Dear friends,
The bishops' registered New Zealand Internet address - ' ' - has been activated and works fine. Nothing else has
changed. The new address is simply a redirection service. Our pages
remain where they have always been, on the Catholic Online server in
California, and all the familiar page addresses - starting with ' ' - will continue to work.
One advantage of having an '.nz' address is that an experienced Internet
user can guess our home page location if they don't know it:
"" is Internet-speak for "Catholic organisation in New
Another is that Web addresses beginning with ' ' can be shortened by replacing that bit
with ''. For instance the home page address of Hamilton
Diocese is: The Diocese can now -
if it wishes - show the address as : . Neat,
eh :-)
"The orchard ... is judged on the quality of its fruit.
Similarly a man's words betray what he feels."
Ecclesiasticus 27
"Planted in the house of the Lord [the just] will flourish in the courts
of our God,
still bearing fruit when they are old, still full of sap, still green"
Psalm 91 (92)
"For every tree can be told by its own fruit.
People do not pick figs from thorns nor gather grapes from brambles."
Luke 6:44
>From this weekend's national newspaper 'NZ Catholic'
'Little Sisters plan new complex on Ponsonby site'
"The Little Sisters of the Poor in Ponsonby are "staying where we are"
and will go public shortly with revamped plans, including an innovative
day centre, for a new St Joseph's Home to be built on their present site
in Tweed St...." [Link to a home page for the Little Sisters of the
'Meeting explores Catholic ecumenism'
"Catholic ecumenism was the theme of a conference arranged in Wellington
last weekend by the National Commission for Ecumenism. The principal
speaker was Bishop Michael Putney of Australia, co-convenor of the
international dialogue of Catholic and Methodist Churches, and chairman
of the Australian Catholic Bishops' committee on doctrine and
[Links to: National Catholic Directory entry for the National Commission
for Ecumenism ...
a brief biographical page about Bishop Putney ... home page of the
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity]
'New Dame and two new Knights for Hamilton'
"Bishop Denis Browne has announced the appointment of a papal dame and
two papal knights in the Hamilton diocese. Valerie Mildon, Jim Grace and
Neil Clarke have all been appointed by Pope John Paul ll to the Order of
St Silvester in recognition of outstanding service to the diocese since
its establishment in 1980..." [Link to the Catholic Encyclopedia article
on Papal Decorations] (See two further reports below in the secular
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on
the bishops' News page at:
[Please don't try to hand-copy these newspaper Web addresses. Instead
Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address line]
'Traditional philosophies on education challenged '
By Patrick Lynch, chief executive of the New Zealand Catholic Education
Otago Daily Times 23/02/01
"There is a growing movement, internationally, that is challenging
traditional education philosophies. It is predicated on the growing
sophistication of parents who want their children to be educated in
high-performing schools, if for no other reason than they know quality
when they see it ..."
'GM commission hears ethical concerns '
'Stuff' National News 23/02/01
"Deep-rooted ethical concerns about genetics technology were put to the
Royal Commission on Genetic Modification on Thursday by a diverse mix of
Catholic bishops and Quakers. But though the Quakers rejected the use of
genetic technology in almost all circumstances, the bishops of the New
Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference accepted its continuing use "within
a regulatory system based on an agreed framework of ethical
'MP, Bishop, square off over adoption law changes '
'Stuff' National News 23/02/01
A Catholic bishop and a gay MP on Thursday squared off at a
Parliamentary select committee meeting on the issue of gay adoption. The
government administration committee is looking at a review of adoption
law. One of its more controversial recommendations, that gay couples be
allowed to adopt, divided gay MP Tim Barnett and Bishop Peter Cullinane,
representing New Zealand's Catholic bishops...."
'Pope honours Paeroa man ' (Photo)
Hauraki Herald 23/02/01
"An outstanding Paeroa leader has been appointed a papal knight for his
services to the Catholic Church and community. Environment Waikato
chairman Neil Clarke, OBE, JP, has been personally honoured by Pope John
Paul II and made a Knight of the Order of St Sylvester......."
'Pope honours city woman ' (Photo)
Waikato Times 19/02/01
"The woman Hamilton Catholics call "mother of the diocese" has become
the region's first papal dame. Valerie Mildon, 64, is one of only a
handful of women nationally to receive the honour, personally granted by
Pope John Paul II for services to the Church..."
'Obituary: Desmond Piggin ' (Photo)
NZ Herald 17/02/01
"Lawyer, friend to Ngati Whatua and supporter of Catholic education,
Desmond Piggin died in Auckland, aged 77...."
'Stand Up For Indonesian Christians - Dunne'
Press Release: United Future NZ Party 15/02/01
"United Future leader, Hon Peter Dunne, is calling on the Government to
condemn the continuing persecution of Christians in Indonesia, including
making strong protests to the Indonesian Government about the
deteriorating situation..."
'Student of saints '
The Press 12/2/01
"Travel in predominantly Catholic countries sparked a particular
interest for Sandra Thomson. The works in her current exhibition are the
result of some intensive research into saints – holy persons who were
venerated for their personal and religious excellence..."
18-22 April 2001
'Jesus 4 Real' Youth Camps
Jesus 4 Real Ministries is an independent voluntary group of adults
bringing the reality of Jesus to Catholic teenagers, and training adult
leaders for Catholic youth work, through camps and seminars in the
Wellington Archdiocese.
Web site:
Contact: (04) 904 7217 ; (04) 905 6636
11 - 16 March 2001
Discipleship Course, St Mary's Parish Centre, Campion Rd., Gisborne.
Sponsored by the Outreach and Evangelisation Commission of the Hamilton
Diocesan Pastoral Council. Cost: $80, excluding accommodation.
Details from: Dawn DeWitt, 11 Russell St., Gisborne, tel: (06) 867 6408;
and Christine: tel. (07) 846 2691
4 March 2001
Wellington Eucharistic Convention 2001: Town Hall, Lower Hutt
Theme: "The Fullness of God" (Ephesians 3: 14-21 )
Guest speakers : Rita Klaus ; Father Clement Machado ; Tony Zuniga
Details from: Ted Jordan, tel.: 904) 528 8678 and
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: )
Development Assistant/Administrator, Sacred Heart College, Auckland
To work with the College's Development Foundation, establishing annual
and planned giving programmes and coordinating the Foundation's
accounting and admin, procedures. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 25 2001
p. 19 and from SHC Development Office tel. 09 575 8588
Sacred Heart college home page:
Co-ordinator, Christian Family Life Education, Dioceses of Auckland and
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 25 2001 p. 19 and from Therese Verheyen
tel: 09 378 4380;
Chaplain , Mt Eden Prison, Auckland.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 25 2001 p. 19 and from Sr Judith Leydon,
tel: 09 378 4380; or Eric Allan tel. 09 378 9650
Catholic Diocese of Auckland. Co-ordinator of Religious Education.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 11 2001 p.23 and from Therese Verheyen, tel
(09) 368 4380; fax: (09) 376 2829
Applications close 9 March 2001
Wellington Catholic Education Centre. Admin. Assistant-Receptionist
Details in 'Wel-com' February 2001 or from the Centre, tel (04) 496 1718
; fax: (04) 496 1715 ; e-mail:
Applications close: 28 February 2001
St Joseph's Parish, New Plymouth. Lay Pastoral Worker
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 11 2001 p.23 and form (06) 758 3912 PO Box
32 New Plymouth.
Applications close 28 Feb 2001
Every best wish and all God's blessings.
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager