Regular reports by the National Catholic Reporter's Vatican correspondent
John L. Allen:
http://www.nationalcatholicreporter.org/word/ (links to earlier reports are
half-way down, on the right)
Report 19: 'Massive endorsement' of priestly celibacy said to be among the
synod's important accomplishments
Report 18: Synod adopts tougher language on divorced, remarried
Report 17: Final draft rebuffs Latin Mass; priest shortage, divorce squarely
on church’s pastoral agenda Posted Oct. 20
Report 16: Gregory: Little change expected but synod had honest talk of
pastoral realities Posted Oct. 19
Report 15: Draft propositions do not recommend changes in church discipline
Posted Oct. 18
Report 14: Women’s voices heard through interventions of 12 synod auditors
Posted Oct. 17
Report 13: Statement on married priests likely in final list of proposals
Posted Oct. 17
Report 12: Outreach to Latin Mass Catholics proposed for final message.
Posted Oct. 15
No. 224, October 23-November 5, 2005
NZ's cardinal has impact on Synod of Bishops
Wellington - New Zealand's lone cardinal made his presence felt at the Synod
of Bishops on the Eucharist -- without even being there....
Archbishop puts case for remarried Catholics
Wellington - Archbishop John Dew of Wellington put the issue of giving
Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics firmly back on the Church
agenda with his address to the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist....
GP takes stand against pill
Nelson - A Catholic doctor has written to female patients informing them he
will no longer prescribe artificial birth control or refer patients for
sterilisation procedures....
Also In Issue 224:
Methodist minister named as liaison to Rome council ... Right to Life case
to proceed ... Fighter for justice and peace dies ... New deacon ordained
... Caritas gives quake relief ... Youth reach out across faiths ...
Catholic principal is NZEI fellow ... John Paul wins Chanel Shield ...
Campion's celebration of art brings in $4100 ... ERO File ... Waimea West's
little church to celebrate 150th jubilee ... Stained glass to be restored
... Tennis win to Pompallier ... Faith-filled visit had few hitches ...
Catholic family service resists CYFS scheme
Shaping the Church's future: 15 key points for action ... NZ schools attract
students from Asia ... Hamilton's jubilee will wind up with "Big Weekend"
... Pots, pans and pencils dispatched to missions ... Mill Hill brother dies
... Justice work recognised ... Unrest prevents blessing of Carmelite
Joy Cowley: The paschal mystery of brokenness ... Ronald Rolheiser: Our
inability to cast out demons ... Brendan Malone: These flawed policies cause
more harm ... Editorial: NZ bishops and "hunger" for Eucharist ... Malcolm
Evans, Letters
Religion "on the march" in Britain ... Directors in US seek vocations in
stony ground ... Bishops oppose immunity bill in PNG ... The Pope: Women's
"genius" is not respected ... Men's orders worried about gay exclusion ...
Disarmament "duty" ... Papal BMW ... Hellwig dies ... Synod of bishops
focuses on the Eucharist ... New draft of Mass text is produced ... "It's a
process of collegiality" ... China's Church gaining unity ... Not complete
ban? ... "Lesser evil" choice applied to voting ... More for mentally ill
... Boxing called "inhuman"
Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Net Scene, Clips, Tape Deck, Scripture, Papal
Prayer, Feasts, The Doolans, God in the Garden, Who Said?, Cryptic
Crossword, 40 Years Ago, Caption Contest, Dio. Diary, That Word!, Kit's
Corner, Photo Prayer, Holy Lives, Wit's End.
The Salesians
Standing by his principles, by Brendan Malone, media liaison for Family Life
When Nelson GP, Dr Joseph Hassan, sent a letter to his patients telling them
he would no longer prescribe contraceptives, he made headlines. His actions
have been praised in some quarters, while others have nothing positive to
Catholic GP refusing to supply contraceptives. Procedures correct: academic
Otago Daily Times
A GP who refused to supply contraceptives because of his Catholic faith has
followed correct procedures, University of Otago Prof Murray Tilyard says...
Family supports GP's stand on birth control
The Blenheim family of a Nelson GP refusing to prescribe contraceptives says
he is simply following his conscience...
Practising what one preaches
The case of the Nelson doctor who is refusing to prescribe contraceptives
raises some intriguing issues, says the Nelson Mail
Catholic GP's stance 'could lift rate of teen pregnancy'
A women's health lobbyist fears that Catholic doctors' refusal to prescribe
contraceptive pills risks pushing the nation's already high teenage
pregnancy rate even higher...
Opinion split over doctor
Public opinion is split over Nelson GP Dr Joseph Hassan's decision not to
prescribe contraceptives for his patients...
Family Life Praises Dr's Contraception Decision (press release, Family Life
The bold and important decision of Dr Joseph Hassan to cease prescribing
contraceptives to his patients is to be praised Catholic pro-life and family
organisation, Family Life International, commends the stand taken by Nelson
GP, Dr Joseph Hassan, to stop prescribing contraceptives to his patients...
Bedridden but bountiful life (photo)
For 44 years, James Lynch lay in Tauranga Hospital, unable to move or utter
more than a few words at a time. Given this, it doesn't sound as if Lynch's
life would make great material for a play, but his is a remarkable story
which proves that old chestnut "life is what you make it".
NZ's oldest altar boy
Herbie Charlesworth may well be New Zealand's oldest altar boy. The
90-year-old is a regular altar server during weekday Masses at Avondale's St
Mary's Catholic Church.
'Quiet achiever' will be missed by district
Brian Tierney civil engineer, business executive, community volunteer and
tourism promoter died on Tuesday. Mr Tierney was involved with the
reorganisation of Catholic Education in Timaru and the setting up of
Roncalli College.
