NEWS & NOTES - 11 October 2009
* Wellington celebrates 200th birthday of Bishop Viard (October 9, 2009)
Saturday 10 October marks the 200th Birthday of the Archdiocese of Wellington’s first bishop, Philippe Viard. There will be a Mass in his honour at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at 5.30pm on Saturday ...
* New Zealand represented at canonisations in Rome (October 9, 2009)
This Sunday 11 October a group of New Zealand representatives will be present when Father Damien of Molokai and Sister Jeanne Jugan are canonised by Pope Benedict XVI...
WEL-COM - October 2009
** News **
Found: Pukekaraka missionary's story ... Samoan youth day celebrated ... Remar - gold crossing 2009: Student retreat at Camp Wainui
** World News **
Timor-Leste turns 10 as it struggles against poverty ... Papuan justice worker tells of undermining of rights ... West Papuan priest risks life to speak of oppression
** Columns **
Editorial: Beneficiary-bashing isolates needy ... Archbishop's column: Be the change ... Editorial: A smack as a 'good' parenting tool?
** Schools **
The Biggest Little Kiwiana Show in Masterton ... St Cath's new charity initiative ... Hutt school tops wearable arts
** Features **
Finding post-abortion solace in Rachel's Vineyard ... Another spark of the divine
** Wellington **
Convent Old Girls celebrate 75 years on the court ... Labyrinth reopens at Hutt Hospital ... Newtown People's Market a regular
** Palmerston North **
Real Life! Real Power!: youth festival rocked ... Fr Tom Lawn happy in his priesthood but wondering ... A bishop's dream: Bishop Peter's address to the youth convention
** Reflect**
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Pupils on a mission for school in need (photo)
The plight of a crumbling Nigerian mission school is close to the hearts of children at a Henderson school. Children at Holy Cross School know exactly where their money goes when they slip it into the donation box.
A true leader is lost (photos)
Northern News
Part one: http://tinyurl.com/yfzk3rs
Part two: http://tinyurl.com/yjc7mwj
One of the greatest leaders the Far North has seen was laid to rest near Kaitaia last week. Miljenko (Millie) Vladimir Srhoj MBE QSM was buried at Waiharara cemetery, aged 88.
Patience is the key (photos)
Western Leader
Romano from Italy and Rosalie from Samoa celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
Campion’s higher fees ‘essential for students’
Campion College collected $2674 on average per student in “voluntary donations” last year. But Education Ministry figures show the school was not even close to taking the most from parents. Sacred Heart College, in Auckland, topped the list with $6.37 million, compared with Campion College’s $1.36m — 123rd overall.
Safari to save sanctuary
A devastating leak has prompted a group of Stratford well-wishers to open up their backyards as part of an important fundraising drive. The leaking roof of the Catholic priest’s house on Miranda Street has been a problem for a number of years, almost from the time it was built in the 1970s.
Bringing light and comfort in dark times
Tears, prayer and song helped Samoans living in Auckland yesterday to cope with grief for family members lost in their home country's earthquake and tsunami. About 800 people filled the Malaeolo Community Centre in Mangere at 11am for a two-hour service, including an address by the leader of the Catholic Church in Samoa, Archbishop Alapati Mataeliga.
Sunday prayers offered at Samoan services
Churchgoers around New Zealand gathered at Samoan services on Sunday to give comfort to those who lost loved ones in the earthquake and tsunami. A candle was lit at the Catholic Church of the Holy Family in Cannon's Creek, Porirua, to remember those who died.
Radio NZ. 'Sunday' (4 October 2009)
8:40 Feature interview: Poverty and Ethics (sound file)
Lesley-Anne Knight is Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of 164 Catholic aid, development and social justice agencies. She's been in New Zealand recently and spoke to Chris Laidlaw about the global crises of climate change and the financial meltdown - the disproportionate impact these are having on the poor, and the need for wealthy nations to give an ethical response.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Unblocking aid **
A brief clip from an address by Lesley-Anne Knight, Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis.
** Starting in youth ministry **
Sr Stephanie Kitching in conversaton with Laura Duynhoven of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office of the Wellington Archdiocese.
** A Further Guest Sermon **
A homily on Mark 10:17-30 by Ched Myers, a Californian activist for peace and justice.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
Vietnam ‘Being Franker’ Arrested (Catholic blogger arrested in Vietnam)
“Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down?” (London's Catholic heritage)
Grand theft Auto – it’s metaphorical (on cohabitation)
How to win souls and influence sinners (Dale Carnegie and evangelisation)
I hear that the Queen is becoming “increasingly sympathetic” to us Catholics
Audacious auditing? (Fr Neil Darragh on the present and future Church)
An outdated Church? (the Family Life International Conference in Auckland)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
'In search of one good idea at the Synod of Bishops'
Anyone who has ever endured the first week of a Vatican-sponsored Synod of Bishops, reading mountains of paperwork and listening to a seemingly endless cycle of speeches, will appreciate this metaphor: Whatever else it may be, a Synod of Bishops is like a particle accelerator for words...
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Joshua Catholic Men's Fellowship. Men's Retreats
16-18 October 2009 Willow Park, Eastern Beach, Auckland
Details on http://www.joshua.org.nz and from John Kinney tel. (04) 475 5541
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
Receptionist - Secretary, Catholic Social Services, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2009 p.6, and from reception@wn-catholicsocialservices.org.nz; The Director Catholic Social Services, PO Box 9408, Wellington 6141. Applications close 7 October 2009.
Editor, Tui Motu InterIslands
Applications with CV to: Chair, c/- Tui Motu, PO Box 6404, Dunedin North 9059. Applications close 30 October 2009.