'NZ Catholic' No 138, June 2, 2002
"Tax on benefits to staff could prove expensive " If the Government imposes fringe benefit tax on charities, it will cost the Catholic Church a lot of money... [ Related Link: NZ Treasury. Report by the Working Party on Registration, Reporting and Monitoring of Charities (4 March 2002) ]
"Hope seen in East Timor as struggle continues " New Zealand Catholic representatives returning from East Timor's independence celebrations expressed feelings of hope, but said "this is not an end of the struggles, it is a new beginning"... [ Related Link: Website of the Government of East Timor ]
"Young Islanders boost numbers " Young Pacific Islanders are a strength in the New Zealand Catholic Church, according to statistics... [ Related Link: The Logos Catholic Youth Ministry team ]
From the 'Think Page ' for Young Catholic adults:
Family intimacy, by Justine It's so easy for a family to slowly drift apart . . . you get older, one of you goes away to uni, one on an OE. But sometimes time and age can make you closer too...
"Te Papa's 'Mama' in shock health resignation " NZ Herald 08.06.2002\ D=2045618 Museum of New Zealand chief executive Dame Cheryll Sotheran resigned yesterday, citing illness. The 56-year-old's resignation from Te Papa took effect immediately. Dame Cheryll was born in Stratford to a large Catholic family and attended St Mary's College, Auckland. After graduating from secondary teachers' college in 1968 and from Auckland University with an MA in English in 1969, she undertook further studies in art history, in which she also lectured....
"At The Edge Of Memory: A Family Story", by Michael King (book review) Otago Daily Times Saturday, 8-June 2002 (Photo. Cover illustration)\ ct=I4B45N1598RN&type=html&WORDS=catholic&DB=Editorial This brief memoir recounts the life of the man known to his New Zealand family as Maurice Belgrave: Hamilton businessman, Roman Catholic convert, a man of mysterious antecedents. King never met the extrovert "Mr Bel", but his mother held him in warm esteem. Her sister married a Belgrave son, and King knew the next generations well....
"Convent girls note years of change" (photo) The Southland Times 7 June 2002,1008,1226920a1861,FF.html St Catherine's College (Invercargill) students and staff from 30 years ago gathered together recently. When convent girls meet and greet - it is just like all the stuff written about them. They've been the stuff of books, television programmes, sociological studies and feminist data gathering....
"Tapu tribe " (photos) The Daily News (Taranaki) 07 June 2002,1008,1227086a1861,FF.html Ever been bowled over by enthusiasm, boosted by team energy or buzzed by the enterprise of youth? It happened on Thursday last week, and that natural high is still here, driving me to write a story debunking the myth that all teenagers are revolting. The evidence is the Picture Perfect Planter on our deck (mustn't take the chequebook on jobs!) It couldn't be hung straight away - the young women from Sacred Heart Girls' College (Hamilton) were adamant about that....
"Food price rises bite into budget" Press Release: NZ Council of Christian Social Services 5 June 2002 Increases in basic food costs are adding pressure to families on low incomes, according to a report released today by the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services. Results from the latest Poverty Indicator Project show that, on average, sole parent families surveyed at the seven foodbanks in the study have only between $170-$225 to spend a week after paying their housing costs....
"Samoans celebrate without a sorry word " NZ Herald 3 June 2002\ bsection=general Prime Minister Helen Clark may be about to apologise for New Zealand's past wrongs in Samoa but she chose not to use the "s" word at a huge celebration of the country's independence in Auckland over the weekend at the Maleola Samoan Catholic Centre in Mangere...
Statistics New Zealand. 2001 Census Snapshot 4 (Maori)\ 001+Census+Snapshot+4+Maori?open [Excerpts] One in seven people (526,281) in New Zealand were of Mäori ethnicity. Nearly 9 in 10 people of Mäori ethnicity live in the North Island. The median age of people of Mäori ethnicity is 22 years.
