Marist Messenger, Sept. 2002 http://www.smnz.org.nz/messenger/index.htm
Full text articles:
Focus: "The Fathers' Travelogue", by Father Carl Telford sm Fr Carl tells a humorous anecdote which made his awareness of God's close proximity even greater.
"Parenting Wisdom", by John Wordsworth
Also in this issue: Once on a lonely road, by Fr J. Prendergast ... Suffering and hope: Pope John Paul Today, by Fr. C Larkin ... Hitch-hikers extraordinairie, by Margaret Kelly ... The authentic tradition, by Fr M Whelan ... God is alive in Africa, by Bernard and Helen Reinen ... The sacrifice of the Mass, by Fr. Stephen Lowe ... Death of a Marist by Fr. Maurice Scully... Will we ever know/ The missing Marists of Tikopia, by Archbishop Adrian Smith sm
There have been two recent articles in the UK newspaper The Times on the morality of making war on Iraq. Cardinal Murphy O'Connor, quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church, argues that the war would be unjust because it would be paid for in part from funds that would otherwise be used to relieve world poverty. In response, an editorial in The Times claims that a war to overthrow tyranny is a just war according to the definition of St Thomas Aquinas.
"Cardinal Cormac speaks out against war on Iraq" The Times/Independent Catholic News. 5 September 2002 http://www.indcatholicnews.com/cardspkout.html
"Aquinas and Iraq: The moral case for tackling tyrants" (editorial) The Times 7 September 2002 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,542-406087,00.html
" 'Judas' heads for NZ " Stuff (INL) National News 04 September 2002 http://stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2040571a11,00.html The Catholic Bishop who shocked Britain by running off with his housekeeper is set to start a new life in New Zealand, according to reports in Britain. Roddy Wright, the former Bishop of Argyll and the Islands, stunned Church leaders when he disappeared for a month in 1996 before emerging to announce he was in love with his housekeeper, Kathleen MacPhee, and intended to marry her....
'Second time lucky for born again St Joseph's Church" MyTown (Wellington) 04.09.2002 http://www.mytown.co.nz/story/mytstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=2396961&thecity=wellin\ gton&thepage=home&type=nzh&storytoolsnzh=1 St Joseph's Church in Mount Victoria (central Wellington) has applied for resource consent to rebuild its church building and is hoping it will be a case of second time lucky....
"Accused nun in talks on NZ sex cases " The Australian/CathNews Australia 4 Sep 2002 http://www.cathnews.com/news/209/17.php A nun at the centre of allegations of sexual and physical abuse of children at a Brisbane orphanage is the head of a New Zealand order and involved in negotiations with alleged New Zealand victims, according to a report in The Australian today....
"NZ men swamp sexual abuse hotline" Nine MSN News (Australia) 3 Sep 2002 http://news.ninemsn.com.au/World/story_34124.asp?MSID=6d40353f6b864cd7806381801f\ 7fdc0a More than 100 men have called a toll free number about sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school since the issue was raised 10 weeks ago. Allegations received implicate four brothers and two senior students at Marylands....
CATHOLICTV.NET (Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre's video service) http://www.catholictv.net/
"Contemplative prayer in daily life". The second of two interviews with Fr Alan Roberts. http://www.catholictv.net/living/newformatliving2.html
Fr John Greally. "Putting the spring into September liturgies" http://www.catholictv.net/celebrating/newformatcelebrating5.html
"Lighting New Fires" (NZ Catholic Education Office newsletter) Issue No.4 July 2002 http://www.catholic.org.nz/nzceo/lnf/lnfjujy02.htm [Summary] Editorial: School climate .... First Mid-Term Elections for Boards of Trustees ... "Walking Buses" Promote Safety and Health ... New Zealand Education is a Bargain for International Students ... Notable achievements of Catholic schools throughout NZ ... Qualities of successful school principals ... Schools' Peace Week 5-11 August 2002... Police Vetting: Helpful Advice for Schools and Boards Employing Non-teaching Employees and Contractors ... Character Education Conference 26-28 September 2002, Christchurch ... New Zealand/Australia the Learning Federation Project ... Levy on Schools for International Students ... History of Integration: 'A Fair and Just Solution'? ... Pryde Hugs Not Drugs - Resources for Schools, Students and Individuals... 'Leading edge' education Website ... Ensuring Safe Internet Access for Students
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz
Coordinator for Resources and Administration, Liturgy Centre, Catholic Diocese of Auckland. Details from: Liturgy Centre, Private Bag 47904, Ponsonby, Auckland. Tel: 09 378 4380. Applications close 14 September 2002
Catholic Youth Ministry Coordinator, Hawkes Bay The Coordinator will develop youth initiatives in Hawkes Bay, foster links between parishes and secondary school pupils, tertiary students and young working adults. Details from: Clare Shirkey, tel. 06 844 5997 ; fax: 06 845 3046; e-mail: c.shirkey@paradise.net.nz; PO box 7318, Taradale. Applications close 23 September 2002
Pastoral Ministry to the Catholic Deaf Community, Liturgy Centre, Catholic Diocese of Auckland The diocese is seeking a full-time Chaplain to serve the Catholic Deaf Community, as part of the Religious Education team at Pompallier Diocesan Centre. Details from Jane Schollum, Pompallier Centre, tel. 378 4380; fax: 376 2829. Applications close 27 September 2002
Professional Part-time Locum, Catholic Social Services, Wellington. Details from John Consedine, tel 04 385 8642
15 to 21 September Social Justice Week 2002 'Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World' is the theme of the sixth Social Justice Week for the Catholic Church in New Zealand. This year the Week will encourage parishes and schools to look at immigration issues within the framework of human rights and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Through the information provided in the kits prepared by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, participants will be invited to put a human face on the issue and to determine what an ethical and just response would be. Most of the contents of the kits are available on the Caritas website, here: http://www.caritas.org.nz/nz/socialjusticeweek/refugees/sjs2002_refugees_overvie\ w.htm Caritas also has videos on refugees for borrowing, free Social Justice Week 2002 posters, and additional copies of the Caritas Social Justice Series booklet "Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World" that can be purchased from the Caritas office for $4.50 each.
26-28 September 2002 Character Education Conference, St Andrew's College, Christchurch, Theme: "Character Education: the other side of the report card" The first national conference of the New Zealand National Foundation for Character Education Details from: The conference convenor, PO Box 194, Oamaru ... fax: 03 432 4036 ... e-mail: conference@cornerstonevalues.org ... Website: http://www.cornerstonevalues.org
26-29 September 2002 "Life, Faith and Family" Conference, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland Details from Family Life International, PO Box 56 423, Dominion Rd., Auckland 1030 and from: http://www.fli.org.nz