In issue 288, April 6 - 19, 2008 ...
Campaigner proposes pro-life party ... High-rise complex seen as a threat to
cathedral ... Continuing battle to protect Easter seen ... Kiwi ordained for
St Peter fraternity ... Joint ceremony commissions chaplains ... Hundreds
join solemn procession ... Depiction of sexual act in church was okay, says
standards authority ... Govt policies of justice, compassion called for ...
MP seeks bishops' support for family initiative ... 160 priests to get
together in Blenheim ... Environmentally-aware pupils make nature trail ...
Porirua principal wins award ... Tauranga student wins human rights prize
... Awards for two heads ... ERO File
Prayer focus and time off essential for busy priests ... Taking problems to
the Lord seen as a key ... Women's long service recognised ... Youth to
benefit from golf tourney proceeds ... New Christian courses for Rimutaka
inmates ... PNG Church becoming stronger, says NZ priest
Ronald Rolheiser: The domestic and monastic ... Pat Lynch: Religion is
becoming more important than some think ... Pew Point: Ideas on sin already
known ... Others Say: Catholic cheerleading not enough ... Editorial:
Archbishop's adultery saddening ... Malcolm Evans ... Letters ... Vatican
Letter: Pope in US expected to touch all faiths
Psychiatrists warn of harm from abortions ... Outspoken archbishop admits to
affair ... Gluten intolerance exercises bishop's mind ... The Pope:
Confessing opens our hearts to the Spirit ... Peacekeeping Holy Land leaders
needed, says Patriarch ... Focolare founder dies ... Christians leaving
Lebanon ... Muslim-born Catholic witnessing to Islam ... Appeal made for
faith-based agencies' right to share ... Ease off Tibet, China urged ...
Risen Christ our hope, says Pope ... Prayers for youth urged ... A broad
encyclical ... Gorbachev denies rumours ... Bounty on bishop ... In Brief
Papal Prayer, Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Clips, Catholic.Geek, Tape Deck,
Scripture, Feasts, Liturgical Calendar, The Doolans, God in the Garden,
Caption Contest, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago, Dio. Diary, Cryptic Crossword,
That Word!, Holy Lives, Kit's Corner, Photo Prayer, Wit's End.
Lamb of God Christian Community
School "put under cloud" by student fights
St Paul's College says it is sad that the actions of a small group of
students has painted a negative picture of the school...
Students quizzed on fight club, but culprits at large
College shocked by fight videos
`Fight club' scandal at college
Editorial: Church call to go back 17 years
Church actions louder than words
David Moxon and Brown Turei write that, outside the state, religious groups
are the biggest providers of social services in New Zealand ...
Give us the message but cut out the sermonising, by Tapu Misa
What do we expect from the church and its leaders? Moral leadership? Social
conscience? Good works? Or just to shut up and go away?...
Gala huge success
Whangarei Leader
Thousands flocked to the annual St Francis Xavier School gala in Whangarei
for a family day of fun and food ...
Abduction inquiry at end of road
Stratford police have completed their investigation into an alleged
abduction attempt of a young girl from a Kaponga primary school...
Education quality at school worries ERO
An Education Review Office report has found the quality and learning for
students is at risk in most classrooms at St Joseph's Catholic School in
Principal retiring after 16 years
Terry Rush, the principal of Timaru's St Joseph's school for 16 years,
retires at the end of the term...
Priests move to new flats (photo)
Taieri Herald
The first residents of the new Mosgiel flats for retired Catholic priests
moved in last week ...
Cartoonist Evans Makes Live Billboard For Climate
Press Release: Greenpeace New Zealand 03-04 13:02-2008
Wellington Thursday 3 April, 2008 - NZ Catholic's political cartoonist
Malcolm Evans will do a live billboard drawing in central Wellington today,
as part of calls for stronger climate policies from New Zealand's political
Kiwis providing medical care
Dr Derek Allen, a New Zealand doctor based in Indonesia, found his calling
providing medical care in poverty-stricken countries such as Vanuatu,
Pakistan, Eastern Europe, Africa and Indonesia. A job good for the soul, if
not the bank balance...
Southlanders gear up for youth day event
The Southland Times 3 Apr 2008 Page: 8
A group of Southland youngsters is looking forward to the pilgrimage of a
lifetime, despite having to give up the comforts of home and share portaloos
with half a million people to do it... [This story is not available on the
newspaper's free Website]
Kiwis will add their skills to WYD liturgies (04 Apr 2008)
Kiwi WYD Ambassador, Josie Leota (Archdiocese of Wellington) and seminarian,
Cameron Surrey (Hamilton Diocese) will represent the New Zealand Catholic
Bishops’ Conference as members of the International Liturgy Group at World
Youth Day 08 in Sydney this July...
'Why World Youth Day?
Confession booth-style video of Julie and Therese, students from Villa Maria
College, talking openly about what they expect to get from their journey to
see the Pope ....
'Angel in the City'
Luke 24 (on the road to Emmaus), a illustrated reading and discussion with
Christine and the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand, sponsored by 'NZ Catholic'
newspaper. Some recent topics ...
** What a Mess! (an unusual pregnancy; human-animal hybrids)
** Going to the chapel (on getting married at last)
** Why can't we be friends? (on working in a "non-denominational" Christian
** Shall we 'test drive' first? (in the throes of wedding week)
** No Place For God (modern Catholic architecture and the sense of the
sacred and divine)
** Culture clash (on the beauty of "mixed culture marriages")
** A voice you can agree with? (Why the comments on so many world issues)
World Youth Day
Sydney, 14-20 July 2008
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Vatican ambassador to U.S. talks of coming papal trip
I was in Washington, D.C., this week for a Tuesday luncheon sponsored by the
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. George Weigel and I had been invited
by Luis Lugo, director of the Pew Forum, to brief reporters on Pope Benedict
XVI's April 15-20 visit to the United States. As Weigel put it, he was there
to offer an "op/ed" perspective, with emphasis on the pope and Islam, while
I tried to fill the "news hole" with a broad overview...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com/ (video)
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Property Asset Manager, Auckland Diocese
Details in 'NZ Catholic' April 6 - 19, 2008 p.23, on
and from David Randall, Pompallier Diocesan Centre, tel: (09) 360 3031;
e-mail: davidr@cda.org.nz Applications close 21 April 2008
Part-time Experienced Counsellor, Catholic Social Services, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2008 p.17 and from The director, Catholic social
Services, PO Box 9408, Wellington 6141. Applications close 24 April 2008.