'South Park' - The Aftermath
Priest lodges blasphemy complaint against C4\
Auckland's last remaining priest who celebrates the Mass solely in Latin, Dr
Denzil Mueli, is asking police to prosecute C4 for blasphemy over its
decision to screen last week's episode of South Park. Blasphemous libel is
punishable under the Crimes Act by up to a year in jail...
South Park Charges Unlikely,,11964-5478535,00.html
A criminal law professor believes there is not much chance of blasphemy
charges being brought against the broadcaster Canwest...
Furious Catholics look at legal action
No one has been prosecuted for blasphemy in New Zealand for more that 80
years and even that failed. But that isn't stopping a group of Catholics
from seeking to lay charges of blasphemous libel over a recent South Park
Blasphemy Complaint Over South Park?
03/03/2006 NewstalkZB,,11964-5474913,00.html
The controversy over the South Park Bloody Mary episode continues. An
Auckland priest intends laying a blasphemy complaint with the police...
Ratings on TV3 fail to back up boycott claims
The threatened boycott of CanWest-owned TV3 has not made a dent in ratings
but the broadcaster has received a "steady flow" of formal complaints...
Local churches prepare petition
The Timaru Herald â€" News â€" 2 Mar 2006 â€" Page 2 [Not available on the
paper's free Website]
A petition of about 300 signatures from South Canterbury Catholics and
Presbyterians will be sent to Canwest protesting their screening of South
Park, last week...
Bernard McGrath Trial
Brother said abuse all right - witness,2106,3586749a6530,00.html
[The following two reports are not available on the newspaper's free
Seven counts dropped in McGrath sex abuse trial
The Press, 2 Mar 2006, Edition 2, Page 9.
Desecrator says he was molested
The Press, 1 Mar 2006, Edition 2, Page 8.
Pupils celebrate first day at school (photo)
Otago Daily Times
By Celia Williams
Pupils at Wanaka’s Holy Family School had a “day of fun� to celebrate
first day in new school buildings yesterday...
Taggers leave mark of Beast,2106,3590601a6479,00.html
Taggers have daubed the number 666 on churches and buildings around
Wellington... [Copycat incidents were also reported in Levin. ML]
Auckland Theatre Company presents 'Doubt'
Friday, 3 March 2006, 12:33 pm
Press Release: Auckland Theatre Company
Auckland Theatre Company presents 'Doubt' by John Patrick Shanley at the
Maidment Theatre 16 March â€" 8 April
Set in the Bronx in 1964, the play is about a conflict between a Catholic
primary school principal and the parish priest. A review of the play in
Founder Backs Off Plans For Catholic Town
West Palm Beach, Fla. -- Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan, who is
helping to bankroll the birth of a Florida town and university, backtracked
Friday from comments that he'd like the community to be governed by strict
Roman Catholic principles.
Pope Benedict drops one of his nine titles
Vatican City, Mar 1 (Reuters) Pope Benedict has dropped one of his nine
official titles, giving up ''Patriarch of the West'' in a discreet step
apparently intended to help promote closer ties with the Orthodox churches
of the East...
New fervor among young Italian Catholics
Dissatisfied with material life, 550 Italian women became nuns last year -
up from 350 two years before...
Retreat lets women reflect on holy life, recruits new members
Detroit - Amid a flurry of white habits and black veils, Candice Kassab's
Chanel earrings sparkled in Sunday's mid-morning sun. The high school
junior's jeans and long ponytail fit in among the dozens of mini-tees and
thumb rings worn by the teens and young women who surged through the narrow
halls of Spiritus Sanctus Academy in Ann Arbor, Mich...
The Pope: Lent is a time to oppose goodness to evil, the truth to lies and
love to hatred
In celebrating Ash Wednesday mass, Benedict XVI talks about the struggle
against evil and urges the faithful to practice charity...
Pope says Lenten practices like fasting express faith, not burden
Vatican City (CNS) -- Lenten practices like fasting should be experienced as
an expression of faith, not as a difficult burden, Pope Benedict XVI said...
