Sorry to say, the stories from this year's first issue of 'NZ Catholic' haven't appeared on its Web site. I hope and believe that this is an oversight and that the regular full-text articles will go up next week, or at least from the next issue, especially as the 'Wel-com' newspaper and 'Tui Motu' magazine sites appear to have 'gone dead'.
In the meantime here's something to go on with.
In the latest issue of the U.S. weekly 'National Catholic Reporter' there are two comprehensive articles by Paul Wilkes, the author of 'Excellent Catholic Parishes: The Guide to Best Places and Practices', due to be published by Paulist Press next month. A companion volume, 'Excellent Protestant Congregations', which Wilkes also wrote, will be published in April. The two volumes will be the basis for a Pastoral Summit, a gathering of leading U.S. Catholic and Protestant pastors and lay leaders from May 30-June 1 in New Orleans. Its Web site is: http://www.pastoralsummit.org
In this week's issue of the U.K. Catholic weekly 'The Tablet' there's a thoughtful article by a mother of pre-teen children telling how she encourages them to pray.
You can open both papers' Web sites from the bishops' Overseas Catholic Press link on http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/press/frpress.html This selection could be broader and I hope I'll receive the go-ahead from Catholic Communications some time soon to add a few more titles from the rich treasury of online Catholic periodicals.
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on the bishops' News page at: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/news/frnews.html ]
[Please don't try to hand-copy these newspaper Web addresses. Instead Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address line]
'Pope visit unlikely ' The Evening Post 17 Jan 2001 [Summary. Full text not available online] "The Catholic Church has not publicized a Vatican suggestion that Pope John Paul II could visit New Zealand later this year because his fragile health makes such a visit unlikely, says the Church's director of communications, Lyndsay Freer. A Rome newspaper on Monday reported a Vatican statement that the Pope could visit Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia in the second half of this year ...." - NZPA
[The background: In 1998 the Special Assembly of the bishops of Oceania took place in Rome (1). It was one of a series of assemblies of bishops from every region of the world in preparation for the Great Jubilee, to consider the current situation and future challenges for the cause of Christ in their regions. Since then a working party of bishops has been preparing a call to action based on the special assemblies' discussions. As recently as May last year (2) Cardinal Williams expected that Pope John Paul would come to New Caledonia (a French territory in the Pacific, north of New Zealand) after Easter 2001 to personally present the working party's document to the Catholic people of Oceania.
(1) http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/jubilee/synod\frsynod.html (2) 'Papal visit to Oceania next year?' NZ Catholic May 7 2000
'Biblical backing for exorcism ritual ' NZ Herald 8 Jan 2001 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?thesection=news&thesubsection=&storyI\ D=167656 "In the Bible's New Testament, Jesus cast out the Devil from those who were possessed. Since then, exorcism - banishing the Devil from people or places - has been a part of Christianity and also appears in other religions. Catholic Church representative Lyndsay Freer said the Church believed people and places could be possessed by the Devil - and exorcisms were occasionally carried out in New Zealand ..."
Did any 'kiwicath' member go to the Parachute Music Festival this weekend? If you could you write us a short report of the event, that would be great.
11 - 16 March 2001 Discipleship Course, St Mary's Parish Centre, Campion Rd., Gisborne. Sponsored by the Outreach and Evangelisation commission of the Hamilton Diocesan Pastoral Council. Cost: $80, excluding accommodation. Details from: Dawn DeWitt, 11 Russell St., Gisborne, tel: (06) 867 6408; and Christine: tel. (07) 846 2691
4 March 2001 Wellington Eucharistic Convention 2001: Town Hall, Lower Hutt Theme: “The Fullness of God” (Ephesians 3: 14-21 ) Guest speakers : Rita Klaus ; Father Clement Machado ; Tony Zuniga Details from: Ted Jordan, tel.: 904) 528 8678 and http://www.divine.co.nz
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Principal, Catholic Institute of Theology http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/auckland/cit The Catholic Institute of Theology is a centre for theological education, inquiry and research established by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. Further details from 'NZ Catholic' 3 December 2000 p. 23; 'Wel-com' December 2000 p.19; and from Professor Michael Pender, CIT Council Chairperson, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Closing date: 31 January 2001
Catholic Schools Review and Development Adviser, Diocese of Palmerston North Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28 2001 p. 23 and from: Catholic Education Office, Private Bag 11 012, Palmerston North Applications close: Friday 16 February 2001
Tertiary Chaplain, Diocese of Palmerston North Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 28 2001 p. 23 and from: Bishop's Office, Private Bag 11 012, Palmerston North. Tel: (06) 357 1980 Applications close: Friday 12 February 2001
And that's all this week. Every best wish and all God's blessings.
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager