(Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre's video service)
Contemplative prayer, with Fr Alan Roberts. Part one - setting the scene http://www.catholictv.net/living/newformatliving4.html
Brother Pat Lynch, NZ Catholic Education Office. "Characteristics of the Millennial Generation" (those born since 1985 who have recently left school) http://www.catholictv.net/learning/newformatlearning1.html
Bishop John Dew. Introduction to the sacrament of baptism http://www.catholictv.net/celebrating/newformatcelebrating1.html
Lorraine McArthur talks with St Mary's College students who entered the O'Shea Shield (for public speaking) on the topic of migrants and refugees. http://www.catholictv.net/giving/newformatgiving4.html
Sr Stephanie Kitching advises on how to welcome newly-arrived refugees into the local community http://www.catholictv.net/giving/newformatgiving1.html
'NZ Catholic' No 144, August 25, 2002
NB: The summary page at http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/ still shows the stories from two issues ago, but the links in fact open stories from the latest issue.
"Growth spurs big projects in Auckland " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story1.html Many millions of dollars worth of parish, school and community projects are under way or planned to cope with increasing Catholic numbers in Auckland.... [Related Link: Catholic Diocese of Auckland]
'Ecumenical services on September 11 " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story2.html Ecumenical, Catholic and inter-faith services in this country on September 11 will mark the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States. In Wellington Cardinal Tom Williams will participate in an ecumenical service at St Paul's Anglican Cathedral from 12.30pm-1.30pm and parishes will be encouraged to commemorate the anniversary at Mass.... [Related Links: Pope John Paul. "Evil and death do not have the final say" (12 September 2001) .... NZ Church leaders' statement on terrorist attacks in the USA (18 September 2001)]
"Emphasis on immigration in Social Justice Week " http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/story3.html Immigration, an issue currently arousing strong and varied opinions, will be a hot topic of discussion in Social Justice Week next month.... [Related Link: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Justice Week 2002: "Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants"]
"Catholic schools to face fewer hurdles: Barrier to development removed" (photo) Otago Daily Times Thursday, 29-August 2002 http://www.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/getitem?date=29Aug2002&object=KQG32H6597IM&type=htm\ l photo Dunedin Catholic schools have been placed on a more even footing with their state counterparts, with the Environment Court removing a barrier to development of their sites. The decision means the city's Catholic schools will face fewer planning hurdles....
Son vows to support father convicted of mercy killing Waikato Times 29 August 2002 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2035861a10,00.html The son of a Thames man, jailed today for 18 months for the mercy killing of his wife, says he fully supports his father ... However, the Catholic Church said tonight while it had sympathy for any family that had to watch a loved one die, it rejected mercy killing as "intrinsically wrong". "We believe that the right of the individual to choose is not an absolute right. Individuals must make their choices within the parameters of right and wrong. Right does not become wrong because an individual chooses it," church spokeswoman Lyndsay Freer said....
"Reducing Poverty Key To NZ's Future" Press Release: NZ Council of Christian Social Services 28 August 2002, 10:06 am http://www.scoop.co.nz/archive/scoop/stories/83/07/200208281006.f19f16e1.html Reducing poverty in NZ needs to be a key priority for this government according to a report released today by the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services. The latest results from the Poverty Indicator Project show that, despite a slight drop in the overall numbers surveyed, those coming to foodbanks are in extreme need.... Monte Cecilia Home (built in 1879), for 20 years a refuge for the homeless operated by the Sisters of Mercy, has been sold to the Auckland City Council. Paul Holmes pays a visit escorted by Sister Mary Foy. Holmes Show, Tuesday Aug. 27 (video) http://tvone.nzoom.com/programmes/holmes/story.html?story_2002_archive.inc
"'G' word sparks clash of values at school" (photo) " Living Values" (Values Education Website) http://www.living-values.org.nz/articles/1.asp Theresa Garner [of the NZ Herald] discovers it is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to decide if God belongs in schools... [The article includes a description of the approach to religious education at St Peter's College, auckland, where religion is taught in the context of the history of Western philosophy]
"70 sex-abuse cases surface at old school " Source: The Press (Chch) 27 August 2002 [Full text] Seventy men have complained of sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school. The number of men who have complained to the St John of God Order about abuse suffered as boys at Marylands has jumped from 48 a month ago.
The Tudor Consort/Peter Walls. "Cantiones Sacrae Quinis Vocibus" http://www.smokecds.com/index.cfm?layout=showcd&id=29788 "Peter Philips stands with William Byrd as one of the great religious composers of the Counter Reformation. The music of these two English Catholics is unsurpassed in sophistication and interest. The motets on this recording are taken from the five-part "Cantiones Sacrae" which were published in 1612. Philips adopted a wide range of musical devices to illustrate these texts musically, from suave counterpoint to precise word or image painting and homophonic declamation. These are extremely beautiful, emotionally charged settings that are strongly related to catholic spirituality. The Tudor Consort is a specialist early music choir based in Wellington, and their performances of this music, under conductor Peter Walls are simply first class." Recordings include .... 01 Salve Regina 02 Conceptio tua 03 Hodie beata Virgo Maria 04 Gaude Maria Virgo 05 Alma Redemptoris Mater 06 Iste est Johannes 07 O nomen Jesu 08 Ave gratia plena 09 Cantabant Sancti 10 Stella, quam viderant Magi 11 Tibi laus, tibi gloria 12 Salve, salutaris Victima 13 O Maria Mater 14 Mulieres sedentes 15 Surgens Jesus Dominus 16 Christus resurgens
15 to 21 September Social Justice Week 2002 'Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World' is the theme of the sixth Social Justice Week for the Catholic Church in New Zealand. This year the Week will encourage parishes and schools to look at immigration issues within the framework of human rights and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Through the information provided in the kits prepared by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, participants will be invited to put a human face on the issue and to determine what an ethical and just response would be. Most of the contents of the kits are available on the Caritas website, here: http://www.caritas.org.nz/nz/socialjusticeweek/refugees/sjs2002_refugees_overvie\ w.htm Caritas also has videos on refugees for borrowing, free Social Justice Week 2002 posters, and additional copies of the Caritas Social Justice Series booklet "Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Migrants in the Modern World" that can be purchased from the Caritas office for $4.50 each.
26-28 September 2002 Character Education Conference, St Andrew's College, Christchurch, Theme: "Character Education: the other side of the report card" The first national conference of the New Zealand National Foundation for Character Education Details from: The conference convenor, PO Box 194, Oamaru ... fax: 03 432 4036 ... e-mail: conference@cornerstonevalues.org ... Website: http://www.cornerstonevalues.org
26-29 September 2002 "Life, Faith and Family" Conference, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland Details from Family Life International, PO Box 56 423, Dominion Rd., Auckland 1030 and from: http://www.fli.org.nz