Catholic youth ministers in Sydney in July for first National Youth
Symposium ahead of 2008 World Youth Day, the first in Oceania
Sydney (Fides Service) - ‘Builders and Dreamers: Creating Sustainable
Ministry with Young People’ is the theme of the first national youth
symposium to be held in Sydney in July. The event will give Catholic youth
ministers an opportunity to share their experience and dreams with regard to
Catholic Youth Ministry, and answer questions such as how to provide a good
pastoral service for young Christians today and to evangelise among young
people in Oceania...
ARCIC Talks to Continue Says Catholic Bishop\
The ARCIC talks between the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches are to
continue, according to the Church of England Newspaper...
World news of the Church, regularly updated ...
Full-text articles ...
The Mersey Miracle
Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King sits perched high
above the city like a giant wigwam â€" hence its local name of Paddy’s Wigwam.
Admittedly, it’s not your normal cathedral but the fact that it exists at
all is a feat in itself...
Discernment of Desires
How do we know when a desire comes from the Holy Spirit? This is a question
that sincere Christians will often ask themselves as they try to tune into
the Spirit from moment to moment..
Lenten Reflection
The sun sparkles through the window on the Christmas tree surrounded by
presents and cards. As I live alone with family far away, friends and
neighbours visit me...
Lent is a Journey
The heavy emphasis on penance in the observance of the season of Lent in the
past has turned quite a few people off the whole experience...
Also in this month's Marist Messenger ...
* How do we know God's will * Lord: The call of Peter * Our Lady of
Glastonbury * Temple Sagrada Familia * Pope Benedict Speaks * February
Feasts and Saints * Can You Bear it * A Minute or Two * Children's Corner *
Crossword by Appo * Remembering our Dead
Editorial: New Year (full text)
"... The greatest victory Enlightenment thinking has had in the world of the
West is to relegate God to the privacy of the internal forum â€" okay for
chapel, but not for the market place or the coffee bar. To talk religion (or
politics) is the ultimate social solecism. Fortunately a religious magazine
is not bound by such shibboleths: we can chat away about God as much as we
like. For this issue of Tui Motu we have assembled a series of great pieces
which are all undisguised ‘God-talk’..."
Also in this issue ...
* A time for loving â€" Glynn Cardy
* In truth, peace â€" Pope Benedict’s New Year’s message
* Campaigners for peace â€" Tui Motu interviews Kate Dewes and Rob Green
* Light in darkness â€" Paul Oestreicher
* On the stile â€" Eve Adams
* Chronicles of Narnia â€" Film review: Paul Sorrell
The Caritas Lent Appeal 2006
"For faith to be true, it has to be generous and loving" â€" Mother Teresa
The season of Lent is once again with us and with that the Caritas Lent
Appeal - as synonymous with Lent as purple vestments, ashes on Wednesday and
no meat on Fridays. The theme for the 2006 appeal is “For faith to be true,
it has to be generous and loving�, a quote by Mother Teresa who devoted her
life to caring for the world’s poor...
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Cardinal Marc Ouellet on Benedict XVI; Wish list for the Canadian Religious
Conference; Quebec priests criticize exclusion of gays; Milwaukee's
Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Mariapolis 2006
The annual gathering of the Focolare Movement in New Zealand.
Feilding Agricultural High School, North Street, Feilding. Wednesday 19 -
Sunday 23 April 2006
Programme and registration form from: Focolare Centre, PO Box 11-826,
Wellington. Tel: (04) 384 4559 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(04) 384 4559 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, (04) 479 7713
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 479 7713
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Parish Resource Person for Youth and Young Adults, Catholic diocese of
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue no. 234, Feb 26 - March 11 2006, p.23, and
from Claire Dooley, Director, Catholic Youth Team, PO Box 4544,
Christchurch. Tel: (03) 366 9869 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(03) 366 9869 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; fax: (03)
379-8724; e-mail: Applications close 10 March 2006.
Director, Catholic Enquiry Centre, Wellington
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue no. 234, Feb 26 - March 11 2006, p.22, and
from Micah Partners, tel. (04) 499 4749
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 499 4749
end_of_the_skype_highlighting; mobile: 021-552- 929
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 021-552- 929
end_of_the_skype_highlighting; fax: (04)
499 7375; e-mkail:; PO Box 499, Wellington.
Applications close 17 March 2006.