The Catholic newspaper of the Wellington and Palmerston North diocese
World Youth Day Cross and Icon in Aotearoa NZ
Cross carried through the two dioceses
The World Youth Day Cross and Icon draws crowds at all hours on its journey
through the Wellington Archdiocese and the Palmerston North Diocese...
Maori and Pakeha worldviews and spirituality
The roots of Maori spirituality lie deep in their ancestral heritage. It is
something they share with all Polynesian peoples, but it goes even further
back in time to include all Austronesian peoples...
Tauiwi face up to the identity question
June Conference looks at identity and dominance in Aotearoa New Zealand
Organised by a small group of Wellington-based Pakeha and New Zealand-born
Chinese, we were given the opportunity to explore what it is to be a New
Zealander and how we identify ourselves and each other...
A view of Maori apostolate in Palmerston North
The various ways in which Maori express their spirituality
For many Catholic Maori the Hui Aranga each Easter continues to be a
significant focal point. This goes back to the early days of the Marist
Fathers' mission among Catholic Maori people. A more recent development has
been the quarterly gatherings of Waka Aroha...
Revealers of the sacred in the Peruvian mountains
The people were simple mountain farmers', 'salt of the earth', God's
'aniwim'. We worked among them as a pastoral team, supported by our Mercy
congregations and donations from Canada, Spain, Germany and ANZ...
Plus Columns, local and world news ...
Pressure on priests as numbers continue to drop
A nationwide shortage of catholic priests is taking its toll in churches
across the country including Timaru...
Closure raises spectre of developers
Catholics fear a historic Wellington church could be sold to developers
after a shortage of priests prompted the parish to close it. Father Maurice
Carmody said the fate of Wadestown's 96-year-old St Brigid's and the 700
square metres of land would be decided by Sacred Heart parish's finance
Priest shortage closes church (video report)
A shortage of priests has forced an historic Wellington Church to close its
doors even as the number of Catholics in New Zealand is growing. It's part
of a national crisis in the church, mirrored in most other western
countries. The last Mass was held on Sunday at St Brigid's [Johnsonville]
where it has been celebrated for nearly 100 years...
The Interview: Richard De Haast
African-born Richard de Haast has had a more varied career than most New
Zealand CEOs. He's been a trainee priest, human rights lawyer, hotel
executive, recruitment executive, waiter and is now chief executive of
property development and retirement business Metlifecare...
The psychics of Matamata
The growing popularity of psychics, healers and mediums in a Waikato town
has the traditional church concerned, writes Kate Monahan...
'Open slather' for other media now (no link)
The Dominion Post â€" News â€" 11 Jul 2007 â€" Page 4
The last bastion of commercial-free television is under threat, with moves
to open Sunday morning broadcasts to advertisers...
Latest: The prodigal son returns
Inspired by Rembrandt's famous painting, Henri Nouwen's book 'The Return of
the Prodigal Son' unlocked layers of meaning for the author. But what does
it mean to the Anglican social justice commissioner? Meet Dr Anthony Dancer
Snapshot: Kelsey and Jo
Two St Catherine's College girls talk to their religious education teacher
about their experiences with the not-so-good moments in life...
Marist Champagnat Family Newsletter - June 2007
SMSM Congratulations: First professions in Auckland, final vows in Samoa;
50th Jubilee of St Mary’s College, Vaimoso, W. Samoa
The Grove: a young adult community; The FM Connection (known as the
‘Mangrove’), Wilton, Wellington.
Fiji: Ikbal Jannif a special Affiliate in Fiji for services to Marist
Education; Matila Liloma, a teacher for 31 years at Marist School Vatuwaqa,
Cooks Beach celebrates 50 years of Marist ownership & development
'Champagnat' - June 2007
A newsletter for Boards of Trustees and Staff of Marist Schools
and Schools with Marist traditions in New Zealand.
** A homily for the feast of St Marcellin Champagnat
** North American Marist youth gather at Marist College for Marist Youth
** Paul Olsen, New Verdon College Principal
** A New Zealand Marist initiative for World Youth Day
** Alpestre â€" the history of a Marist Liqueur
** Marcellin College Auckland 50th Jubilee Queen’s Birthday May 31â€"June 2
** The wisdom of St Marcellin Champagnat
** Marist Flexibility
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com/ (video)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Struggle to reassert traditional Catholic identity scores two wins
In the forty-plus years since the close of the Second Vatican Council
(1962-65), two schools of thought have circled one another in Catholicism
about how to interpret what the council meant. For lack of a better
vocabulary, what we might call the "change" school sees Vatican II as a
significant innovation in Catholic life, ushering in a new period of reform
in liturgy, doctrine, and pastoral practice. The "continuity" school instead
stresses a smooth continuum between Vatican II and previous councils...
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Manager, Suzanne Aubert Compassion Centre, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' July 2007 p.14, and from Carmel Daly, tel. 027 247
9752; carmel@acqumen.co.nz Applications close 30 July 2007.
Pastoral Assistant (Administration), St Patrick's Parish, Napier.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' no. 269, July 1 - 14 2007 p.23, 'Wel-com' July 2007
p.14, and from the parish office, 4 Munroe St., Napier 4110. Tel. (06) 835
3621; fax. (06) 834 4088; e-mail: stpatsnp@ramhb.co.nz Applications close
31 July 2007.
Assistant, Archbishop of Wellington
Details in 'NZ Catholic' no. 269, July 1 - 14 2007 p.23 and from John
Butterfield, General Manager, Archdiocese of Wellington, tel. (04) 496 1788;
e-mail: j.butterfield@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 31 July 2007
Heritage Foundation Co-ordinator, St Michael's Parish, Remuera.
http://www.catholicremuera.org.nz/Issue%2024-3.pdf (page 3)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' no. 269, July 1 - 14 2007 p.23 and from St
Michael's Heritage Foundation, PO Box 99-559, Newmarket. Margaret Twomey,
tel. (09) 529 1766; e-mail: twomey@clear.net.nz