Vatican pair fly to NZ on America's Cup study trip NZ Herald 10.01.2003 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3050724&thesection=news&thesu\ bsection=general The Vatican has dispatched two envoys to Auckland to study how the Roman Catholic Church should meet the spiritual needs of professional sailors, starting with those competing in the America's Cup.....
Devotion to duty matched by none (photo) Otago Daily Times, 7-January 2003 http://www.odt.co.nz/cgi-bin/search-display-story-online-new?date=07Jan2003&obje\ ct=E6I48B3680NF&type=html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial Seventy years after Sister Augustine vowed before God to look after the elderly, the 93-year-old has no intention of letting Him down. "We've got to look after the old people because they can't always look after themselves," she said yesterday. After morning prayers today, entering her 71st year as a Little Sister of the Poor, she will be found in the laundry at the order's Dunedin hospital and home for the elderly, where she will fold linen until begged to have a rest....
Iraqi Bishop Appeals for Peace All Are To Blame, Says Auxiliary Shlemon Warduni http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=29717 Vatican City, Jan. 9, 2003 (Zenit.org).- A prelate of the Patriarchate of Babylon of the Chaldeans made a moving appeal for peace in face of the threat of a military attack on Iraq, his country. "I appeal to the whole world, to all men of good will, to join the Pope in praying for peace," Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon Warduni said today in statements broadcast by Vatican Radio....
Honiara (Fides Service - full text) - Unexpectedly and happily there was no loss of life or injury during the recent cyclone which devastated the islands of Tikopia, Fataka and Anuta in the Southern Pacific Solomon Islands archipelago. The world looked on with dismay, nearest emergency crews ready with rescue plans, but despite winds of over 300km per hour and tidal waves ten meters high the people survived. Fides Service received a copy of a report written by Archbishop Adrian Smith SM of Honiara, who explains that damage is enormous but no one was hurt and also explains why. The people are very used to dealing with cyclones which their animals make then aware of long before the weather forecasts. They live in very low houses on ground level, one has to creep through the door to enter and inside either sit or move about inside on one's knees. The people retreat to caves in the hills each day to escape the excessive heat and they also go to these caves at times of cyclones to avoid death and injury. In the meantime aid agencies are organising assistance co-ordinated by Caritas Australia. Archbishop Smith says food aid will be necessary for the next four or five months. Long term assistance will be needed to rebuild the devastated areas.
Related reports:
Background to the story of Tikopia -- An essay prepared for BBC, by Archbishop Adrian Smith http://www.cathnews.com/news/301/34aSmith.html
Graveyard chaos adds to anguish on Tikopia (photo) NZ Herald 09.01.2003 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3050536&thesection=news&thesu\ bsection=general
Mike and Maria Cole, married for 28 years with three young-adult children, talk to Fr Peter Roe about the essentials for a happy marriage
NZ Catholic Education Office newsletter "Lighting New Fires", issue 7 2002 http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/lnf/lnfdec02.htm
In this issue: Editorial: National Values Summit 2002 .... Catholic Schools' Principals' Scholarships .... Unesco National Values Summit a resounding success ... School-business partnerships make a difference... Highlights and achievements of Catholic schools around NZ ... Australian Mathematics and Australian English competitions ... Gateway Workplace Skills programme ... Meningococcal vaccine strategy ... Courses in Christian Education for teachers ... Useful Websites
Nathaniel Report, issue 8, Nov 2002 http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/nr_issue_8.html
In this issue: Living Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney (full text)
Also in the print edition: Opportunities at the end of life (editorial) ... Medicalising normal human experience ... Ethical decision-making and grief
The Community of the Beatitudes is to formally receive official recognition by the Holy See at the end of January ( http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=29538 ). It was founded in France in 1974 by Ephraim Croissant, a former Protestant pastor who converted to Catholicism, together with his wife Josette and another couple. Associated with the Catholic charismatic renewal and the Carmelite spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Community comprises lay people, consecrated individuals and priests, celibates and families. It is established in all the continents with two houses in Oceania.
English-language Website: http://www.archden.org/beatitud/The Community of the Beatitudes in New Zealand: Our Lady of the Trinity Catholic Monastery, 67 Leithfield Road, RD1 Amberley, North Canterbury E-mail: leithfield@beatitudes.org Website: http://beatitudes.org/maisons/nouvellezelande/christchurch/index.html