Dear 'kiwicatholics',
On the New Zealand Catholic Internet this week ...
News & Events of the Great Jubilee
The main event in Rome this week is the Jubilee of the Sick and of Health
Workers, 9-12 February. Among the pilgrims for this Jubilee will be
'Superman' Christopher Reeve, now a paraplegic. If any one has a right to
say to these pilgrims "I know how you feel", it's 79-year-old Pope John Paul
and I would think that this particular encounter will be the one people
remember long after the Year is past. Our Jubilee 'News & Events' page of
press, audio and video links is updated every Wednesday and Saturday.
Christchurch Carmelites: Christmas Newsletter
It's a remarkable fact that the Christchurch community of this contemplative
(enclosed) order of nuns was the New Zealand pioneer among local religious
orders on the Internet. Their Christmas Newsletter is a visual feast, and if
you read nothing else you have just got to read the (true) story of Herman
and the Cargo of Death. If you understand Web page addresses you will see
that - once again - a local community has accepted the offer of their
parent body to host their pages free of charge. The '.at' after 'karmel'
stands for 'Austria'; the Austrian Carmelites maintain the international Web
site of their order.
CathSoc - Auckland University Catholic Students Association
This new web site is composed and maintained by 'kiwicatholic' Andrew
Trenwith who is also the Webmaster for the diocese of Auckland -
For good measure, I have to the bishops' main 'Education' page all the Web
sites I could find (nine so far) for New Zealand tertiary education
chaplains. The Education page is at:
Links to all the new pages are in "What's New" on the bishops' Web site:
In next week's News & Notes, online articles from the latest issues of 'NZ
Catholic' and 'Wel-com' newspapers. A little later N&N will feature articles
from our national evangelisation magazine 'EV 2000', the independent
Catholic monthly 'Tui Motu InterIslands' and NZ Catholic Education Office's
'Lighting New Fires'.
God bless,
Mike Leon
'kiwicatholic' list manager