WEL-COM - The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the diocese of
Palmerston North
From the December 2006 issue ...
Archbishop Dew's Christmas message: Take time for God
Challenge worker finds peace within
‘Do you know what it’s like to feel, completely and with absolute certainty,
that something terrible is about to happen and yet be powerless to stop it
and then when it does happen it steals your heart right from beneath your
arms, leaving you hopeless and helplessly stranded?’ Watching his friend at
home in the Solomon Islands being murdered became an indescribably
gut-wrenching catalyst for Jeff Rahari to seek his spiritual core...
WUSS call to be present to the world
The question of how we celebrate Eucharist â€" take spiritual nourishment from
bread and wine â€" while some six million people are dying each year from
undernourishment is something Christians must ponder much more deeply. This
is the message of Australian liturgist, Frank Andersen msc, in New Zealand
last month to talk about Worshipping Under Southern Skies: Rediscovering the
Beauty of the Mass...
Creation and Eucharist
Creation was the primary place in which God is obvious, that creation is
itself a sacred presence. People often feel that when they go into the
forest or into the mountains or in the ocean. We know the common experience.
People say, creation can take us into a sense of the presence. A presence
that has always been there, but we haven’t been present to it. An interview
with Australian liturgist, Fr Frank Andersen...
Peace day recalls Parihaka
An ecumenical peace action group has been formed in Upper Hutt after a
highly successful Peace Day on 5 November focusing on the peaceful
resistance which occurred on that day in 1881 at Parihaka. As the rest of
the country celebrated Guy Fawkes with fireworks, St Joseph’s parish’s
Justice, Peace and Development group joined members of the neighbouring St
Hilda’s Anglican congregation to organise the thought-provoking and creative
day which attracted people from different church communities and cultures
within the Upper Hutt area...
Maori Council re-formed
Te Kahu o te Rangi, a representative body of Catholic Mâori in the
Wellington Archdiocese, has been relaunched after a call from the Pentecost
synod to more biculturalism in the Mass. Te Kahu o te Rangi was originally
set up in September 1992, following an approach to the Mâori Chaplaincy team
by Cardinal Tom Williams seeking their views on addressing Mâori Catholic
pastoral issues...
A Taiwan story of lay leadership
Last Sunday we had a balls-up. It doesn’t happen often but this was comic. I
arrived early in Tian-Go for 9am mass to find the church locked. Usually,
one of the lay leaders opens the church, sweeps the floor and gets it ready
for Mass, so it was odd that the church was still locked. I rely so much on
the leaders that I had forgotten to bring my own key. Nothing to do but sit
and wait. At 9.10, when no one had appeared, I went walking through the
village. Six of our oldest and most faithful parishioners were sitting on
the street behind the church. They had come early but, finding it still
locked, had retreated to the shade...
Have less children say green lobbyists (photo)
Kiwi families should consider limiting the number of children they have to
prevent waste from increasingly affluent lifestyles, green advocates say...
Jedi knights wane, migrant religions grow
The 2006 census shows Catholicism has recovered its numbers from a decline
in the 1990s, gaining 22,800 followers between 2001 and 2006, taking it to
Church split over need to upgrade (photo)
Plans to demolish St Joseph's Catholic Church in Waitara have split the
congregation. Church leaders say maintenance and refurbishment of the
47-year-old Nelson St building is too costly and are proposing the church be
demolished and replaced by New Plymouth's St Paul's church building.
Celebrations for 125-years of worship (photo)
Paeroa's Catholic community is getting ready to celebrate a special
anniversary. As well as Christmas, St Mary's Catholic Church is celebrating
the 125th anniversary since the land where the church is sited was bought.
Nuns have more fun (photo)
The Christmas season has brought a surge in theatre activity around the
region, as Peter Gibbs reports. Can Trinity Church in Nile St be saved? An
article in the Nelson Mail last month has prompted the Nelson Musical
Theatre to use the historic church for its Christmas production, raising
much needed funds for the old church at the same time. Nuncrackers continues
the Nunsense series of musicals based on the antics of the residents of a
Catholic convent. Theatre company president Ross Benbow admits there are
some incongruities in a show which is owned by a Jewish company in New York,
based on the antics of a group of Roman Catholic nuns, being performed in a
Presbyterian church in Nelson. However, he says that situation is typical of
the comedic mixup that carries right though the musical.
Caritas responds to Philippines typhoon
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, the Catholic agency for justice, peace and
development, is pledging $10,000 towards immediate relief assistance for
over 15,300 families affected by Typhoon Durian in the Philippines.
