Catholic Communications NZ. Celebrating Cultural Diversity. A Statement from
the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference for Social Justice Week 11-17
September 2005
As New Zealanders we like to think of ourselves as a fair and tolerant
people. Sadly, events of the past year have shown that this is not always
true. Attacks on Jewish cemeteries, subtle calls for uniformity and other
incidents of intolerance indicate that we do not fully value the different
cultures and traditions in our society...
Caritas Aoteraroa NZ
Celebrating Cultural Diversity - Social Justice Week 11 â€" 17 September 2005:
New Zealand's Catholic parish and school communities are rich in diversity.
Social Justice Week 2005 presents the opportunity to overcome shyness and
get to know the different cultures and traditions of our neighbours. By
celebrating and understanding our differences we can show the way toward
racial harmony in the wider community...
We need continued patience on all sides
Social Justice week this year focuses on the theme “Celebrating cultural
diversity�. Catholic social teaching helps us reflect on current election
debates about the role of the Treaty of Waitangi and the Waitangi
No. 221, September 11-24, 2005
Maori seats seen as key justice issue
Hamilton - Hamilton diocese's Commission for Social Justice has denounced
the possible abolition of Maori electorate seats, saying it would be "bad
for Maori and bad for all of New Zealand"...
Ex-PM reflects on faith and politics
Wellington - Few things are certain as New Zealand counts down to the
September 17 general election. This much is certain: Whoever emerges as
Prime Minister won't be a Catholic...
"Cuppa" can advance interfaith dialogue
Wellington - Calls for "more cups of tea" and a stronger interfaith network
emerged from a panel discussion on religious diversity at the New Zealand
Diversity Forum, held by the Human Rights Commission on August 23...
Also In Issue 221:
General election section, "You Decide - 2005", with summaries of the
policies of all the parties in parliament plus Christian Heritage NZ, and
election-related articles by experts on the economy, education, the elderly,
employment, family, health, housing, justice, Maori affairs, respect for
life, social justice and youth.
Popetown claim rejected ... High Vatican official for FLI conference ...
Invercargill school decision made ... Locals rally to reclaim streets from
prostitutes and clients ... Retirement home for Dunedin priests ... Votes on
conscience issues followed party pattern ... Msgr Duffy's impact in
Palmerston North was huge ... Mill Hill priest was years in Maori Mission
... CWL wants drinking age raised to 20 ... Prison term for retired brother
... Foundation seeking young role models ... Priest sings for Faith and
Light ... ERO File
Rich experience for WYD Kiwis ... Never a dull moment at WYD ... Conversion:
Parish's acceptance was unconditional ... St Thérèse pilgrimage prayer ...
Key Caritas manager moves to Govt role
Jane Anderson: Looking at solutions to the eucharistic famine ... Ronald
Rolheiser: When feeling down and out ... Parish Diary: Contemplative
transition ... Editorial: Best voting principle is common good ... Malcolm
Evans ... Letters
Germany's Catholics view faith differently ... Olympic Games facilities for
Sydney's 2008 WYD ... Young US Catholics prefer theology in bars to bingo
games ... The Pope: Groups count on Pope's support ... Indian govt censured
over discrimination ... Hospital for North Korea
Books, Monitor, Net Scene, Clips, Tape Deck, Young Adults, The Doolans,
Family Talk, Scripture, Papal Prayer, Feasts, That Word!, Kit's Corner,
Photo Prayer, Holy Lives, Cryptic Crossword, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago,
Caption Contest, Dio. Diary, Wit's End.
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand / Social Justice Week
Baptist leader urges members to vote against Labour
A Baptist Church leader has come under fire in his own ranks for writing a
letter urging Baptists to vote against the Labour Government. But a Baptist
minister in Dunedin, Steve O'Connor, has set up a "Forum of the Christian
Left" backed by clergy in the Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian churches,
as well as the Baptists, to oppose the churches' anti-Labour line...
Southland trio savour special pilgrimage
Being part of an event that drew more than 1 million young Catholics to
Germany last month has been a life-changing experience for three
southerners. St Peter's College pupils James Garrity and Keiran Boyle, both
18, along with Gore baker Melissa Moir, 20, were among the New Zealand
contingent to make the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Cologne...
Teschemakers rebuilding target March next year
The historic Teschemakers homestead and convent will rise from the ashes of
a disastrous fire, hopefully by March next year. The fire, in June 2003,
ruined a $3.5 million development of the 1860s Taipo homestead and the
adjoining former convent, which were being converted to house an
international organic health sciences college...
Former teacher saw no signs of orphan abuse
A retired Upper Hutt teacher says she never saw evidence of physical or
psychological abuse in St Joseph's Orphanage children she taught. One of the
former orphanage girls is suing four Catholic authorities for $550,000,
alleging physical, verbal, psychological and sexual abuse while in Catholic
care in the 1960s and 70s....
