NEWS & NOTES - 22 February 2009
Lions club house tour takes on new theme (photo)
A firehouse, a courthouse and St John's Catholic school - all long since retired from their original purpose - will feature in the Cromwell Lake Dunstan Lions Club's Past to Present House and Building Tour later this month...
Time to look at values, say churches
Church leaders say the economic crisis is an opportunity for New Zealanders to turn away from greed and give more time to their families.
Church Leaders Meeting to Discuss Social Impacts of Recession
The leaders of the Anglican, Baptist, Catholic. Methodist, Presbyterian and Salvation Army Churches are meeting with the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) and the Council's Maori advisors to discuss the local social impacts of the global economic crisis.
Catholic school proposal damned
The Catholic Church has been accused of being arrogant and callous in proposing to build a new school in a rural area in the Wakatipu Basin.
Church finds no support for campus
A rural school campus is needed to ease space for the over-burdened St Joseph's School in Queenstown, the Catholic Church says.
That's my man (photo)
Rodney Times
Fifty years ago, Josie Cox saw Michael Foy walking up Queens Street one day and told family members: "see that man over there, I'm going to marry him" - and she did.
Church for sale by tender (photo)
Central Canterbury News
Coalgate's historic St Teresa's Church is expected to be sold for relocation on February 24...
Hokitika extends warm hand to priest (photo)
It has been a baptism of fire for Hokitika's new parish priest, Father Francis Joseph. Joseph, from India, is one of several priests brought in from overseas to make up for a shortfall in New Zealand clergy in the Catholic Church.
May God go with you (photo)
The San Antonio may have retired from commercial fishing, but the boat - once used to pluck Wahine survivors to safety - was still one of the first in line for a blessing.
[The folowing story is not available on the newspaper's free Website. It can be read at the public library, and via the libraries' free Newztext service for borrowers]
Teens find fellowship and fun in churches
Bay Of Plenty Times — The Young Christians — A07 — 21 February 2009
Many teenagers enjoy legitimate sub-cultures with like-minded friends centred around anything from surfing to cars. One significant sub-culture that young people in the Western Bay belong to is that of the church, as Paul Charman found...
** The One Who Saves **
A reading and discusssion of Mark 2 1-12 with Fr Thige O'Leary at St Mary of the Angels, Wellington.
THE FIFTEENTH STATION - New Zealand Catholic Podcasts
** Station XV - Sun, 15 February 2009 **
Episode 18 - Better late than never
In this episode, we take a look at the artistic actions of Fr Gerard Burns, the lifting of the excommunication of some of the Society of Saint Pius X's bishops and the fact that one of them doesn't believe the Holocaust happened, we talk about some missing abortion stats (you won't believe that one!), Obama and the Mexico City policy, and a nurse that got in trouble for offering to pray for a patient!
** Familia - Episode 5 - Sun, 1 February 2009 **
This month’s edition of the Familia Podcast features an exclusive interview with Dr. Tracey Rowland, the Dean and Associate Professor of Political Philosophy and Continental Theology at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family in Melbourne. She is the author of a new book called 'Ratzinger’s Faith, the Theology of Pope Benedict XVI'. In this interview she discusses the history, Papcy and theological concerns of Pope Benedict XVI, exploring important issues such as liturgy, post-Vatican II dissent and his approach to Islam. If you want to know about Pope Benedict XVI then this is a must-listen edition of the Familia Podcast!
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
Catholic Triumphalism ... "Ah, you’ll do fine..." (on the child-parents in Britain) ... I couldn’t have said it better (Pope Benedict on the Holocaust) ... Not to be morbid, but make sure I have a Requiem (on making sure you have a Catholic funeral) ... Not sure what to make of this one (a homosexual civil union cermony in Erskine College Chapel) ... Collar and…something (dress code for New Zealand priests) ... Got that loving feeling? (What is love?)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Bioethics message lost in Vatican's "credibility gap"
How bad is the Vatican's image problem right now? Consider that recent weeks have seen CEOs taking corporate jets to ask for government bailouts; the governor of Illinois was tossed out of office in a bribery scandal, and his last-minute appointment to the U.S. Senate may not be far behind; three Obama nominees have embarrassed the administration by withdrawing under a cloud; Japan's finance minister quit after reportedly being soused at a G-7 meeting; the world's best baseball player has been caught taking steroids, and the world's best swimmer caught smoking a bong.
Yet even in that sorry context, Monday's New York Times saw fit to devote a lead article to the pope's communications woes. Managing to stand out amid this PR carnage is, in a perverse sense, a rather remarkable accomplishment ...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (video) (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Wellington Eucharistic Convention - 2009
Sunday 1st March 2009
St Patrick's College Auditorium, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of ]
St Patrick's College, Silverstream. College Chaplain
Details in 'Wel-com' February 2009 p.2 and from Mrs Gerardine Parkinson, Rector's Secretary, St Patrick's college, PO Box 14-022, Wellington 6021; e-mail: Applications close 1 March 2009.