Unborn child memorial unveiled (photo)
Families who have lost babies to miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion now
have a place to find "healing" for their loss. Yesterday, a two-year
project to raise a memorial for unborn children at Clyde Cemetery was
finally realised, in an unveiling ceremony and blessing of the site. The
memorial stone, once the altar at St Dunstan Catholic Church, was newly-laid
and featured an inscribed plaque: "All our babies, briefly known, forever
Spiritual rites not to be sneered at, by Louis Pierard (Editorial)
Hawkes Bay Today
A convoy of iwi, police, Transit New Zealand and roading contractor Fulton
Hogan staff has been ceremonially spraying the road with blessed water from
the ancestral Waikato River and holding karakia to lift the tapu from the
road to release spirits "trapped by violent death"...
Fiji's Roman Catholic Church condemns statement by Assembly Christian
Fiji's Roman Catholic Church has condemned a statement issued by the
Assembly of Christian Churches on this week's coup as politically biased and
theologically wrong...
Churches unable to agree on joint statement condemning Fiji coup
Churches in Fiji are unable to agree on a joint statement condemning the
military coup in their country.
The Archbishop of the Fijian Anglican church, Jabez Bryce, says they support
the rule of law, and democracy.
But while other churches, including Roman Catholic, and Methodist, also have
the same stance, he says there is no united voice...
INSPIRATIONAL TV - NZ's own Catholic Web TV service
New this week: Mary's little place
Sister Mary takes us through the doors of the Mary Potter Hospice, to the
little chapel inside, where she reveals hidden meaning in the symbols on the
walls ...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Analyzing Benedict’s prayer with Ratzinger’s criteria
When Benedict XVI stood alongside Istanbul’s chief Islamic cleric, Imam
Mustafa Cagrici, in the famed Blue Mosque on Nov. 30, praying silently in
the direction of Mecca, those who know Ratzinger’s track record no doubt
asked: What happened to the man who once worried that inter-religious prayer
can mean “a concession to that relativism which negates the very meaning of
Daily News & Updates
Benedict in Turkey was 'unarmed prophet,' Vatican official says ... With
Vatican backing, news agency with ties to Legionaries to launch video
service ... China's illicit ordinations ... Reflecting on Turkey, pope
sharpens tone on religious freedom ... Analysis: Moscow's complaints reflect
Byzantine politics of Orthodoxy ... Curial cardinal says celibacy 'not a
dogma,' can be discussed ... Benedict and religious freedom in Turkey ...
With Turkey's Armenians, Benedict shows off his 'great ear'
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
WEL-COM - The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the diocese of
Palmerston North
From the December 2006 issue ...
Archbishop Dew's Christmas message: Take time for God
Challenge worker finds peace within
‘Do you know what it’s like to feel, completely and with absolute certainty,
that something terrible is about to happen and yet be powerless to stop it
and then when it does happen it steals your heart right from beneath your
arms, leaving you hopeless and helplessly stranded?’ Watching his friend at
home in the Solomon Islands being murdered became an indescribably
gut-wrenching catalyst for Jeff Rahari to seek his spiritual core...
WUSS call to be present to the world
The question of how we celebrate Eucharist â€" take spiritual nourishment from
bread and wine â€" while some six million people are dying each year from
undernourishment is something Christians must ponder much more deeply. This
is the message of Australian liturgist, Frank Andersen msc, in New Zealand
last month to talk about Worshipping Under Southern Skies: Rediscovering the
Beauty of the Mass...
Creation and Eucharist
Creation was the primary place in which God is obvious, that creation is
itself a sacred presence. People often feel that when they go into the
forest or into the mountains or in the ocean. We know the common experience.
People say, creation can take us into a sense of the presence. A presence
that has always been there, but we haven’t been present to it. An interview
with Australian liturgist, Fr Frank Andersen...
Peace day recalls Parihaka
An ecumenical peace action group has been formed in Upper Hutt after a
highly successful Peace Day on 5 November focusing on the peaceful
resistance which occurred on that day in 1881 at Parihaka. As the rest of
the country celebrated Guy Fawkes with fireworks, St Joseph’s parish’s
Justice, Peace and Development group joined members of the neighbouring St
Hilda’s Anglican congregation to organise the thought-provoking and creative
day which attracted people from different church communities and cultures
within the Upper Hutt area...
Maori Council re-formed
Te Kahu o te Rangi, a representative body of Catholic Mâori in the
Wellington Archdiocese, has been relaunched after a call from the Pentecost
synod to more biculturalism in the Mass. Te Kahu o te Rangi was originally
set up in September 1992, following an approach to the Mâori Chaplaincy team
by Cardinal Tom Williams seeking their views on addressing Mâori Catholic
pastoral issues...
