First of it̢۪s kind Early Childhood Centre sponsored by Catholic Tongan
community to be opened in Auckland next week (02 Feb 2007)
House prices force pupils to go private
30,000 children will be in 105 private schools this year - up from 25,000 in
2000. These figures do not include two new private Auckland schools opening
this year, one in Mangere and another in Waitakere; a private Parnell
college almost tripling its roll to about 1000 pupils; and the 66,000
students at Catholic schools...
Caritas Lent Appeal 2007
Theme: Our love is to real and active (cf 1 John 3:18)
The Caritas Lent Appeal starts on 21 February, Ash Wednesday and runs
through to Palm Sunday on 1 April 2007. The Lent Appeal is the annual appeal
for Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, the Catholic agency for justice, peace and
Resources for the Lent Appeal 2007 on this Website ...
- Parish Resources
- Lent Coordinator Kit
- Lenten Reflection Programme
- International Speakers for Lent
- Schools Resources
This week: An Angel in the City
Join Father Allan at St Mary of the Angels for the weekly reading, and
informal discussion. This week: the crowd turns on Jesus in his hometown ...
'SHIP OF FOOLS' - 'The Mystery Worshipper' in New Zealand
The UK Christian Website 'Ship of Fools' has a feature in which an anonymous
person visits a Sunday service at a church and afterwards writes a "view
from the pew" report for the Website. On the page of reports about
Australian and New Zealand churches (
http://ship-of-fools.com/Mystery/archive/oz_nz.html ), the visitors - and
the visited churches - seem mainly to be Anglican, although Christ the King
Church, Owairaka, is up there under '2007'. Really interesting reads. I
especially recommend (on the home page) the account of the visit to the
Czech Basilica of Strahov Monastery ("burnt down by Hussites in 1420, used
for target practice by the French in 1742, briefly shut down by
secularisation reforms in the 18th century, and officially closed until 1989
by the Communists.") ML
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Weekly Analysis: Religious opposition to homosexuality increasingly a
question of law
A political decision in England this week marks a further step toward what
can only be called the criminalization of religious opposition to
homosexuality, a trend that poses deep challenges to the Catholic church --
not only in terms of legal exposure, but its capacity to articulate a
positive message on sexuality and the family...
Other articles and commentary:
- Move over, NY and Milan; in the Church of the future, it's all about
- One direction, two speeds in Europe on gay unions, depending on Catholic
- New Vatican documents on bioethics, natural law; no change on condoms,
official says
- Progress with Vietnam but no swift breakthrough, official says
- Toronto's new archbishop and the "respected other"
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. Primary Schools' Religious Education Advisor.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from Catholic
Character Manager, Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, PO Box 4353, Hamilton East.
Applications close 16 February 2007
GIFT Centre Administrator,
26-28 Telford Ave., Balmoral, Auckland.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from The
Administrator, tel: (09) 620 9524 ; e-mail: brotherg@akc.quik.co.nz
Applications close 20 February 2007
Family Life International. Bethlehem House Crisis Pregnancy Centre.
Caregivers (full or part-time)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from Colleen, e-mail
coli.fli@xtra.co.nz; tel: (09) 279 2413 or (09) 422 2185
First of it̢۪s kind Early Childhood Centre sponsored by Catholic Tongan
community to be opened in Auckland next week (02 Feb 2007)
House prices force pupils to go private
30,000 children will be in 105 private schools this year - up from 25,000 in
2000. These figures do not include two new private Auckland schools opening
this year, one in Mangere and another in Waitakere; a private Parnell
college almost tripling its roll to about 1000 pupils; and the 66,000
students at Catholic schools...
Caritas Lent Appeal 2007
Theme: Our love is to real and active (cf 1 John 3:18)
The Caritas Lent Appeal starts on 21 February, Ash Wednesday and runs
through to Palm Sunday on 1 April 2007. The Lent Appeal is the annual appeal
for Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, the Catholic agency for justice, peace and
Resources for the Lent Appeal 2007 on this Website ...
- Parish Resources
- Lent Coordinator Kit
- Lenten Reflection Programme
- International Speakers for Lent
- Schools Resources
This week: An Angel in the City
Join Father Allan at St Mary of the Angels for the weekly reading, and
informal discussion. This week: the crowd turns on Jesus in his hometown ...
'SHIP OF FOOLS' - 'The Mystery Worshipper' in New Zealand
The UK Christian Website 'Ship of Fools' has a feature in which an anonymous
person visits a Sunday service at a church and afterwards writes a "view
from the pew" report for the Website. On the page of reports about
Australian and New Zealand churches (
http://ship-of-fools.com/Mystery/archive/oz_nz.html ), the visitors - and
the visited churches - seem mainly to be Anglican, although Christ the King
Church, Owairaka, is up there under '2007'. Really interesting reads. I
especially recommend (on the home page) the account of the visit to the
Czech Basilica of Strahov Monastery ("burnt down by Hussites in 1420, used
for target practice by the French in 1742, briefly shut down by
secularisation reforms in the 18th century, and officially closed until 1989
by the Communists.") ML
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Weekly Analysis: Religious opposition to homosexuality increasingly a
question of law
A political decision in England this week marks a further step toward what
can only be called the criminalization of religious opposition to
homosexuality, a trend that poses deep challenges to the Catholic church --
not only in terms of legal exposure, but its capacity to articulate a
positive message on sexuality and the family...
Other articles and commentary:
- Move over, NY and Milan; in the Church of the future, it's all about
- One direction, two speeds in Europe on gay unions, depending on Catholic
- New Vatican documents on bioethics, natural law; no change on condoms,
official says
- Progress with Vietnam but no swift breakthrough, official says
- Toronto's new archbishop and the "respected other"
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. Primary Schools' Religious Education Advisor.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from Catholic
Character Manager, Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, PO Box 4353, Hamilton East.
Applications close 16 February 2007
GIFT Centre Administrator,
26-28 Telford Ave., Balmoral, Auckland.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from The
Administrator, tel: (09) 620 9524 ; e-mail: brotherg@akc.quik.co.nz
Applications close 20 February 2007
Family Life International. Bethlehem House Crisis Pregnancy Centre.
Caregivers (full or part-time)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28- Feb 10 2007 p.23, and from Colleen, e-mail
coli.fli@xtra.co.nz; tel: (09) 279 2413 or (09) 422 2185