** News **
Tongans still awaiting shelter months after tsunami ... Challenge 2000 reaches the age of majority ... SH Hutt college's new cross
** World News **
Timor-Leste turns 10 as it struggles against poverty ... Papuan justice worker tells of undermining of rights ... West Papuan priest risks life to speak of oppression
** Columns **
Editorial: church, priests and leaders ... Archbishop's column: Serving in Jesus' steps ... Guest editorial: women's voice silenced?, by Joan Chittister OSB
** Schools **
Narrative Week inspires young writers ... The Biggest Little Kiwiana Show in Masterton ... St Cath's new charity initiative
** Features **
New encyclical strong on economic justice ... Year of the Priest: Paul - the ultimate servant priest ... This ephemeral life - a portrait of Msgr John Carde
** Wellington **
Convent Old Girls celebrate 75 years on the court ... Old hands steer pathway into a new era ... Newtown People's Market a regular
** Palmerston North **
Real Life! Real Power! - youth festival rocked ... Fr Tom Lawn happy in his priesthood but wondering ... A bishop's dream - Bishop Peter's address to the youth convention
Six funerals to say, 'You were the best' (photo)
Monsignor James Cornelius Shannahan, or Father Jim, was so popular that he needed six funerals for everyone to farewell him.
Look of horror `worst thing' (photos)
Herald on Sunday — A008 — 06 December 2009
All Black strongman Keven Mealamu and and his wife Latai were yesterday mourning at home with his family, after the funeral on Friday of Christina ``Portia'' Mealamu. In Europe, Graham Henry and All Black teammates including captain Richie McCaw, Mils Muliaina, Rodney So'oialo and Andrew Hore had phoned or texted their support but he was too busy supporting his grieving family to watch their test match against France on television.
Children take Christmas walk (photo)
Hauraki Herald
About 300 primary school children, accompanied by teachers and parents, walked to three Whititanga churches on Monday to experience three different aspects of Christmas.
Radio New Zealand. 'Saturday', with Kim Hill
11:15 Interview with Colin Gibson
Colin Gibson is Emeritus Professor of English at Otago University. His research interests include Chaucer, Renaissance and later drama, New Zealand hymnology, and the interchange between literature and the visual imagination. His publications include editions of Renaissance English dramatists, seventeenth-century poetry, and a large number of hymns and songs. He has been a member of the New Zealand Hymnbook Trust's editorial panel from its inception, and has contributed hymns and musical settings to all its publications, from Alleluia Aotearoa (1992) to Hope is our Song (2009). He is Australasian editor for a Dictionary of World Hymnody, soon to be published jointly in Great Britain and America.
Oh baby... it's bubs in abundance (photo)
They’re a prolific lot and they don’t do things by halves. In the space of six months, Sancta Maria College in Botany has celebrated the births of eight bouncing babies, with the most recent born just weeks ago.
Radio New Zealand. 'Nine to Noon'
11:30 Justin Glyn
Former Auckland barrister and academic lawyer now training to be a Jesuit priest in Australia.
Radio New Zealand. 'Nine to Noon'
09:35: Males in Education Now programme (MEN)
Interviews with Paul Tupou-Vea, Head of AUT's Males in Education Now programme - designed to help keep teenage boys engaged in education - and Kieran Fouhy, Principal, St Peter's College, one of the schools participating in the pilot scheme.
Musical smorgasbord on offer (photos)
The Franciscan Colleges' music group is in New Zealand on its biennial tour and this year comprises 75 pupils from Padua and Mt Alvernia colleges in Brisbane.
NZ supports change to royal-succession rules
Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand will give its support to change royal succession law that bans first-born daughters from ascending the throne and another law that bans Catholics from marrying into the royal family. The British monarch is also the Queen, or King, of New Zealand and under British law, changes to the succession rules must be approved by each country of the realm.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Rowan Williams on Advent **
Advent and waiting, an illustrated reflection by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
** Matthew: Come follow **
Matthew 4:18-22: a reading and homily by Fr Ted Tyler of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, Sydney, Australia.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
Final Score: Me, 1. Appendix, 0. (appendicitis, a reflection) ... "Wait a minute. This looks like rock and/or roll." (at Mass in Belgium) ... The growing pains of virtue at the community breakfast table (in Congo, lessons of patience, tolerance and understanding) ... Anything for better seats? (on using deception to get in to St Peter's) ... Interesting analysis on a sad saga
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Benedict's headache with populist Catholicism
Like everybody else in this hyper-political age, Catholics are conventionally divided into "liberals" and "conservatives." Another way to slice the pie is what we might call the difference between "institutional" and "populist" Catholicism. Recent events in Europe illustrate the growing political punch of populist Catholicism on the global stage.
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
CARITAS AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND - http://www.caritas.org.nz
Post graduate scholarships (2)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov. 29 - Dec. 12 2009 p.23, and from claire@caritas.org.nz Applications close 10 December 2009.
Applications for Tindall Foundation Grants
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.18 and from the Secretary, tel. (04|) 496 1721; e-mail: c.foundation@wn.catholic.org.nz
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
Property Management Administrator, Catholic Schools Board Limited, Wellington and Palmerston North
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.10, and from sarita@catholicschools.co.nz ; tel: (04) 499 0184 Applications close 15 January 2010
National Treasurer, The Society of St Vincent de Paul
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2009 p.19, and from the National Office, tel. (04) 499 5070; PO Box 10815, Wellington.