Radio New Zealand. Afternoons, with Jim Mora.
Auckland's 100-year old Roman Catholic Cathedral St Patrick's is re-opened
next month.
The many hats of Harold Boult
Harold Albert Boult JP, a Wreys Bush farmer, prominent in local body, church
and community service activities, died last month in Invercargill. He was
90. Several eulogists paid tribute to his community contributions during the
Requiem mass in Nightcaps...
Peter Opthoog - defender of paradise (photo)
The Hakatere settlements may be considered sleepy hollows, but there’s one
resident down at the mouth of the Ashburton River who’s not easily caught
napping. Grant Shimmin talks to Peter Opthoog
Church fears effect of South Park loss
The Catholic Church fears a High Court decision to reject its complaint
about South Park's "Bloody Mary" episode will have a "downstream effect" on
society. The church has warned that it will continue to watch the media's
"standards of fairness and decency"...
Radio New Zealand. Afternoons, with Jim Mora.
Lyndsay Freer on the High Court ruling regarding the South Park appeal.
Church 'surprised, shocked' after losing appeal
The Catholic Church is "surprised, shocked and disappointed" after losing a
High Court appeal over a controversial episode of the television show South
Freedom's champions in comfort zone (Editorial, Hawkes Bay Today)
New Zealand's Catholic Bishops made three mistakes when they challenged
Channel 4's right to screen an episode of the cartoon series South Park...
A full life
Des Lyons has spent his entire life working for the greater good. Now in
retirement age, he charts his life from his social activism of the 60's to
his current work helping people with a more modern problem: debt ...
Angel in the City: Luke 10:38-42 (Martha and Mary)
A Scripture reading and discussion in St Mary of the Angels, Wellington
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com/ (video)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
The uphill journey of Catholicism in China
If there were any lingering question about whether there's a spiritual boom
in China today, it now has a two word answer: Yu Dan. A 42-year-old female
talk show host and pop culture icon, Yu Dan is the author of Notes on
Reading the Analects -- a sort of Confucian Chicken Soup for the Soul --
which has sold somewhere between 3 and 4 million copies, making it one of
the biggest best-sellers in China since Mao's "Little Red Book." Dan's
success illustrates that China has become, according to writer Zha Jianying,
the "largest soul market" in the world. With a population of 1.3 billion,
China is trying to fill an ideological void left by the collapse of
Communism as anything more than a system of political control, and the
dislocations of astonishing but uneven levels of economic growth...
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Director, Marist Alternative Education Centre, Glenfield, North Shore
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 29-Aug 11 2007 p.23, and from Chairperson,
Marist Alternative Education Trust Board, PO Box 102080, North Shore Mail
Centre, Auckland. Applications close 15 August 2007.
Prison Chaplain, Auckland Women's Prison, Wiri
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 29-Aug 11 2007 p.23, and from Eric Allen,
Director, Catholic Family and Community Services, tel: (09) 378 9650.