"Does Nolan go too far?" The Tablet Saturday, 25 May 2002 http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00633 [Summary] Last September the bishops of England and Wales accepted the recommendations of the Nolan Committee on the protection of children in Catholic parishes and institutions: the safety of the child should be paramount; anyone accused of child abuse must be removed from contact with children during the investigation; accused parish priests are to be are suspended from active ministry and must leave their homes.
This article reports the reservations of two UK diocesan priests about the policy: because a malicious allegation can destroy a priest's reputation, it should be possible for him to remain in the presbytery while the investigation is being carried out and to prevent his name appearing in the media; and the response of Eileen Shearer head of the bishops' Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults: because of the covert and repetitive nature of sexual abuse, sweeping measures are required to root it out; false allegations are statistically rare and the innocent have nothing to fear
Marist Messenger June 2002 http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
Focus: St. Joseph the gentle man, by Fr Carl telford sm When I first saw the icon of St. Joseph, the just man, featured on the front cover, I was delighted. He gently holds two doves to symbolise his resilient love for Jesus and Mary and for us. Images of St. Joseph are needed, as there is a contemporary poverty of positive images of the masculine. Focus can praise the reality of the gentle strength of this man. He shows us that we can be strong and gentle. Nothing is as strong or gentle as masculine gentleness or strength. One is neither wimp or bully....
Also in the June Marist Messenger:
Daily Reflections Joy Cowley. Internet sites to see - recommended Catholic sites Saints are real - the martyrs of Uganda, Peb Simmons St. Alphonsus Liguori, Fr Francis McGill Cssr How to love others Fr. John Prendergast sm Thawing out the Eskimo Fr Adrian Moore omi The Co-incidence of Opposites Fr. Ben McKenna sm Blessed Peter to Rot, Paul Lawrence Condemned to Believe, Fr. Michael Whelan sm Litany to Jesus in the womb of Mary My Problem with scandals in the Church Killian de Lacy
"Consecrated virgin prepared for ribbing" (photo) Otago Daily Times 01 June 2002 http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,1220531a3840,FF.html Carol Taurua-McCready is stepping out in faith tomorrow. And she knows many will laugh at her decision to become a member of the Order of Consecrated Virgins within the Catholic Church....
**************************** Workshops for youth leaders lead by Bob and Maggie McCarty of the US Catholic bishops' National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
Wellington: Connolly Hall, Guilford Terrace, Wellington, 17 June 2002, 7pm to 10 pm Entrance fee: $10 (includes a catered supper). Further information from the National Council for Young Catholics: ncyc@clear.net.nz
Auckland : St Columba Centre, Friday 5 July, 7-9 pm Further seminars on 6 and 9 July Details in 'NZ Catholic' 2 June 2002 p. 21 and on http://www.youthministry.org.nz/McCarty.htm *****************************
June - September 2002 Essay and Art Competition: "God's greatest treasure - Life " For entrants 12 years and over. Sponsored by Family Life International * Visual art category * Essay category Prizes in each category for each of three age groups: 1st: $500; 2nd: $200; 3rd: $100 Full details, entry form and information pack from Family Life International, PO Box 56423 Dominion Rd. Auckland 1030. tel. 0800 367 5433 / (09) 623 4026; e-mail: life@fli.org.nz
(Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Religious Education Adviser, Catholic Diocese of Hamilton To provide support to the Directors of Religious Studies in Hamilton Diocese's 28 Catholic primary schools. Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 19 2002, p. 21 and from Naomi McGowan, tel 07 838 2079; fax: 07 839 4652; e-mail: naomi@mlc.co.nz; PO Box 19-221, Hamilton. Applications close 5 June 2002
Research Assistant, Hamilton Catholic Diocese (short-term contract) To research archived material on the history of the diocese, for one or two months commencing in July. Details in 'NZ Catholic' June 2 2002 p. 21 and from Naomi McGowan, tel (07) 838 2079; e-mail: naomim@mlc.co.nz Applications close 10 June 2002
Marriage Education Co-ordinator, Catholic Diocese of Auckland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' June 2 2002 p. 21 and from Pompallier Diocesan Centre, tel (09) 378 4380; email: davidr@cda.org.nz Applications close 11 June 2002