Caritas Aotearoa NZ: The humanitarian situation in Iraq, and Caritas' Iraq Appeal http://www.caritas.org.nz/world/asia/iraq/iraq_apr03.htm
NZ Catholic Education Office Newsletter: "Lighting New Fires", April 2003 http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/lightingnewfires.shtml
Editorial: Catholic Schools’ Day ...... School closings and openings.... Preference of Enrolment o qualification to be dicsussed ... Review and Development of the Special Character of Catholic Schools .... “Do not be afraid” (Mt 28.10) .... Congratulations to our New Principals ... Hillsborough Laureate Awards for Distinguished Contributors to Catholic Education ... New Special Character Teaching Modules ... Top Scholar Awards in the 2002 Bursaries Examinations ... Two Good Ideas... National Electricity Supply Project For Catholic Schools ... Congratulations ... Helpful Reading
Wellington Archdiocesan Media Office: Catholictv.net http://www.catholictv.net/alive/index.html
Bishop John Dew: How prayer has the power to bring about peace in the world
TV One: The Holmes Show (video files) http://tvone.nzoom.com/programmes/holmes/story.html?story_2003_archive.inc Thursday April 17 : The Easter faithful. (4.07 mins) Preparing for Easter at the Gift Centre for the Intellectually Handicapped, Balmoral, Auckland.
Pope Returns To Poetry Xtra-MSN-Reuters http://xtramsn.co.nz/entertainment/0,,3811-2194998,00.html Pope John Paul reflects on nature, his death and his life in new poetry that marks his return to verse after a break of nearly a quarter of a century....
Bogus invoice scheme costs principal his job for misusing school funds INL 13 April 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2399959a7694,00.html A Catholic school principal has been sacked for spending thousands of school dollars on bogus invoices. Our Lady of the Victories principal Tony Rzoska was dismissed last month. He had been principal for 20 years....
Beyond belief - why we are turning away from religion INL 13 April 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2399437a1861,00.html On the eve of Easter, Sarah Stuart reports on the growing number of Kiwis questioning whether mainstream religion is still relevant.... [The article includes comments by Cardinal Williams on why the number who identify as Catholics has held steady for the past two decades. ML]
'Virgin Mary' lingerie billboard was offensive, Board rules NZ Herald 17.04.2003 (full text) A pre-Christmas billboard showing a lingerie-clad woman and the caption "Virgin Mary", with a line through the word "virgin" did not meet ethical standards, the Advertising Standards Complaints Board has ruled. A complainant said that, to a Christian, the advertisement was extremely offensive. Advertiser GB Ela apologised for any offence caused and said the billboard had been withdrawn and would not be reappearing. The board found the billboard would have been likely to cause serious and/or widespread offence. In particular that would have been the case at the time the complaint was received, in early December, the month in which Christians celebrate Christmas.
"ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA" (The Church and the Eucharist)
"Ecclesia de Eucharistia": John Paul II's Most Personal Encyclical http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=34404 Vatican City, April 17, 2003 (Zenit.org).- The encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia," published by John Paul II this Holy Thursday, is the most personal of the 14 he has written. The encyclical has some vivid poetic passages, interlaced with phrases in which the Pope expresses his intense love for the Eucharist....
Summary of "Ecclesia de Eucharistia": http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=34409
Full text: http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=34382
Program that brings people back to the fold Catholic Leader (Brisbane) 13.04.2003 http://www.catholicleader.com.au/prinfriendly.php?num=1306 Fr Peter McCartin greets parishioners at Petrie. People who have returned to the Church through a new program in Petrie parish aimed at lapsed Catholics tell of their experiences....
Divine Mercy Sunday 27 April 2003 http://www.homebusinesslink.com/divinemercyNZ.html ***********************
The Eucharistic Convention, Friday 25th April - 6.00pm Sunday 27 April 2003 http://eucharistic-convention.com Venue: The Logan Campbell Theatre, Auckland Showgrounds, Greenlane Road, Auckland New Zealand The Eucharistic Convention 2003 is an annual event organised by lay people within the Auckland Diocese of the Catholic Church in New Zealand. Full details are on the Website.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz