'Worshipping Under Southern Skies: Re-Discovering the Beauty of the Mass' is
the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ programme for introducing the Revised
Roman Missal. The programme has four modules, of which the first is being
launched today. The programme's Website has the full text of the first
module, plus a blog page for public feedback.
Catholic Communications Media Release (13 Oct 2006)
'Pastoral Letter from New Zealand's bishops on Rediscovering the Beauty of
the Mass'.
'WEL-COM' - The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese
of Palmerston North
From the latest issue ...
Archbishop's column: Opening our ears to justice
Synod 2006 possible actions
Synod 2006 held over Queen's Birthday or Pentecost weekend, 2-4 June,
presented a number of propositions. These have now been released with the
promulgation of the synod booklet...
The ecology of money: how system design impacts on us and on the environment
There is mounting evidence and increasing awareness that the world is in
serious trouble, environmentally, socially, and economically. In most cases
we’re aware of what steps are required in order to address the problems, but
remedial action is often not possible due to lack of money. Why should this
be so? Money has always been used to represent value of goods and services
and to make trade easier. It is easier to use money than pigs or chickens...
Second lay leader installed
‘Here I Am, Lord’ sang the congregation with a spirit of expectation,
challenge, promise and purpose as the archdiocese’ second lay pastoral
leader, Barbara Rowley, and Archbishop John Dew processed in St Bernadette’s,
Naenae, for her installation on 1 October. Barbara was accompanied by her
husband and two of her sons. Frs Patrick Greally, Petelo Mauga, Jim Kershaw,
Sunil Paul and Msgr John Broadbent joined Archbishop John to concelebrate
this joyous mass....
Synod booklet is promulgated
The proceedings of the Pentecost Synod 2006 have been finally decreed in
ceremonies in Wellington and Nelson. The booklet contains future statements
and propositions from Synod 2006 and some stories from the appreciative
inquiry process which took place in parishes in preparation for the synod.
The booklet was launched on 20 September in Wellington and 29 September in
Nelson. Representatives of all the parishes in the archdiocese were at the
two masses to collect their copies...
Schools the face of church for many
For two-thirds of Catholic families in Queensland, the school their children
attend is the only face of the church, according to a Queensland study from
2002. And the executive director of schools for the Parramatta diocese in
New South Wales, Anne Benjamin, told the New Zealand Catholic Education
Convention 2006 ‘Radiating Hope Challenging Our Times’ last month she
understands the situation is similar for Catholic families in New Zealand.
‘Few families of Catholic students in our schools are regular members of a
Relationship education a gap in the curriculum
Critical thinking about God, and relationship teaching were two major gaps
in Catholic school religious modules, identified at the Catholic Education
Convention last month. But at least one RE teacher says this gap may have
been filled at her school in the last couple of years after a survey showed
relationship breakups were the biggest challenge for teenagers. The national
convention, which attracted some 800 participants from throughout the
country, was held at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre on 31 August to 2
Abandoned tramping pack puzzles Police SAR
Wellington Police Search and Rescue Squad are mystified by an abandoned
tramping pack they have recovered in the Tararua Forest Park. Alongside it
was a green and navy striped long sleeved polypropylene top, men's
toiletries, a Catholic newspaper dated September and a copy of The River of
Life, a Catholic newsletter...
Church helpers build more than just a house
Helping to build a house for charity is more fun than you might think, says
novice hammer hand Chris Osborne.
Chris was part of a shift mostly made up of youngsters from St George's
Anglican Church, Papatotoe, who were working on the Building on Faith 06
project which has attracted teams from nine churches...
Immigration minister argued overstayer should stay
Immigration officials are holding an Iranian overstayer in custody and will
eventually deport him, despite Immgration Minister David Cunliffe having
argued strongly he should be allowed to stay.
Iranians face an indefinite stay in jail (photos)
A chef who has been in prison for nearly two years faces indefinite
detention because he refuses to sign papers which would see him deported to
Nuns Distressed By Political Attacks
A group of Catholic sisters are the latest to express concern at the tone of
recent political debate in New Zealand and are urging politicians to improve
standards when Parliament resumes this week...
