Ordination goes beyond the ordinary (photo)
New ground was broken in Invercargill this week with the ordination of a
family man to the diaconate, the penultimate step before the Catholic
More miracles firmly in her sights (photo)
Gabi Hollows, mother of five, widow of the late Fred, sits in the Fred
Hollows Foundation headquarters in Mt Eden. At 54, Gabi has spent much of
her life working with her first husband. First was his campaign to wipe out
blindness and eye disease in rural, mainly Aboriginal, Australia - much of
it trachoma or "sandy blight" caused by overcrowding, secretion swapping and
poor basic hygiene. Later, when Hollows moved on to a campaign against
cataract blindness, his wife was behind him too...
Black Caps bowl over Okato
The cream of New Zealand's cricketing crop turned out at St Patrick's
Catholic Church in Okato yesterday to celebrate the wedding of Black Cap
James Franklin and locally raised woman Kerry Phillips...
Keeping the Faith: Religious Trends in the Waikato
An important community exhibition and education programme on religious
diversity in the Waikato opens at the Waikato Museum today. The exhibition
focuses on nine religious groups that are either part of significant
religious trends or key historical players in the Waikato, or that have made
a unique impact on the 'spiritual landscape' of the region...
Complaint on smacking bill story rejected
The Dominion Post, 10 Oct 2007, Edition 2, Page 16.
[This story is not available on the newspaper's free Website]
The Press Council has rejected a complaint against The Dominion Post for its
coverage of debate over the bill banning smacking. Michael Gibson, of
Wellington, had complained the newspaper breached guidelines relating to
accuracy, including headlines, and had discriminated against the Catholic
Church in an article published on May 2...
Church in court battle over Privacy Act
The Catholic Church is fighting a court battle to keep secret information a
man gave about his former wife to have their marriage annulled...
Kiwis more liberal than Americans
Kiwis are significantly more liberal than Americans on issues of religion
and morality, but are still not convinced by the theory of evolution, new
research shows. The UMR Research study compared New Zealanders' attitudes
with those of Americans using findings from a US Gallup Poll conducted this
NZ Catholic Church unhappy with breakaway Latin mission (TV3 text & video
The Catholic Church is upset with a breakaway church offering traditional
Latin mass. While Catholics say it is an unauthorised church, the new order
says it is simply continuing with traditions. Latin mass was phased out of
New Zealand Catholicism in the 1960s in an attempt to modernise and
reinvigorate the church. Lyndsay Freer a spokesman for the New Zealand
Catholic Church says that there is a long established tradition of priests
getting permission from the local Bishop before performing mass and that the
breakaway church does not have it.
Kahui may move north
A suitable address for Chris Kahui will need to be found before he can be
released on bail. She says a Catholic order north of Auckland will be having
a hui to see if they can take him in.
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com/ (video)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Torture in his history taints Spanish martyr's beatification
Declaring someone a saint, in Catholic theology, has never meant that he or
she lived a perfect life, a point that applies with special force to
martyrs. Even great sinners, the church believes, are redeemed by shedding
their blood for the faith. In principle, therefore, the discovery that a
martyr has skeletons in the closet does nothing to weaken the value of his
or her sacrifice. Yet in practice it can raise hard questions -- if not
about the sanctity of their death, then the wisdom of publicly applauding
their lives...
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North/Archdiocese of Wellington. Catholic
Schools Board Ltd.
Senior Policy Advisor (CSBL01/2007)
Executive assistant (CSBL02/2007)
Property Management Coordinator (CSBL03/2007)
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.15 and from the CEO, Mary Neazor,
e-mail: mary@catholicschools.co.nz and from Jeni at
jeni@catholicschools.co.nz quoting the reference code in the Subject line;
or phone (04) 499 0184. Applications close 17 October 2007.
National Centre for Religious Studies. Resource Developers (2)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 7-20 2007 p.8, in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.14
and from The Director, NCRS, PO Box 1937, Wellington 6140. Tel: (04) 496
1761; e-mail: ncrsnz@clear.net.nz Applications close 26 October 2007.
Catholic Archdiocese of Wellingon. Lay Pastoral Leader, Wellington Central
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 7-20 2007 p.22, in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.5
and from The General Manager, Archdiocese of Wellingon, PO Box 1937,
Wellington; e-mail: j.butterfield@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 31
October 2007.
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. Catholic Youth Workers.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 7-20 2007 p.22, in 'Wel-com' October 2007
p.17, on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics -
http://ncyc.org.nz/ - and from Dunedin Catholic Youth Council, Private Bag
1941, Dunedin, New Zealand; email: gerardaynsley@actrix.co.nz Applications
close: 9 November 2007
Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington. Diocesan Car Fund Trust.
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.14 and from Ray Lyndsay, General
Manager, Dioocesan Car Fund Trust, Catholic Centre, Wellington. Tel: (04)
496 1705; e-mail: diocars@wn.catholic.org.nz