The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston
Archbishop Dew's column:
Synod 2006 salt and light together
A clean start for cleaners
The plight of some of the lowest paid workers, cleaners, and the country’s
reliance on them in the event of an epidemic was highlighted last month when
the CleanStart campaign was launched in 10 cities across New Zealand and
Cleaners and God a theological reflection
The first theological questions asked by Catholic social teaching (CST) are:
What is the situation of commercial cleaners? What is their reality? ...
NZ co-hosts in 2008 World Youth Day
New Zealand young people have won the right to be official co-hosts for the
2008 World Youth Day in Sydney...
CEC nets calls in record numbers
The Catholic Enquiry Centre made the highest number of enrolments in its
course for at least 20 years last year...
New cathedral organist
Sacred Heart Cathedral has a new organist, at last. Michael Stewart has an
extensive curriculum vitae for his 28 years. He already has one CD to his
credit and another on the way....
Social justice in the parishes
We are now post-Lent and into Eastertide! In the gospels and in the Acts of
the Apostles during these weeks we share the enthusiasm of the disciples as
they come alive with the new life of the risen Jesus. The new life affected
whole communities, as they energetically set about living out their new
insights and strengths!...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
GAYNZ.com article is factually incorrect
Yesterday (24.05.06) the GAYNZ.com website posted an article about a press
release issued by Family Life International in response to Green MP Metiria
Turei's call for legalised homosexual adoptions in New Zealand. The
GAYNZ.com article contains factual errors and shallow rhetoric that ignores
research and represents only one side of this important debate...
Catholic secondary school proposal due back in court
The Catholic Diocese of Auckland is still fighting for consent to build a
Catholic secondary school on the 25 hectares of land they own on Burtt Rd in
New Zealand Church life is an example of cultural integration
Churches have a significant role in the settlement outcomes of migrant
women, argues Ruth DeSouza, a migrant Goan settled in New Zealand. She also
suggests in the following article that women who are members of mainstream
churches can advance the integration process...
Gospel according to Dan Brown?
As The Da Vinci Code film opens in theatres, local church representatives
are advising film patrons not to take its plot as gospel...
Cracking the publishing code, by Finlay Macdonald
“Pope’s Organist� impostor plans concerts in New Zealand (23 May 2006)
An Italian man claiming to be the official organist to the Vatican, and to
have been appointed to this position by Pope Benedict XVI, is planning a
series of concerts in New Zealand, according to Catholic News Service...
New Zealand "simply not doing enough" for overseas aid - Caritas
Wellington â€" Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand has compared Finance Minister
Michael Cullen to Scrooge following a Budget that failed to increase New
Zealand’s commitment to overseas..
The Church and Caritas Helping in Timor Leste (25 May 2006)
As rebel soldiers and gangs of youths in Timor Leste (East Timor) continue
to cause violence in and around the country’s capital, Dili, the Catholic
Church, Caritas agencies and other NGO’s are working to assist those who
have fled from their homes due to the unrest...
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week: The Pope in Poland
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Edmund Rice Network, National Co-ordinator
Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 7-20 2006 p. 23, and from The Associate
Principal. St Peter's College, Mountain Rd, Auckland 1003; tel: (09)
524-8108 ext. 7313 Applications close 1 June 2006.
Lay Pastoral Leader, St Bernadette's Parish, Naenae, Lower Hutt
Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 21 - June 2 p.22, and from The General Manager,
Wellington Archdiocese, Catholic Centre, PO Box 1937, Wellington 6015.
Applications close 2 June 2006
Fix-it/groundsperson, Mt Tabor Community, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 21 - June 2 p.22, and from Lorraine tel (09)
420-6184; Mike tel (09) 420 9701; or Irene tel (027) 471 5295.