Respected doctor's fall from grace
Hiran Fernando's conviction yesterday was a fall from grace for a doctor who
had a high profile in the community for a number of years...
Hearing granted for extradition appeal
Sydney: Three High Court of Australia judges will hear an application on
Monday by two Catholic clergymen wanting to appeal their extradition to New
Zealand, where police want to charge them with historic sexual abuse
Clergymen to face sex charges in NZ
A former Christchurch school pupil of two Catholic clergymen confronted them
today after the Australian Federal Court ruled they be extradited to face
charges of sexually abusing boys at the school. ..
Statement in response to BBC Panorama programme, 'Sex Crimes and the
Vatican', on behalf of the Catholic Church in England and Wales (3 October
The controversial 'Panorama' programme, "Sex Crimes and the Vatican"
screened in the UK last weekend, has not been seen in New Zealand, therefore
we are not in a position to comment on it. However a statement in unusually
strong language has been issued on behalf of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of England and Wales. We publish it below...
INSPIRATIONAL TV - NZ's own Catholic Web TV service
New this week: What makes a church?
Churches are very different from other buildings, so what makes them
functional? Sister Mary Scanlon tours St Joseph's parish church, Mt
Victoria, one of the newest churches in Wellington.
Contents summary by our correspondent ...
A close associate of the Brothers in Fiji is Rita Rokocakau. On Champagnat
Day, Rita addressed the Marist Brothers High School assembly. She stressed
the importance of the Charism of Champagnat and true discipleship through
Brother Fabian O’Driscoll, our oldest Brother in the Province, passed away
peacefully at Mercy Parklands, Auckland, on August 28th. Brother Clarent
Glynn, almost 92 years, is now the oldest Brother in the Province.
St Bernard’s College, Lower Hutt celebrated its 60th anniversary.
Sharing Champagnat Vision: Recently in Fiji, Anne Dooley, Melbourne Province
Co-ordinator of lay partnership, led a seminar for Marist teachers from
Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga. A similar programme in Melbourne in early
August saw twelve teachers representing six New Zealand schools, deepen
their appreciation of the Champagnat Charism.
Champagnat Celebrations in Fiji are included in the report.
News of the Brothers: Cyril Pender - Barry Burns - Humphrey O’Connor -
Siaosi Ioane - Chris Scannell - Kieran Fenn - Chris Poppelwell - Sam
Recently deceased friends and associates are mentioned.
Matilda Lolima has provided over 30 years of devoted service at Vatuwaqa,
Suva, Fiji.
Monsignor Brian Arahill has been a long-time Sacred Heart College pastoral
helper and received Marist affiliation on the occasion of his 50th
anniversary of priestly ordination.
Marist Principals move
Special mention is made of Fred Miller who has resigned from Champagnat
Institute in Fiji to take up a role of promoting the needs of the disabled
for the Pacific Forum.
Congratulations are extended to Phil Mahoney who assiduously promoted
Marcellin Champagnat’s Charism at Sacred Heart College and moves to take up
the principalship at St Patrick’s College, Silverstream.
There is a report on the Marist Alternative Education Centre at Glenfield.
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
A weekly column by John R. Allen
Analysis: Benedict's gamble with Islam
Pope Benedict XVI heads to Turkey next month, his first visit to a majority
Muslim state. Of all the question marks surrounding the trip, perhaps the
most consequential is this: Which Benedict will show up?
Further commentary and interviews by John R. Allen, at:
http://ncrcafe.org/node/507 ...
Jewish leader sees 'new realism' in Vatican on Islam ... Fr. Tom Doyle on
'Crimen Sollicitationis' ... No slowdown in 'saint factory' ... Pope set to
liberalize use of Pre-Vatican II Mass ... Missionary expert calls reaction
to pope speech 'manufactured' ... No decision yet on condoms, Vatican
sources say ... Shift on limbo accents hope, 'relativizes' church's role in
salvation ... Catholic soldiers face no crisis of conscience on war, Bush
official says
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Office Administrator, Challenge 2000, Johnsonville, Wellington (six-month
Details in 'Wel-com' Oct. 2006 p.8 and from Kitty McKinley, Challenge 200,
PO Box 13059, |Johnsonville. Tel.: (04) 477 6827