Sunday, April 25, 2004



Media Release: Suggestions for Anzac Day Liturgy

International News: Chaldean Church mediating in release of Iraq hostages ... Pope recommends trust in God, not 'external success' ... Caritas responds to Bangladesh deaths ... Catholics back freedom of conscience for doctors in US states ... Catholic Health backs bureaucracy cut ... Philippine Bishops issue elections pastoral statement



From issue No 185, April 18-May 1, 2004 ...

Church won't yield on civil unions WELLINGTON - The Catholic Church will continue to teach that de facto and same-sex relationships are immoral "even if there are statutory penalties" for doing so, New Zealand's Catholic bishops have declared...

Calls for euthanasia ignore real needs of dying and caregivers WELLINGTON - Calls to legalise euthanasia fail to recognise the real needs of the terminally ill and their caregivers, according to Fr Michael McCabe, director of the Nathaniel Centre, the Catholic Church's bioethics centre...

Healings happen at retreats run by Vincentians AUCKLAND - Healings, both physical and spiritual, happen at the retreats and prayer sessions conducted by two Vincentian priests from India who visited New Zealand recently...

Also in the print edition ... Vatican II¹s liturgical reform will continue; The "underground ministry" of delivering from evil; Intolerance of religion challenged; Mercy is urged in Confession; New concepts of parenthood; "Pro-choice" Catholic seeks White House; Michael King: To be pakeha is not to be a stranger in my own country.



Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Instruction 'Redemptionis Sacramentum' on certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist (full text)

Cardinal Arinze's Presentation on Instruction Regarding the Eucharist "Redemptionis Sacramentum" Published Vatican City, April 23, 2004 ( Here is the presentation, made today by Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, of the instruction "Redemptionis Sacramentum," on matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Eucharist....

Document on liturgical abuse a stern call to discipline Vatican reaffirms no communion for those conscious of 'grave sin' National Catholic Reporter

Pope lays down law with recipe for perfect Mass The Independent (UK)



'Anzac Day' Archdiocese of Brisbane. Liturgical Commission As explained in last week’s column about Divine Mercy Sunday, no solemnity or commemoration can take precedence over a Sunday of the Easter season. Therefore the Anzac Day Mass cannot be celebrated this year as April 25 is the Third Sunday of Easter and the prayers and scriptural readings of the day take precedence over those set down for Anzac Day. A look at these texts, however, show that they are very appropriate for this special day of remembrance....

When I grow up I want to be... Sunday Star Times 25 April 2004,2106,2885612a6619,00.html The Catholic church has set the first New Zealander on the path to sainthood as the Pope continues his quest for more religious 'role models'. But what can a dead French nun who worked with the poor teach modern society, asks Sarah Stuart. And who are the people we already look up to? ...

Bishops launch agency to spread the Good News The Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation (CASE) is being launched today in Westminster by the Bishops of England and Wales to support the Catholic community to share the Good News of Jesus Christ where they live and work.... CASE Website: CASE Internet resource site for non-Catholics:

"Uplifting" Sydney weekend gathering celebrates family life Families from across Australia converged on Sydney at the weekend for the Second National Catholic Family Gathering, which was hailed as "the most wonderful, uplifting, inspirational celebration of family life"....



Obituary: Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara NZ Herald 20.04.2004 As a Fijian Catholic Ratu Mara was part of a minority set outside the predominantly Methodist indigenous community. His Catholicism may go some way in explaining his early commitment to multiracialism and embracing Western democratic systems...

Church an anchor and source of daily bread Otago Daily Times 21-April 2004 It is a cold, wet and windy Easter Sunday evening in South Dunedin, and the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa youth group is telling the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. The chill in the air doesn't stop Matthew or the 20 other dancing performers, their voices raised in song from the stage, or dampen the warm reception at the performance's end from the audience, an assorted collection of friends, family and church members, Samoans all. Afterwards, there is hot soup for everyone and a chance for congratulations and catch-ups...

Teens say 'I don't' to marriage Sunday Star Times 18 April 2004,2106,2878654a11,00.html Mrs Sweet Sixteen has got the thumbs down from the sisterhood with many girls against teenage marriage. The issue has been stirred up by the National Council of Women, which is querying whether "sweet 16" is too young to marry given 16-year-olds are considered too young to vote, drink alcohol or smoke. And the Catholic Church favours raising the legal age to marry to 18....



Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre

New videos:

** New Archdiocesan General Manager, John Butterfield, and new Turanga Maori Advisor, Ross Wilson have been welcomed to the Catholic centre. The Catholic Centre Piazza was the Marae area where the powhiri of welcome took place...