98 percent of people of Mäori ethnicity who stated a religious affiliation were Christian. The main Christian denominations were:
Denomination 2001 Count 1991 Count
Anglican 74,961 82,134 Catholic 68,439 69,444 Ratana 45,177 45,102
From famine to feast! No less than three Websites for young Kiwi Catholics have made their debut recently.... ********************* National Council for Young Catholics The Website of the NCYC (an agency of the NZ bishops) includes youth and young adult ministry employment listings; contact addresses for diocesan youth ministry offices; information on ministry to young people; and a calendar of events. ******************** + C O n N e C t = Sponsored by the NCYC, this site aims to be all things to all young Kiwis with news of interest to young people, a forum, and resources on spirituality. The target audience is all young Catholic New Zealanders and other youngsters as well, from secondary school age to the 'young at heart'. The site's designer and manager is 'Kiwcath' forum member Julian Waters. ******************* The LOGOS Project This ministry to young Catholics in the diocese of Auckland is directed by the Society of Mary. It has two main aspects. **LOGOS Mobile Ministry** involves a mobile team of youth catechists, providing music, catechists, drama, and spirituality to parishes and other groups. **LOGOS Campus Ministry** provides team-based pastoral care in Catholic secondary aimed at strengthening their special character as places of Catholic education.
CATHOLIC WEB TV (Wellington Archdiocesan Media Office)
Theme of the month: Adversity This week's interviewee: Businessman and father Michael Fitzsimons, heart-attack survivor ...
Other video files on this site:
United States Catholic Schools' Conference 2002. A report by Bother Pat Lynch, CEO of the NZ Catholic Education Office
Problem Solved: Helping others deal with death: Sister Stephanie Kitching responds to a request for advice on helping a friend who is not coping well with recent deaths in her family.
'Faith Central" is a religious Education resource site developed by Fr John Murphy sm.
On its "Art Architecture and Music" page at: you will see a link in the margin called "Tour some churches". The page that opens has links to descriptions and interior views of three Wellington churches: St Mary of the Angels, Sacred Heart Cathedral, and St Paul's Cathedral (Anglican).
Then, for an extra treat, you might like to drop in at this page: where you will find links to interior views of Wellington's Old St Paul's (the nineteenth-century predecessor of the present Anglican Cathedral) and Sacred Heart Cathedral, in the form of 360 degree panoramas. Take 'em for a spin, they're great fun.
**************************** Workshops for youth leaders lead by Bob and Maggie McCarty of the US Catholic bishops' National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
Wellington: Connolly Hall, Guilford Terrace, Wellington, 17 June 2002, 7pm to 10 pm Entrance fee: $10 (includes a catered supper). Further information from the National Council for Young Catholics:
Auckland : St Columba Centre, Friday 5 July, 7-9 pm Further seminars on 6 and 9 July Details in 'NZ Catholic' 2 June 2002 p. 21 and on *****************************
June - September 2002 Essay and Art Competition: "God's greatest treasure - Life " For entrants 12 years and over. Sponsored by Family Life International * Visual art category * Essay category Prizes in each category for each of three age groups: 1st: $500; 2nd: $200; 3rd: $100 Full details, entry form and information pack from Family Life International, PO Box 56423 Dominion Rd. Auckland 1030. tel. 0800 367 5433 / (09) 623 4026; e-mail:
(Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: )
(Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: )
Marriage Education Co-ordinator, Catholic diocese of auckland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' June 2 2002 p. 21 and from Pompallier Diocesan Centre, tel (09) 378 4380.; email: Applications close 11 June 2002
Research Assistant, Hamilton Catholic diocese (short-term contract) to research archived material on the history of the diocese, for one or two months commencing in July. Details in 'NZ Catholic' June 2 2002 p. 21 and form Naomi McGowan tel (07) 838 2079; e-mail: applications close 10 June 2002
Bishop's Assistant for Pastoral, Liturgical and Catechetical Formation, Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North To assist parishes with liturgy and sacramental catechesis. Knowledge of Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori required. Details from: Bishops' Secretary, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North. Tel.: 06 357 1980. Applications close 28 June 2002