Falling in love with the past ...
You don't have to stray very far from Invercargill's main streets to be
reminded of its history. This is Dan Davin territory. Old-style villas,
small and big businesses and presiding over it all, the Basilica's dome
sitting ponderously on its somewhat truncated body. The area exudes
nostalgia. It encapsulates a time when St Catherine's was the city's only
high school for young Catholic women -- when religion and lifestyle were one
and the same thing...
Wellington singers to represent NZ in Europe
Wellington's specialist early music choir, The Tudor Consort, has been
invited back to the Tolosa International Choral Competition in Spain this
October after winning two awards at the prestigious event in 2003. After
competing against other vocal groups from Europe, America and Asia, The
Tudor Consort travels to Salzburg to sing at the Cathedral where Mozart
worked, and then onto Rome to sing Mass at St Peters Basilica in the
Hurricane Katrina
How NZ can give help to Katrina victims
The best way for New Zealanders to help hurricane victims is to give to aid
agencies collecting donations, says Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
spokesman Rob Hole...
Priests vanish in anarchic Katrina aftermath
The Archbishop of New Orleans is struggling to locate several diocesan
priests who stayed to minister to those stranded at the city’s Superdome
following Hurricane Katrina, and have not been located since their
evacuation from the city....
Louisiana Parish Coping as It Aids Hurricane Evacuees
Ponchatoula, Louisiana, Sept. 8, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Thirty miles northwest
of New Orleans, St. Joseph's Parish has swelled in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina's devastation. Dominican Father Justin Kauchak, who normally leads a
parish of 1,500 families, now is trying to serve the needs of an extra 500
families who are homeless and jobless after last week's hurricane left New
Orleans flooded...
Catholics across US opening doors to Katrina victims
Catholic organisations as far away as San Francisco and Chicago are opening
their doors to victims of Hurricane Katrina as relief agencies begin coping
with the masses of people left homeless along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana,
Mississippi and Alabama...
The Churches' response to Hurricane Katrina. More links to articles in the
U.S. press:
Global Catholic News (plus sound files from Vatican Radio)
Church expresses concern for dwindling sex ratio ... Vatican condemns
British plans for 'dual mother' embryo ... Pope Wants Head-of-State Immunity
From Texas Suit ... What's the buzz? At Vatican, officials wait for curial
changes ... Indian Catholic Church unveils new HIV/AIDS policy ... Embryonic
stem cells prone to genetic mutations, says new research ... Cuban cardinal
outraged by pro-U.S. charge ... Ethicist defends therapeutic cloning ban
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Reactions to Hurricane Katrina; The Romans, the Orthodox and primacy; The
pope and Turkey; Testimony of a cab driver; 40th anniversary of Dei Verbum;
Oscar Romero's cause
19 September - 16 October 2005
The Pilgrimage of Grace of the relics of St Therese of Lisieux commences in
Auckland on Monday the 19th of September 2005. The special reliquary housing
the relics will be flown from the Carmelite monastery in Lisieux, north of
Paris, where St Thérèse lived her vocation as a Carmelite nun until her
death in 1897 at the age of 24. In September and October, her relics will be
brought to Catholic churches in cities and towns throughout New Zealand for
public veneration.
The Website for the Pilgrimage includes a full itinerary, a biography of St
Therese, an article on the spiritual significance of relics, and information
on Carmelite spirituality.
The Chris Skinner National Cathedral Tour, 19 September - 11 October 2005
Wellington priest Fr Chris Skinner together with Peter Van Gent Productions
proudly announce a 12-venue tour of New Zealand's finest cathedrals in
September and October. Chris will perform his hit songs including You Raise
Me Up and He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother -- recordings described by
industry veterans as being better than the originals! As a singer/songwriter
and recording artist, Fr Chris has been writing and performing his songs for
many years, his latest album Golden Light is a favourite among fans. Many
songs flow from his personal experience and listening to the stories of
others. Chris is a priest of the Society of Mary in New Zealand. Venue
details and booking page at: http://tinyurl.com/88me6
Family Life International. Gospel of Life Conference
23-25 September 2005 Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna
Full details: http://www.fli.org.nz/?sid=19
"The History and Science of The Shroud of Turin" (Exhibition)
Lower NZI, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE, Auckland, New Zealand
Full description on:
[If you can't make it to the exhibition, you will find many of the
photographs from it at your public library in: 'The Turin shroud : the
illustrated evidence', by Ian Wilson and Barrie Schwortz, published by
Michael O'Mara, 2000 (232.966 WIL), or you can request it via Interloan. ML]
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
International Programmes Manager, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Sept. 11-24 2005, p.19, and from Mike Hurdle at
Micah Partners, PO Box 499, Wellington, tel. (04) 499 4749
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 499 4749
end_of_the_skype_highlighting; fax: (04) 499
7375; e-mail: contact@micahpartners.co.nz Applications close 14 September