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Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and
everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. We praise your greatness as we honour the prophet who prepared the way before your Son. You set John the Baptist apart from other men, marking him out with special favour. His birth brought great rejoicing: even in the womb he leapt for joy, so near was man's salvation. You chose John the Baptist from all the prophets to show the world its redeemer, the lamb of sacrifice. He baptized Christ, the giver of baptism, in waters made holy by the one who was baptized. You found John worthy of a martyr's death, his last and greatest act of witness to your Son. In our unending joy we echo on earth the song of the angels in heaven as they praise your glory for ever. (Preface of Saint John the Baptist) **************************************** Dear friends, Did any 'kiwicath' member attend the Mercy Healthcare conference, just ended? If so, could you could write us a couple of lines about it please.. Pope John Paul has begun his visit to the Ukraine where he will beatify the Catholic martyrs of the Nazi occupation during World War II and of the Communist era which followed it. Under Communism, the Greek Catholic Church was supressed, but continued to exist underground until the end of the Soviet era. During his visit the Pope will celebrate Mass several times according to the Latin (Roman Catholic) rite and the Byzantine (Greek Catholic) rite. The Catholics of the Ukraine are overjoyed at the visit, but it is also a controversial one because the principal Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in communion with the Moscow patriarchate, regards the visit by the Pope as an invasion of its territory. You can follow the events in text, video and audio reports and photos via the links on the bishops' News page at: http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/news/frnews.html You might also like to read first-hand reports in the Kjiv Post, the Internet edition of an English-language daily newspaper published in the Ukrainian capital Kiev: http://www.kpnews.com/data/main.html Mike Leon 'kiwicath' forum manager ************************** PASTORAL LETTERS Two more pastoral letters by our bishops are on the Web site. You can open them from the 'What's New' page at: http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/frwhatsnew.html >From 'Honouring Volunteers ', a letter marking the United Nations International Year of Volunteers: "... we asked ourselves the same question: where would we be without those who volunteer their gifts and talents and precious time to the many forms of ministry that make up the life of the Church?... Ministers of Word and Eucharist, musicians, altar servers and those who decorate and give visual expression to the feasts and seasons of our liturgical life... those who administer our finances, maintain our churches and property, serve in our caring apostolates, in RCIA and sacramental preparation, in family support, in marriage preparation and enhancement groups, assist those who are bereaved and those making new beginnings..." (Links to the IYV Websites of the UN and the New Zealand Dept of Internal Affairs, and to Catholic Overseas Volunteer Service) >From 'Christ's prayer for unity: A statement on Ecumenism': "To work for Christian unity, therefore, belongs to our very calling as Christ's disciples. That is why the Catholic Church is irrevocably committed to this work. It doesn't require uniformity in everything. But true unity cannot exist without unity in the profession of the same apostolic faith, the same sacraments and acceptance of the same teaching authority..." ************************** FROM THE CATHOLIC PRESS After a break of one year I'm happy to report that articles from the Wellington and Palmerston North diocesan newspaper 'Wel-com' are once again available on the Internet, at: http://catholic.org.nz/wellington/Wellington/Pastoral/Communications/latest.html >From the June issue of 'Wel-com': 'St Bernard's College Old Boys to the fore' In recent months we have heard of the success of some of the Old Boys of St Bernard's College in the business world. We offer our congratulations to them and to the College which gave them such good foundations. In a completely different area, we hear of even more success as outlined below...... (four related links) 'Miraculous Transformation in Christian-Jewish Relationships' Growing up in New Zealand today, it is difficult to appreciate how deep were the feelings of animosity directed at Jewish people until fairly recent times. Speaking in Wellington last month, Rabbi Professor David Rosen said the transformation that had taken place over the last fifty years, and especially over the last thirty years, has been nothing short of miraculous.... (link to the International Council of Christian and Jews and to Vatican II's 'Nostra Aetate' on relations with non-Christian religions) 'Fostering spiritual development through creative ministry' Monica Brown is one of Australia's most highly respected composers. A teacher, she was born and educated in Sydney and gained an honours degree through Australia's Catholic University. Her thesis was on spiritual development, something which has become the focus of her life's work. Her special expertise is with religious education, liturgy and spirituality through the integration of