'NZ CATHOLIC' - http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
In issue 301, October 5-18 2008 ...
Advertising feature: Mission Sunday, October 19, 2008
Listening more important than talking (photo)
Daily Post, Rotorua
On Monday, the Catholic church is holding a thanksgiving mass for Father
Anton Timmerman, affectionately known as Father Tim, who is retiring after
serving Rotorua and the church for almost 60 years. Daily Post reporter
Abigail Caspari talks to him about his service.
Ray's been serving tennis at Pompallier for 45 years (photo)
Auckland City Harbour News
It's tough to play tennis with bulrushes in the court, but that's what
Pompallier Tennis Club founder Ray Keenan was faced with when he started the
club in 1963 ...
New marae entranceway blessed (photo)
A new carved entranceway has been erected at Invercargill's Te Tomairangi
Marae showing ties between Maori culture and Christianity...
David Olivier leaving to head college in Palmerston North
The Upper Hutt Leader
Upper Hutt college's principal, David Olivier, has accepted the role of
principal at Palmerston North's |St Peter's College ...
Repair bill hits the roof (photo)
A landmark church built during the Depression has been dealt a $200,000
financial blow. Opened on October 1, 1933, St Michael’s Catholic Church in
Remuera is in desperate need of repair after 75 years of service...
Blessing for BoT (photo)
The Hutt News
Blessing Mbenjele has created history at St Bernard's College. The
quietly-spoken 17-year-old is the student rep on the Board Of Trustees ...
'The rejected stone'
A reading and discussion of Matthew 21:33-34 with Fr Chris Skinner and
Regina Perez.
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand. Some current topics ...
I’m in a rut, politically speaking (polics and abortion) ... "I've done
everything the Bible says - even the stuff that contradicts the other
stuff!" ... Greedy chickens coming home…? (on the troubles in the global
marketplace) ... Experiential learning, social justice and the Connect
Mission Project ... "But it says on page 1,326…" (on the differences between
Catholics and other Christians) ... A need for beauty?
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Bishops at Synod on Bible to hear cardinal speak of need to anchor biblical
study in doctrine
While the Vatican is most assuredly not a democracy, probably the closest
thing it has to the trappings of democratic debate opens in Rome on Sunday
with the 22nd session of the Synod of Bishops, this one devoted to "The Word
of God in the Life and Mission of the Church."
The synod was created by Pope Paul VI in 1969 to give the bishops of the
world a regular voice in the governance of the universal church. Though
complaints have surfaced over the years that it’s an expensive talk shop
with no actual authority, it’s nonetheless a unique sounding board. For
roughly the first week and a half, each participant will have a few minutes
to deliver a message to the pope himself, and to the wider world, about the
state of the church...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com (video)
Joshua Catholic Mens Fellowship. The Banquet: a weekend retreat.
October 10th, 11th, and 12th 2008
Willow Park, Eastern Beach, Auckland.
Details, registration form and promo video:
Christ Fest '08 - A Catholic youth gathering in the style of WYD
25 - 26 October 2008
Sacred Heart Parish grounds, Ranfurly, Dunedin Diocese.
Catholic Men's Residential Retreat Weekend
Teapot Valley Christian Camp, Brightwater, Nelson.
5.30pm Friday 31 October - 3pm Sunday 2 November 2008
Details in 'Welcom' October 2008 p.19 and from George tel (03) 547 4649;
Bernard tel (03) 5465 1811
'Winter Sun: Unpacking World Youth Day'
The 2008 'NZ Catholic' lecture with Archbishop Mark Colerdige of Canberra
and Goulburn
** Auckland: Monday Nov. 17, St Beenedict's Chruch Newton, 7.30 pm.
** Wellington: Tuesday Nov. 18, St Joseph's Church, Mt Victoria, 7.30pm.
** Christchurch: Wednesday Nov. 19, Villa Maria College, Upper Riccarton,
Admission: Adults: $10; college students (with ID) $5.
'Hearts Aflame' Catholic Summer School
9-18 January 2008
St Bede's College, Christchurch
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Promoters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' 300, September 21 - October 4, 2008 p.23 and from
Dennis Augustine, Promotions and Advertising Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box
147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; tel: (09) 360-3049; e-mail:
NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference. Business Administrator
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 301 Oct 5-18 2008 p.23, in 'Wel-com' October
2008 p.7, and from Anne Dickinson, tel (04) 496 1747; e-mail:
adickinson@nzcbc.org.nz Applications close October 17 2008.
Diocesan Liturgy Educator. Palmerston North Diocese.
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2008 p.13, at
http://www.pn.catholic.org.nz/?sid=208 , and from Mark Richards, Diocese of
Palmerston North, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North , tel. 06 350-3823.
Applications close 17th October 2008,
Wellington Catholic Education Centre. Director.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 301 Oct 5-18 2008 p.23, in 'Wel-com October
2008 p.3, at http://www.cathnews.com/article.aspx?aeid=9143 , and from
John Butterfield, General Manager, Archdiocese of Wellington, PO Box 1937,
Thorndon, Wellington 6140. Tel: 04 496 1788
E-mail: j.butterfield@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close: 24 October
Archdiocese of Wellington. General Manager.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 301 Oct 5-18 2008 p.23, in 'Wel-com October
2008 p.3, and from Mike Hurdle or Catharina Vossen at Micah Partners, PO Box
499, Wellington. Tel: 04 499 4749; mobile: 021 552 929; fax: 04 499 7375;
email: contact@micahpartners.co.nz Applications close 17 October 2008