Good Friday services see rise in church attendance (photo)
The spirit of Easter was alive and well across much of [Invercargill]
yesterday, with attendance at church services up or on par with previous
Easter ritual (photo)
Easter kicked off on Good Friday with the annual Queenstown Way of the Cross
Churchgoers carry their message (photo)
Members of St Benedict's Church in Newton re-enact the 14 Stations of the
Catholics celebrate Easter (photo)
Members of the Catholic faith celebrated the suffering and death of Jesus in
services throughout South Canterbury yesterday...
Maori Catholics gather for annual Easter hui
Maori Catholics have gathered in Hastings this weekend for three days of
prayer, sports and kapa haka...
Basket of blessings for wet Polish at Easter time
Before Poles tuck in to their Easter Sunday breakfast, they get their
baskets of food blessed at a church service the previous day. That is one of
the things east Aucklanders can learn about Poland's rich Easter traditions
by visiting Howick's Polish Heritage Museum...
Catholic Convention Features Remarkable International/Local Speakers (press
release - 17 April 2006)
A former US Ambassador to the Holy See, parents of a wee baby whose birth
defect prompted kiwis to prayerfully "storm heaven", and a trio of overseas
priests with remarkable credentials and preaching abilities are set for the
21-23 April Eucharistic Convention in Auckland Showgrounds...
Brother to be tried on sex abuse charges
John Louis Stevenson, a retired Catholic brother will face trial next month
on charges he sexually abused a boy in the late 1970s...
Radio New Zealand. Nine to Noon. 'Clergy Shortages' (audio file)
Monsignor David Bennet and Monsignor Brian Arahill discuss the effects of
shortages of priests.
Maggie Cook 1903-2006 More than a century
Members of a strongly knit extended family from throughout Australasia
attended the Requiem Mass celebrated last week at St Mary's Basilica in
Invercargill for the matriarch of their clan, Magdalen May Cook...
Cluster pushes learning limits
Tikipunga High School, Tauraroa Area School, Bream Bay College and
Pompallier Catholic College have teamed up to form the Tai Tokerau
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional development
'Dad's place' picked to be a landmark (photo)
Kitchener Group founder David Henderson named his latest apartment and
office project after his father. The Stanley, to be built on the corner of
Albert St and Swanson St fronting St Patrick's Square, will be a 27-level
tower with offices and shops in the lower levels and apartments above. The
Catholic Diocese of Auckland has approved the project - near its historic St
Patrick's Cathedral - on two conditions...
Past PM's family mourns loss of Gran
Former prime minister Jim Bolger's mother died in New Plymouth at the
weekend, aged 104. Cecilia Bolger, Gran to everyone who knew her, died
peacefully on Sunday at Mission Rest Home.
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Church and politics: Italy, Opus Dei, U.S. Ambassador Rooney; The Gospel of
Judas; Latin Mass speculation; Medjugorje; Holy Week TV specials
Mariapolis 2006
The annual gathering of the Focolare Movement in New Zealand.
Feilding Agricultural High School, North Street, Feilding. 19 - 23 April
Details in 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 2006 p.12. Programme and registration
form from: Focolare Centre, PO Box 11-826, Wellington. Tel: (04) 384 4559,
(04) 479 7713.
Eucharistic Convention 2006
Logan Campbell Theatre, Auckland Showgrounds, Greenlane Rd., Auckland. 21 -
23 April 2006
Details on the Website, in 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 2006 p.20 and from:
Eucharistic Convention, PO Box 4523, Auckland.
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Regional Property Co-ordinator, Catholic Schools Board Ltd, Wellington.
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2006 p.16, and from June Gray, tel (04) 473 7224;
e-mail: juneg@emacentral.org.nz
Applications close 18 April 2006
Vicar for Education, Archdiocese of Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2006 p.15, 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 p.27, and
from the Archdiocesan General Manager, PO Box 1937, Wellingtpn.; e-mail:
j.butterfield@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 26 April 2006.
Director, Catholic Social Services, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2006 p.15, and from Mike Hurdle or Catharina
Vossen at MICAH Partenrs, tel: (04) 499 4749; mob.: 021 552 929; fax: (04)
499 73754; e-mail: contact@micahpartners.co.nz; PO Box 499, Wellington.
Applications close 26 April 2006
Caritas Aotearoa NZ. http://www.caritas.org.nz
Communications and International Advocacy Co-ordiantor (full time)
Fundraising Co-ordinator (15-20 hrs/wk)
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2006 p.15, 'NZ Catholic' April 9-22 p.27, and
from Claire Beaumont, tel. (04) 496 1742; e-mail: claire@caritas.org.nz
Applications close 12 April 2006.