Feb. 8-21 http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Full text:
English sees Government threat to schools WELLINGTON - The Government wants to bring Catholic schools under the authority of the Education Act so it can get more control over them, says National Party education spokesman Bill English...
Church is likely to help Niue AUCKLAND - The Catholic Church is likely to provide food and help to repair buildings in response to the devastation caused by Cyclone Heta in Niue in January...
Marist Brothers are saying farewell to Greymouth GREYMOUTH -A Catholic tradition almost as old as Greymouth will end when the Marist Brothers leave the West Coast this month.....
Also in the current issue ...
Unlawful abortion prompts complaint; The Passion film opens on Ash Wednesday; Religious icons OK to misuse; Government planning review of Adoption Act; Keeping kids safe in cyber-space; A good time to be a priest; Women fulfil themselves through love, says Pope; Confused signals from Vatican;
Brothel bylaw too liberal, Wanaka church group says Otago Daily Times, 4-February 2004 http://tinyurl.com/22pxn Wanaka: The Combined Wanaka Churches (CWC) fear a proposed brothel bylaw could turn the Queenstown Lakes district into New Zealand's version of the Amsterdam red-light district. The group has called on concerned citizens to oppose the bylaw...
117-year wait for tea trolley nears an end (photo) Central Leader, 06 February 2004 http://tinyurl.com/yw3lr Parishioners will be able to talk over cups of tea after services when a hall is finally built at the Onehunga Catholic Church. The Gothic-design church was built without kitchen or toilet facilities in 1887....
Ex-St John of God man to face sex charge trial The Press (Chch) 06 February 2004 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2806248a11,00.html A former St John of God brother has been committed to trial to face eight sex charges after a District Court depositions hearing yesterday. Justices of the Peace John O'Hara and Marie Fahey did not require the man, whose name is suppressed, to appear for a High Court pre-trial hearing on March 5...
Magazine of the New Zealand and Australian province of St Columban's Mission Society
January-February 2004 http://www.columban.org.au/tfe/TFE_fp.htm
Full text:
** Editorial: "Older people are ..." ** The Director's message ** A scrapbook memory: A friend travels to Shanghai to visit Fr Warren Kinne. ** The human person is key : Kathryn Boyle writes about Pope John Paul II’s contribution to Catholic social thought. ** Another year of challenges : Fr Jim Mulroney speaks of the challenges facing the Church in Hong Kong.
Also in the current issue: ** Laughter amid adversity : Sr Jackie Ford speaks of the factors that create hardship for Peru’s elderly women. ** Guardian angels of the Chinese Church : Elderly Chinese women patrol church aisles keeping the faithful in line. ** Thank you very much : Fr Tom Curran believes it is more blessed to give than receive. Catholic missiology returns to Sydney : Columbans lecture at university again. ** A home next to heaven : Two Columban Sisters share the joy of the gifts they receive caring for the elderly poor in South Korea. ** Mission World & Directory Reflection - Where are you now? : Where are you on life’s journey? ** Ad for Columban Calendar 2004. ** Sunday night parcel : A story of gratitude for help at a critical time. ** Finding God in a trash pile : A scavenger family teaches a priest in the Philippines. ** Stepping stones for care : Care begins with oneself and extends to others, priests and laity alike.
Fasting – our lost rite, by Eamon Duffy The Tablet (UK) Saturday, 31 January 2004 http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00847 [Summary: Not eating meat on Fridays used to be synonymous with being Catholic. Restoring abstinence would not only revive tradition but signal solidarity with the poor ]
Vatican statistics claim 1.07 billion Catholics CathNews 4 Feb 2004 http://www.cathnews.com/news/402/18.php The new Vatican Year Book has revealed that Catholics make up 17.2% of the world's population, with almost half that figure living in the Americas, which is 63% Catholic...