Generations pass through school (photo)
In 125 years, the fathers and sisters at St Patrick's Primary School in
Waimate have seen a lot of students, including five generations of Bakers
and Pattersons. Ninety-four of the Baker family had gone to the primary
school over five generations.
Lord's Name in Vain
He's supposed to be a revered figure, so why is that people call out "Jesus"
if they stub their toe, for example? Well one group reckons that shouldn't
be allowed, but as Jendy Harper discovers, their protests may be a little
too late.
St Patrick's closes for $12m makeover
Auckland's St Patrick's Cathedral has closed for almost two years as
builders prepare for a $12 million conservation and restoration job...
A man of the land and community
Otago Daily Times
The life of Joseph Fahey, who died recently in Dunedin at the age of 94, was
marked by extensive community service, political activism and a significant
contribution to the farming industry. At a time when almost everyone had a
religious affiliation and the leadership in farming and politics tended to
be comprised of individuals with a combination of Presbyterian religion and
National politics, Joe Fahey was the odd one out, being a committed Catholic
and a staunch Labour supporter....
Anti-Abortionists Win Right To Fight
Anti-abortion campaigners in this country are claiming a legal victory. The
High Court has ruled Right to Life New Zealand is allowed to argue that
statutory duties of the Abortion Act are not being upheld...
Father Alan Rees, 1941-2005 (obituary)
A Welsh organist, monk and musician, Father Alan Rees was a gifted composer
who enriched tremendously the music of the Roman Catholic Church when its
liturgy passed from Latin into the vernacular after Vatican II...
Holy war looms over Disney's Narnia epic
To millions, The Chronicles of Narnia are a childhood tale of wonder and
triumph now made into a film that could inspire millions of children to
read. To others, including the celebrated fantasy author Philip Pullman,
they are stories of racism and thinly veiled religious propaganda that will
corrupt children rather than inspiring them...
Only Caritas is operating at full speed in quake zone
Mgr Coutts, Bishop of Faisalabad and chairman of Caritas Pakistan, speaks
about the early relief operations and the situation two weeks after the
quake. United Nations warns the situation is worse than after last year’s
On a wing and a prayer
An epidemic of avian flu could potentially claim at least 50,000 British
lives. If it does strike, it will reveal much about our contemporary
attitudes to mortality and our capacity for altruism ...
Pope urges children to cultivate lifelong friendship with Jesus
At a festival for children who have recently made thier First communion,
seven children asked Pope Benedict questions about why it is important to go
to Mass and to confession and what their teachers mean by the real presence
of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Global Catholic News, plus audio files from Vatican Radio
Archbishop predicts Zimbabwe catastrophe
No ban on gays expected in Vatican document
A new Chinese bishop consecrated with Vatican approval
Sinn Féin allowances to be restored
Beatification soon for Cardinal Newman?
Synod proposals back existing Church policies
Iraq bishops ready to seek help from Pope
Archbishop tells student exorcists that humility defeats Satan
Vatican Radio
Pope's General Audience
"Today I would like to reflect with you on the De profundis, Psalm one
hundred and twenty-nine, one of the best-known penitential psalms. It is a
celebration of the mercy of God, who is always ready to forgive and to be
reconciled with sinners."
Healing Powers
Participants in the Synod joined Pope Benedict XVI for Eucharistic adoration
on Monday as the three week meeting draws to a close. Among them was a
sister who works with the handicapped organizing Eucharistic adoration
groups in Hong Kong and mainland China.
Feeding The Hungry
Why are so many people still facing starvation in a world which produces
enough food to feed us all? That was the question posed by Vatican Secretary
of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano to world leaders at the 60th anniversary of
the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation. The event coincided with the
annual World Food Day.
Caritas Confederation Active in the South Asia Earthquake Regions
13 October 2005: As Caritas supporters in New Zealand respond to helping
those affected by the devastating South Asia earthquake, members of the
Caritas Confederation are working to provide coordinated assistance to
thousands in need...
Caritas NZ responds with $10,000 for Pakistan/India Earthquake
10 October 2005: Caritas Director, Mike Smith said, “The earthquake has
caused utter devastation, destroying families and communities. It is vitally
important that those who have survived and are now without homes, food and
shelter are properly taken care of....�
Mission Sunday 23 October 2005
The Church in the Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa and remote areas of Latin
America depends on our assistance to proclaim the Gospel among two thirds of
the human family. Please support your parish's Mission Sunday collection, or
send a donation directly to: National Director, Pontifical Mission
Societies, PO Box 48-097, Auckland 7
About the Pontifical Mission Societies: http://www.missionsocieties.org.uk
'Signs & Wonders ' 21-23 October 2005
St Patrick's College, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
Guest speakers: Fr John Rea sm, International Healing Ministry; Alan
Panozza, President, Interenational Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services;
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2005 p.7, and from Cherylynn Passmore, 7 Henry
Street, Upper Hutt. Tel: (04) 526 6914 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(04) 526 6914 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; fax:
(04) 526 2189; e-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Bishop's Deputy for the Pastoral Plan of the Catholic Diocese of
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct.23 - Nov.5 p.23, and from: Fr Rick Loughnan,
Good Shepherd House, 372 Innes Rd., Christchurch 8005. Tel.: (03) 385
8300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (03) 385 8300
e-mail: gsh@clear.net.nz
School Administrator/Business Manager, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct.23 - Nov.5 p.23; at:
http://www.mahitahi.org/project.php?id=0029 ; and from: Mahitahi, Chanel
Centrer, 51 Grey St., PO Box 4353, Hamilton East, . Tel: (07) 855 4699
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (07) 855 4699
fax: (07) 855 4709; e-mail: Christina.mahitahi@xtra.co.nz