A Taiwan story of lay leadership
Last Sunday we had a balls-up. It doesn’t happen often but this was comic. I
arrived early in Tian-Go for 9am mass to find the church locked. Usually,
one of the lay leaders opens the church, sweeps the floor and gets it ready
for Mass, so it was odd that the church was still locked. I rely so much on
the leaders that I had forgotten to bring my own key. Nothing to do but sit
and wait. At 9.10, when no one had appeared, I went walking through the
village. Six of our oldest and most faithful parishioners were sitting on
the street behind the church. They had come early but, finding it still
locked, had retreated to the shade...
Have less children say green lobbyists (photo)
Kiwi families should consider limiting the number of children they have to
prevent waste from increasingly affluent lifestyles, green advocates say...
Jedi knights wane, migrant religions grow
The 2006 census shows Catholicism has recovered its numbers from a decline
in the 1990s, gaining 22,800 followers between 2001 and 2006, taking it to
Church split over need to upgrade (photo)
Plans to demolish St Joseph's Catholic Church in Waitara have split the
congregation. Church leaders say maintenance and refurbishment of the
47-year-old Nelson St building is too costly and are proposing the church be
demolished and replaced by New Plymouth's St Paul's church building.
Celebrations for 125-years of worship (photo)
Paeroa's Catholic community is getting ready to celebrate a special
anniversary. As well as Christmas, St Mary's Catholic Church is celebrating
the 125th anniversary since the land where the church is sited was bought.
Nuns have more fun (photo)
The Christmas season has brought a surge in theatre activity around the
region, as Peter Gibbs reports. Can Trinity Church in Nile St be saved? An
article in the Nelson Mail last month has prompted the Nelson Musical
Theatre to use the historic church for its Christmas production, raising
much needed funds for the old church at the same time. Nuncrackers continues
the Nunsense series of musicals based on the antics of the residents of a
Catholic convent. Theatre company president Ross Benbow admits there are
some incongruities in a show which is owned by a Jewish company in New York,
based on the antics of a group of Roman Catholic nuns, being performed in a
Presbyterian church in Nelson. However, he says that situation is typical of
the comedic mixup that carries right though the musical.
Caritas responds to Philippines typhoon
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, the Catholic agency for justice, peace and
development, is pledging $10,000 towards immediate relief assistance for
over 15,300 families affected by Typhoon Durian in the Philippines.
Unborn child memorial unveiled (photo)
Families who have lost babies to miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion now
have a place to find "healing" for their loss. Yesterday, a two-year
project to raise a memorial for unborn children at Clyde Cemetery was
finally realised, in an unveiling ceremony and blessing of the site. The
memorial stone, once the altar at St Dunstan Catholic Church, was newly-laid
and featured an inscribed plaque: "All our babies, briefly known, forever
Spiritual rites not to be sneered at, by Louis Pierard (Editorial)
Hawkes Bay Today
A convoy of iwi, police, Transit New Zealand and roading contractor Fulton
Hogan staff has been ceremonially spraying the road with blessed water from
the ancestral Waikato River and holding karakia to lift the tapu from the
road to release spirits "trapped by violent death"...
Fiji's Roman Catholic Church condemns statement by Assembly Christian
Fiji's Roman Catholic Church has condemned a statement issued by the
Assembly of Christian Churches on this week's coup as politically biased and
theologically wrong...
Churches unable to agree on joint statement condemning Fiji coup
Churches in Fiji are unable to agree on a joint statement condemning the
military coup in their country.
The Archbishop of the Fijian Anglican church, Jabez Bryce, says they support
the rule of law, and democracy.
But while other churches, including Roman Catholic, and Methodist, also have
the same stance, he says there is no united voice...
INSPIRATIONAL TV - NZ's own Catholic Web TV service
New this week: Mary's little place
Sister Mary takes us through the doors of the Mary Potter Hospice, to the
little chapel inside, where she reveals hidden meaning in the symbols on the
walls ...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Analyzing Benedict’s prayer with Ratzinger’s criteria
When Benedict XVI stood alongside Istanbul’s chief Islamic cleric, Imam
Mustafa Cagrici, in the famed Blue Mosque on Nov. 30, praying silently in
the direction of Mecca, those who know Ratzinger’s track record no doubt
asked: What happened to the man who once worried that inter-religious prayer
can mean “a concession to that relativism which negates the very meaning of
Daily News & Updates
Benedict in Turkey was 'unarmed prophet,' Vatican official says ... With
Vatican backing, news agency with ties to Legionaries to launch video
service ... China's illicit ordinations ... Reflecting on Turkey, pope
sharpens tone on religious freedom ... Analysis: Moscow's complaints reflect
Byzantine politics of Orthodoxy ... Curial cardinal says celibacy 'not a
dogma,' can be discussed ... Benedict and religious freedom in Turkey ...
With Turkey's Armenians, Benedict shows off his 'great ear'
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]