'NZ CATHOLIC' March 24 - April 6, no. 411
In the current issue: Special papal election issue (5 pages) ... Argentinians in New Zealand hail Francis ... Catholics celebrate Vatican II ... Kiwi priest pedals miles on Dutch roads ... Year of Faith ... Easter Mass and liturgy times for travellers ... Puhoi's Straka family support parish for a century ... Chaplaincy for the deaf turns 35 ... Advertising features: North Shore parishioners open new funeral service - Legal services
Southern Cross Pope may even have some rugby knowledge, by Richard Dunleavy fms (photo)
Among the references to the background of the new Pope Francis given by BBC, CNN and European media when the Pope was first presented to the world on TV on Thursday, I noted that nothing was said about his being the first Pope to be born under the "Cruz del Sur", the Southern Cross. Nor did I hear a reference to the fact that he is the first Pope from the Southern Hemisphere...
Intellectual with the common touch, by Lyndsay Freer (photo)
The Catholic Church is in for a new kind of papacy with Pope Francis I, who has already broken with tradition
Opinion: The Pope got on a bus, by Josie Pagani
The new Pope faces South, away from the comfortable church of Europe, to a more restless church closer to New Zealand. Here's how that could mean big change
Pope reference prompts angry Catholic reaction (photo)
Waikato Times
A provocative Anglican church billboard depicting Jesus on the cross with the question ''Is resigning an option?'' has been labelled a ''hate crime'' against Catholics.
A shocking family secret (photo)
Dominion Post
An interview with Therese Pickard, editor of 'A Nun Always', a biography of her grandmother Sister Teresa Grigolini.
Church gets proactive on quake strengthening (photo)
Up to 50 church buildings and five schools have been labelled earthquake risks as Wellington's Catholic archdiocese undertakes a major strengthening project.
First church census since 1926 aims to re-evangelise NZ
North Shore Times
About 150 volunteers will track down every church in their district to gather information for New Zealand's first church census since 1926.
Complaint prompts change of art (photo)
Complaints from Heretaunga's Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church about community street art on a nearby Chorus broadband cabinet have led to it been repainted.
St Joseph's School, Nelson: St Joseph's kids win Lit Quiz (photo)
The Nelson Mail
In the Iliad, Helen's face was fabled to have launched 1000 ships, but the 112 Lit Quiz kids were more familiar with Breaking Dawn, the most recent Twilight title.
St Patrick's College, Silversteam: Carbon fibre gives St Pat's the edge (photo)
A nail bomb incident at Heretaunga College last Friday helped motivate its dragonboat teams to do even better, one of its coaches, Shannon Nightingale, says.
St Patrick's School, Taumarunui: Saintly group (photo caption)
Ruapehu Press
Pupils at St Patrick's Catholic School celebrated their faith and their school's namesake on St Patrick's Day last week.
Being put to the test: Luke 22:39-51, a reading and reflection by Fr James Lyons and Christine Paterson
Also: Sister Mary Scanlon: 'Expect the unexpected'.
LIGHT OF THE WORLD - Otago Catholic Access Radio
March 17 – A brief biography of Pope Francis, answers to questions about the conclave and Mary Eberstadt discusses her book 'Adam and Eve: after the Fall
[Choose the "Click to download" link. The sound quality of the other one is terrible - ml]
'BEING FRANK' - New Zealand Catholic blogs
** A dabble in 'Gaudium et Spes' … the Church in the Modern World
** Moving at Mass (extra-rubrical gestures in the Extraordinary Form are appearing in the Ordinary Form of Mass)
** I am so happy (what's your lasting image from the past week?)
** Give Richard III a Catholic burial!
** Universal Church (the conclave and social media)
Five tests of whether Pope Francis' reform of the Vatican could be real
Saturday will mark 10 days since the start of the Pope Francis era, and as introductions go, it's been a tour de force. Polling around the world suggests that overwhelming majorities have a positive impression of the new pope, and the media have fallen in love with a man who packs his own bags, makes his own calls and prefers to walk rather than taking the limo. As soon as Holy Week wraps up, however, the focus will shift from style to substance. Hard questions will begin to be asked about whether he's capable of delivering the reform in the Vatican that many cardinals believed they were voting for in electing him...
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. http://proudtobecatholic.org.nz/news-events/kete-korero/
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' http://www.chch.catholic.org.nz/?sid=25
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' http://www.cdd.org.nz/the-tablet
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/?sid=5
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Lighting New Fires' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_lighting_new_fires.html
NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Good News and the News' http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/pages/resources/resources_good_news.html
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' http://www.columban.org.au/?MID=200510192652
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/articles
Living the Word - Fr Frank Bird sm http://livingtheword.org.nz
Reflect - Veronica Lawson rsm http://www.welcom.org.nz/?sid=394
Daily Reflections (right-hand column) http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
Pompallier's People: The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
Bishop Patrick Dunn
Catholic Discipleship College
Diocesan Young Catholics, Palmerston North
Youth and Young Adults Ministries, Christchurch
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (video news of Pope Benedict)
Hui Aranga - Maori Easter gathering 2013
Thursday 28 March 2013, 8:00 am to Monday 1 April 2013, 4:00 pm @ the TSB Hub, Hawera
Hui Aranga is the gathering of Maori Catholics for the Celebration of Easter and other cultural and sporting activities. This year it is being hosted by Hoani Papita, (the South Taranaki Maori Eucharistic Community based in Normanby).
Eucharistic Convention, Westlake boys' High School, Takapuna, North Shore, Auckland. Friday 5th to Sunday 7th April 2013
Theme: Faith and the New Evangelisation
Registration form in 'NZ CATHOLIC' - March 10 - 23 2013 p.18.
Speakers' details on http://www.eucharistic-convention.com
Further information: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eucharistic-Convention-Auckland-NZ/135562099876270 ..... https://twitter.com/EucharistNZ
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Job vacancies at the Archdiocese of Wellington are listed on http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/jobs ]
[Catholic overseas volunteer vacancies are listed on the Vacancies page of http://www.mahitahi.org ]
Diocesan Liturgy Educator and Director of Liturgy and Music, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Diocese Of Palmerston North.
Two part-time roles or one full-time. Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 24 - April 6, p.24 and from the Diocese of Palmerston North, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North (Attention: Mr Mark Richards), e-mail: mrichards@pndiocese.org.nz ; tel. 06 350-3823.
Chaplain, Ngawha Correctional Facility, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 24 - April 6, p.16 and from Malia Moeono-Kolio, Director of Catholic Social Services Auckland, tel. (09) 378 9650. Applications close 12 April 2013.