Dear friends,
So far I have updated the following Web pages with information from the New Zealand Catholic Directory 2001: Bishops (including photos, short biographies, and e-mail contact addresses): Apostolic Nuncio Seminaries, Theological Colleges and Formation Houses Catholic Publishers Personal Prelature of Opus Dei Melkite and Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies
Each section includes e-mail and Web site addresses. Next week I hope to update 'Chaplains' and 'Religious Orders' and after Easter, the two-page directory of national organisations. Ordering details for the full Directory and an index to the Web pages are on:
Wishing you a blessed Holy Week,
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager
>From 'NZ Catholic' No 110, April 8, 2001
'38 women accept bishop's offer ' Thirty-eight women have take up the offer made by Bishop Patrick Dunn 12 months ago to give financial and every other possible help for women to choose life instead of abortion .... [Related Link: Family Life International's Crisis Pregnancy Centre ]
'Boys' schools lacking in health syllabus area ' Not all Catholic schools, especially boys' secondary schools, have sufficient trained people to teach the new health and physical education syllabus says Averille Schmidt, the retiring co-ordinator of Christian Family Life Education for the Auckland and Hamilton dioceses .... [Related Links: National Centre for Religious Studies (NCRS) ... NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference: 'Health and Moral Education' ... NZ Ministry of Education. Health and Physical Education syllabus]
'Historic site is investigated ' Five archaeologists and 15 students spent three weeks at one of the Church's most historic sites last month. The team was on an Auckland University field school at Purakau, on the northern bank of the Hokianga Harbour, the site of the Catholic Hokianga Mission in 1839....
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on the bishops' News page at: ]
[Please don't try to hand-copy newspaper Web addresses. Instead Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address line]
Patricia-Anne "Paddy" Burton was murdered by one of her sons in Queenstown a few days ago. The first two reports describe her personality and contributions to the community, and her funeral ...
'Victim's husband thanks Queenstown' Otago Daily Times Thursday, 5-April 2001\ torial/content/0404514217.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial
'Town mourns loss of well-liked teacher ' Otago Daily Times Monday, 2-April 2001\ torial/content/0401314135.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial
'Still swaying to the rhythm of life' (photo) Otago Daily Times Saturday, 7-April 2001\ torial/content/F6G38N1591JC.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial Mary McHardy was seeking a dancing partner yesterday at her 100th birthday party. "But only if someone asks me," the sprightly centenarian said. Although she was initially overwhelmed at a special lunch organised by the Little Sisters of the Poor at Sacred Heart Home yesterday, Miss McHardy soon had her violin out and her dancing shoes on...
'Garden centres open Easter Sunday; other businesses not keen ' Otago Daily Times Saturday, 7-April 2001\ torial/content/F6H04C8041NC.html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial Most garden centres around Otago will take advantage of a new law and open on Easter Sunday. However, while some owners believed the law, passed on Thursday night, was simply returning a right gardening shops had prior to 1990, others were less enthusiastic ....
'No cross without the crown ' Southland Times 07 April 2001,1008,738127a1942,FF.html A famous musician arrived in New York to play at Carnegie Hall, Father Colin Campbell of Holy Cross Seminary in Auckland writes in Religion and Life. Deciding to walk to the famous music centre, he lost his way. Approaching a rather scruffy looking man, he said: "Excuse me, how do I get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, man practice!".......
'School paradise for predator: a powerful, popular teacher of religious studies abuses his students at a Catholic Maori school. Libby Middlebrook looks at what went on at Hato Petera' ... NZ Herald 05.04.2001\ D=181228 [Note: This report commences with detailed descriptions of sexual abuse. However it goes on to say that the spirit of the Hato Petera school community is unbroken and the school has a promising future. ML]
18-22 April 2001 'Jesus 4 Real' Youth Camps Jesus 4 Real Ministries is an independent voluntary group of adults bringing the reality of Jesus to Catholic teenagers, and training adult leaders for Catholic youth work, through camps and seminars in the Wellington Archdiocese. Web site: Contact: (04) 904 7217 ; (04) 905 6636
20 - 22 April Eucharistic Convention, Auckland Showground Details at:
30 April - 28 September 2001 (Sydney, Australia) Kerygma Teams Discipleship Training School, Sydney, Kerygma Teams is a branch of the interconfessional lay missionary organization Youth With A Mission. It supports Catholic parishes, renewal movements, and groups active in evangelization, mercy ministries, training and cross-cultural missions projects. Its Discipleship Training School is a five month intensive course which helps students to cultivate a vibrant relationship with God, identify their unique gifts and visions, exercise their faith and grow in character. Full details at:
4-6 May National Conference of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, St Patrick's College, Silverstream (north of Wellington). No registration fee. Details in Wel-com April 2001 p. 19 and from Cherylynn Passmore:
22-23 June Mercy Health Care Conference 2001, Wapiuna Conference Centre, Auckland The focus of the conference will be how Catholic health and aged care services can uphold the dignity of human life while setting realistic limits the care provided. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 8 April 2001 p.19 and from the Conference Organiser, Te Tairere Oranga, PO Box 109 025 Newmarket, Auckland. Website:
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: )
Full-time Catholic Youth Minister, Paraparaumu & Waikanae Parishes, Wellington Archdiocese. Details in Wel-com April 2001 p. 17 and from john McCardle: tel. 04 298 2434. Applications close Friday 28 April.
Promotions Officer, Catholic Development Fund, Dunedin Diocese. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 8 April p.14 and from: PO Box 5555 Dunedin
Youth Minister, Piopio-Aria-Mokau Cooperating Parish and St Mary's Catholic Church, Piopio. Piopio is south-west of Te Kuiti on the road to New Plymouth in a rural multicultural region. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 8 April 2001 p.18 and from Rev Peter Osborne, PO Box 119, Piopio 2555. Tel 07 877 8097 **************************************************************