The Jubilee Year has now ended and I have just finished an overhaul of the Jubilee pages on the bishops' Web site. The main change is to the News page which now has small selection of links to reports of some major events of the Year, in two groups:
* 'In New Zealand' - seven reports from the local secular press of Jubilee events in this country, most with photos
* 'In Rome and the Holy Land' - Links to reports of eleven major events
Other projects on the drawing board for our bishops' Web site include a short biography of Pope John Paul with 'further reading' links and pictures, and a complete redesign of the pages with a smart 'new century' look.
The NZ Catholic Bishops Conference home page is: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on the bishops' News page at: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/news/frnews.html ]
[Please don't try to hand-copy these newspaper Web addresses. Instead Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address line]
The New Zealand Catholic press hasn't yet started publishing after our (southern hemisphere) summer holiday break, but here's something interesting from overseas:
'The Catholic Church: Strength in Division?' by Stephen Cviic INFO BRAZIL June 30 - July 06, 2000 http://www.infobrazil.com/Conteudo/Front_Page/Opinion/Conteudo.asp?ID_Noticias=3\ 05&ID_Area=2&ID_Grupo=9 [The article describes how cooperation between two major 'currents' within the Brazilian Catholic church - social reformers and Charismatics - has revitalised the Church in that country]
I found this article on the 'Theological Editions' Web site, at: http://www.theologicaleditions.com As some other sites do for general literature, this one searches the World Wide Web for full-text English-language articles on religion, and presents a short summary of them and a link to the full article. The other interesting thing is that this service is New Zealand-based! The editor is Graeme Davis in Palmerston North (I think; either that or in Wellington).
I plan to draw the editor's attention to significant articles appearing on the Web sites of the New Zealand Catholic press this year (and everybody else is can do the same, of course; the more the merrier). But in any case there's quite a bit of Catholic-interest material already on the site.
19-21 January 2001 Firepower Catholic Youth Conference, Cambridge, Hamilton. Details on: http://www.firepower.org.nz/conf2001.html and from Christine (Wellington) tel. 04 939 9890
22-24 January 2001 Seminar: "Reaching Youth through Music, Cambridge, Hamilton. The speakers will be Patrick Keady and James Garrahy from Brisbane with many tears experience in music ministry. Registration forms avaialble from parish offcies and newsaepr tables.
26-29 January 2001 Parachute Festival Extreme: Totara Springs, Matamata http://www.parachute.co.nz/para2001/para2001.htm The major annual Christian music festival
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Principal, Catholic Institute of Theology http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/auckland/cit The Catholic Institute of Theology is a centre for theological education, inquiry and research established by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. Further details from 'NZ Catholic' 3 December 2000 p. 23; 'Wel-com' December 2000 p.19; and from Professor Michael Pender, CIT Council Chairperson, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Closing date: 31 January 2001
And that's it for this week. As the year grinds slowly into gear, I'm sure there'll be lots more to report. God bless.
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager