Family
October 2-4, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 26 - Aug. 8 2009 p.8, and from Family Life International, tel (09) 279 2413, fax (09) 279 2418; e-mail: life@fli.org.nz; and on http://www.fli.org.nz
Joshua Catholic Men's Fellowship. Men's Retreats
2-4 October 2009, St Patrick's College, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
16-18 October 2009 Willow Park, Eastern Beach, Auckland
Details on http://www.joshua.org.nz and from John Kinney tel. (04) 475 5541
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
New Zealand Bible Society. Chief Executive
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Aug. 23 - Sept. 5 2009 p.23, and on the Society's Website. Applications close 25 September 2009.
Parish Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Sept. 20 - Oct. 3 2009 p.23
http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz p.19, and from Dennis Augustine, Promotions and Advertising Manager, 'NZ Catholic', PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; tel: (09) 360 3049; e-mail: advertising@nzcatholic.org.nz
Youth Co-ordinator, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Western Bay of Plenty - Eastern Waikato
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Sept 16 - 19, 2009 p.23 and from Paul Callinan, area president, tel. (07) 577 6509 evenings; e-mail: p.callinan@xtra.co.nz
Mt Tabor Trust, Helensville - Henderson - Mt Albert (four position)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Sept. 20 - Oct. 3 2009 p.27 and from Mt Tabor Trust Office, tel: (09) 420 9701; e-mail: mt.tabor@xtra.co.nz Applications close 2 October 2009