** Retirement can often be accompanied by the stress of chronic illnesses, but for the elderly the Vincentian Home in Berhampore is a centre for Christian-based care. Recently Cardinal Williams blessed the new extensions to the Home which is managed by the Wellington Catholic Homes Trust.



Monthly magazine of St Columban's Mission Society (ANZ)

From the March 2004 issue ...

Editorial: God is the hostage of human ambitions Does religion cause wars? Some people today would give a resounding ‘yes!’ saying it is one of the main reasons for getting rid of religion from the world...

Interfaith dialogue, how can we go about it?, by Sr Kathleen Collins SSpS "In all of the religions we can find rituals, symbols and traditions which express, foster or embody people's religious experience. But like all human institutions, religions can become distorted, even corrupt...

A move to something new, by Fr Tanvir O’Hanlon Fr O’Hanlon speaks about his transition from a ‘Catholic’ culture in the Philippines to an ‘Islamic’ one in Pakistan.

Parishioners as leaders, by Aurora Luceño, Criscente Talitayan and Marco Henriquez Columbans train Pakistani Catholics to shape the future of their parish.



*************************** 'Champagnat' A newsletter for Boards of Trustees and Staff of Marist Schools and Schools with Marist traditions in New Zealand. Volume 8 Number 1 April 2004

Opening of new classrooms at Marcellin College, staff day of reflection on the College’s mission ... A reflection on Mary of Nazareth, by Brother Sean Sammon, Superior General of the Marist Brothers ... Recently deceased Brothers ... Closing of Greymouth Marist Brothers’ community ... Sharing Champagnat’s Vision course in Melbourne in August, follow-up course (Living Champagnat’s Vision) in Auckland ... Polyfest Maori and Pacific school Festival results

************************ 'Marist Family News'

Marist Family News Autumn 2004

Congratulations to Brother Carl Tapp who has been appointed the new provincial for New Zealand.

Photos of recently deceased Marist brothers ... Marist High School in Greymouth, farewell activities for the Marist brothers after 112 years... Two new communities established in Auckland.



'Lourdes accepting prayer intentions via the Internet' Lourdes, France, April 21, 2004 ( Thanks to the Internet it is now possible to send prayer intentions to Lourdes. The newly renovated Web page of the Marian shrine offers this opportunity at: (in French; click the UK flag at upper right for the home page in English). "The new Lourdes Internet site makes available the spiritual richness of the shrine to those who cannot come physically to Lourdes," said Pierre Adias, the shrine's communications director. This year, an average of 393 intentions a day have arrived through the shrine's electronic mail. In 1999, there were six intentions a day. Last year, 10,500 daily accesses to the site were recorded. Every year 6 million pilgrims visit the shrine. The Website includes several Webcams (live views of the Grotto and the Rosary Basilica) and articles from Lourdes Magazine.



A weekly column in the National Catholic Reporter by the paper's full-time Vatican correspondent John L. Allen

Summary of the column for April 23, 2004: Kerry and Communion; Liturgical abuse document released; The US, the Vatican and terrorism; Centenary of Rome synagogue; A talk by Biblical scholar Fr. Donald Senior; 'New movements' congress in Stuttgart; North American College honors



[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]

[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: ]

Director of Catholic Youth and Young Adult Groups, St Vincent de Paul Society Details in 'Wel-com' April 2004 p.17, 'NZ Catholic' April 18-May 1 2004 p.19, and from District Council President, Society of St Vincent de Paul, PO Box 309, Whangarei. Applications close 26 April 2004

Parish Secretary, Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Howick, Auckland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' April 18-May 1 2004 p.19, and from Parish Priest, PO Box 38276, Howick. Applications close 28 April 2004.

Bishop's assistant, Palmerston North Diocese duties include providing "retreats in daily life", catechesis and adult formation. Details in 'NZ Catholic', April 18-May 1 2004 p.19, and from Wendy Silver, tel: (06) 358 8079; e-mail: Applications close 28 April 2004

Office Manager, Catholic Communications NZ Details in 'NZ Catholic', April 18-May 1 2004 p.19, and from Catholic Communications, Pompallier Diocesan Centre, 30 New St., Private Bag 47-904, Ponsonby, Auckland. Tel: (09) 378 8017; Fax: (09) 360 3061; E-mail: Applications close 30 April 2004.

Chaplain, Sacred Heart College for Girls, Napier and St John's College for Boys, Hastings Details in 'NZ Catholic', April 18-May 1 2004 p.19, and from The Principal, Sacred Heart College, Convent Road, Napier. Tel: (06) 8353 761; E-mail: Applications close 28 May 2004