creative process, ritual and scriptural imagery... (link to Australian Catholic Univeristy) 'Marian Mothers celebrate 20 years' Celebrating the past but looking to the future was the mood when a group of former and current Marian Mothers gathered at St Teresa's Church in Karori on Anzac Day to celebrate 20 years since the movement first began. The current coordinator, Fr John Craddock sm, marked the occasion by announcing a new outreach to women in the Wellington area and plans to ensure the movement would match the changing needs of mothers in 2001 and beyond. (link to Marian Mothers Website) ******************** >From 'NZ Catholic' http://catholic.org.nz/cathcom/press/nzc/front.html 'Change in Catholic view is welcomed by rabbi' A rabbi preaching in a Catholic church would have once been "unthinkable", Rabbi David Rosen told a St Patrick's Cathedral congregation at Mass on May 6. The president of the International Council of Christians and Jews, Rabbi Rosen has experienced inter-faith contacts in South Africa, Ireland and Israel.... 'Vatican issues new directions for translating liturgical texts' The use of inclusive language and the choice of appropriate vocabulary for liturgical translations are addressed in a new Vatican instruction, entitled Liturgiam Authenticam, which calls for a new era in translation of liturgical texts. The following is a summary of main points from the document, published by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.... (Links to the full text of "Liturgiam authenticam" and to the New Vulgate: 'Editio Typica' (the Latin Bible) 'Sanctions on Iraq must stop' - Caritas Caritas Aotearoa-New Zealand has protested to diplomatic representatives of the United States and United Kingdom over their countries' support for economic sanctions against Iraq.... >From NZC's Think Page for young Catholics: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/press/nzc/Think.html 'Where is God? ' Ever asked yourself that question? Oh go on - be honest! Have you ever watched the news and asked, "Where is God?" Ever failed a critical university exam by two per cent and asked, "Where is God?" Have you ever had a friend die, and stopped and cried out "Where is God!?!?!?!" Mother Teresa once spoke about how noisy the world is, and how difficult it is to hear the voice of God . . . . He's still there and speaking, we just can't/won't or don't listen. ... ******************************** FROM THE SECULAR PRESS 'Agreement Secures New Premier Park In Hillsborough' Press Release: Auckland City Council http://www.scoop.co.nz/archive/scoop/stories/05/0a/200106201631.9bd2012a.html Auckland City Council has reached agreement with the Catholic Diocese of Auckland to buy about 5.1 hectares of the Diocesan property at Hillsborough, which includes the former Pah Homestead, also known as Monte Cecilia House. [Under the agreement] allowance is made for the current emergency housing facility in the former Pah Homestead to be relocated by the Diocese over the next 12 months or more and the Council will undertake significant remedial work in order to protect access, security and privacy for the residents of Liston Village.... **************************************** EVENTS & COURSES 29 June-1 July 6 July-8 July Discipleship Training Course, St Michael's Church, Ohaupo, Hamilton Cost $80, accommodation can be arranged. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from Eleanor Ranum, PO Box 358, Putaruru. Tel: 07 883 3037 30 June 2001 'Logos 3', McAuley High School, 26 High St., Otahuhu. 4pm-10pm Praise and worship, music, workshops, giveaways, games, prayer and Scripture "'Logos' is an Auckland Catholic organisation celebrating our youth and our heritage". Tel. Frs Pat, Joe or Kevin at (09) 625 1250. E-mail: logosproject@hotmail.com 23-27 July 2001 Churches' Education Commission. State school chaplaincy training course, Auckland C.E.C. is the educational agency of the churches, established "to stimulate, service and co-ordinate the concerns of member denominations and related organisations for Christian and general education in New Zealand". Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from the Commission, PO Box 26-679 St Heliers Bay, Auckland 1005. Tel: 09 622 0664; in Wellington tel; 04 384 3587. Website: http://www.cec.org.nz/ Closing date for applications to enrol: 30 June 2001 'Art and Faith' Competition for paintings of a spiritual nature sponsored by 'NZ Catholic' newspaper, Lillias McLean and Creative Communities [Auckland City] Committee. Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 20 2001 p.23 . Entry form from NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Email: catholic@iconz.co.nz or artel@xtra.co.nz. Fax: (09) 360 3065 or (09) 524 8322 Closing date: 31 August 2001 ***************************** EMPLOYMENT (Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ) Executive Officer, Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic Healthcare. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from John Topp, Wheeler Campbell Consulting Ltd, tel; 04 499 1500, fax: 04 499 1600 Chaplain, Mt Eden Prison Women's Division, and Auckland Central Remand Prison. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from Sister Judith Leydon, Vicar for Religious, Tel 09 378 4380. Applications close 25 June 2001 ****************************** | |||||||||
Sunday, June 24, 2001
24 june 2001
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