NEWS & NOTES - 26 April 2009
'WEL-COM' - A newspaper for the Wellington and Palmerston North dioceses
Commission members see justice in action ... Good Sams restore St Joseph ... Palestinian supporters 'barred': Wellington volunteers get a taste of life behind the wall in Gaza
**World News**
Editorial: church catholic in every way, by Cecily McNeill ... Archbishop's column: Together we can, by Archbishop John Dew ... Editorial: bushfires bring us to Eucharist, by Cecily McNeill ...
Hutt school tops wearable arts ... Marist St Pat's takes the prized Swindale after eight tries ... Viard barbershop excels in pan Pacific contest
The non-violent Jesus - symbolic direct action ... Hope for Treaty peoples ... A prayer of faith, hope and love for all those affected by bushfires
Old hands steer pathway into a new era: Labyrinth reopens at Hutt Hospital ... Newtown People's Market a regular ... The cathedral 160 years ago
**Palmerston North**
A computer stroke: Using a word processor after a stroke ... A plea for the third rite in Taranaki ... Talking to young people about seeing God everywhere ... Reflection on the Readings - Easter 3B
Diversion for priest (full text)
A Catholic priest who smeared paint on an Israeli memorial during a protest in January has been remanded on police diversion. Gerard Burns has been remanded by a Wellington District Court registrar to May 21 to complete tasks to be set for him in return for police dropping a wilful damage charge. To be eligible for diversion, he has to admit the offence. He mixed a drop of blood with red paint and smeared it on the Yitzhak Rabin memorial in protest against Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip.
One third of vanished Indian pilgrims now 'well settled'
Up to a third of the Indian pilgrims who disappeared in New Zealand on their way to see the Pope in Australia last year are now "well-settled overstayers", says an Indian community leader.
Top honour for St John cadet (photo)
Whangarei Leader
Pompallier Catholic College student Conrad Hubner, a high-achieving St John cadet, is already using his skills in real life.
Easter brings light and sound to local church
Petone Herald
On both sides of the Belmont Hills, local churches are ever hopeful of a few extra parishioners in their pews as annual Easter celebrations draw near...
Landmark church marks centenary
One of Cromwell's landmarks celebrated its 100th birthday yesterday. Clergy, parishioners and former parishioners from all over Otago and Southland attended the celebrations marking the centenary of the Catholic Church of Mary Immaculate and the Irish Martyrs.
Catholics rejoice at opening of church (photo)
A report in the 'Otago witness' 21 April 1909
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Lions in the community"
Sister Stephanie Kitching, a member of Lions International, tells about the association's service to the community.
** Seeing is believing **
A reading and discussion of Luke 24:35-48 with Kathryn Maciver and Fr Thige O'Leary at St Mary of the Angels' Church, Wellington.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
The Root of All Sin (on pride and humility) ... “Look at all the wonderful things you have, sir (looking back at 30 years of life) ... Second Solution (the morality of IVF) ... The Good, The True and the Beautiful… (finding things in common with Muslims) ... The saga that just won’t end (the tale of Tony Veitch) ... Talent undercover (Susan Boyle) ... The childcare dilemma (pros and cons of daycare)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
A possible pope, malaise in the Vatican, and you can't please everyone
For anyone interested in Catholic life, certain weeks in Rome are akin to what it must feel like to be a film buff at Cannes or Sundance -- there's so much going on, you hardly know where to start. This was one of those weeks, so instead of a unified narrative, I'll offer a few vignettes from the Eternal City...
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]