Nottingham: Catholic cathedral begins 24 hour open door policy Independent Catholic News 3 February 2004 http://www.indcatholicnews.com/nottin.html Nottingham's St Barnabas Cathedral has joined forces with Police and Social Services to train volunteers to keep the church doors open seven days a week. The "Watch and pray" scheme involves a rota of parishioners who devote one hour a week to keeping watch at the Cathedral. This enables the church to stay open to visitors, defying the growing trend of churches locking their doors outside of service times....
The virus of exploitation, by Harriet Paterson The Tablet (UK) Saturday, 31 January 2004 http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00848 [Summary: Factories putting together computer components have spread across the Third World – and with them poor working practices. This is the price of our cheap laptops]
Father Thomas Rosica on Mel Gibson's "The Passion" National Director of World Youth Day 2002 Weighs in on Film (interview) http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=48636 Toronto, Feb. 6, 2004 (Zenit.org). Basilian Father Thomas Rosica is a trained Scripture scholar and represented the Canadian bishops' conference for nearly 10 years on the National Christian-Jewish Consultation. He shared his views about "The Passion" with ZENIT....
Vatican – The Pope celebrates Day for Consecrated Life http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2004/0402/03_1636.html “In the quiet of the monastery or cloister, or beside the poor and the excluded, among young people, or in church structures, engaged in various apostolic activities or in mission lands, God wants you to be faithful to his mission and dedicated to the good of others”....
Europe/Spain - “Our missionary concern with regard to the future must be not to maintain the highest number of commitments but to fill what we do with life and meaning ” http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2004/0402/03_1637.html Madrid (Fides Service) – 164,966 Spanish religious in 7.526 communities belonging to 391 different congregations celebrated the 8th Day for the Consecrated Life with the motto “Seduced by Jesus for the Cause of Justice and Peace”...
A weekly column in the National Catholic Reporter by the paper's full-time Vatican correspondent John L. Allen
Summary of the column for Feb. 6, 2004: 75th anniversary of the Lateran Pacts; The Lefebvrites on ecumenism; Jesuit Fr. Robert Taft on Orthodox relations; Fr. Baget Bozzo on Italian politics; One more note on pro multis or pro omnibus ("for many" or "for all"); death of canon lawyer Fr. Ivan Zuzek.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 20 - Sunday 22 February 2004 Website: http://www.catholicfestival.org Full-page newspaper feature: 'NZ Catholic' Feb 8-21 p.12
"The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Courses sponsored by the Outreach and Evangelisation Commission, Hamilton Catholic Diocese Presented by Adrian & Anne Commadeur and Nan Deakin from the Melbourne Schools of Evangelisation
"New Life" : Saturday 28 February and Sunday 29 February 2004 Meet Jesus afresh and renew your commitment to Him
"Emmaus" : Saturday 6 March and Sunday 7 March 2004 Listen as Jesus walks with the disciples to Emmaus and unfolds the meaning of Scripture to you
Venue: Catholic Hall, St Joseph's, Te Aroha. Register by 16 February -see your Parish for brochures. Each course costs $40, or whatever the participants can afford. Some billets available with parishioners.
For further information contact Julia (07) 863 7575 Waihi Liz (07) 858 2954 Hamilton John (07) 846 2691 Hamilton jlewis@wave.co.nz
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
General Manager, Resources and Services, Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington The appointee will head a company to be formed by the Archdiocese to provide management and resourcing services to it. Further details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan. 25 p.17, 'Wel-com' Feb. 2004 p.17 and from Mike Hurdle or Catharina Vossen at Micah Partners, PO Box 499, Wellington. Tel. 04 499 4749; mobile 021-552-929; fax: 04 499 7375; e-mail: contact@micahpartners.co.nz . Diocesan Website: http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 13 February 2004
Office Secretary, National Centre for Religious Studies, Wellington Details in 'Wel-com' February 2004 p.17, or from: The Director, NCRS, PO Box 1937, Wellington 6015; tel. 04 496 1761; e-mail: ncrsnz@clerar.net.nz. Applications close 27 February 2004.