Dear readers,
The English Jesuits' Website 'Pray as you go' - - offers ten-minute programmes of Scripture
readings, reflections and sacred music which can be downloaded for portable
MP3 players such as I-Pods. They are ideal for the commuter as they can
listened to during the journey to work.
Pupils push play on St Patrick’s Day (photo)
Otago Daily Times
More than 900 pupils from 10 Dunedin Roman Catholic schools enjoyed the luck
of the Irish yesterday morning when they took part in the annual St Patrick’s
Day Sports at Bathgate Park...
St Patrick's Day brings a greening to the south,2106,3607731a6568,00.html
Whale Rider star to play Virgin Mary,2106,3607781a1860,00.html
Keisha Castle-Hughes, the Oscar-nominated teen-aged star of Whale Rider, has
been cast as Mary in Nativity, which looks at the life of the Virgin Mary
before the birth of Christ...
Hundreds bid farewell to Central's `finest son' (photo),2106,3607667a6017,00.html
Hundreds of mourners gathered in Omakau yesterday to farewell Poolburn
farmer Dennis Flannery, who died in a farming incident on Tuesday. Mr
Flannery's relatives filled St Peter's Catholic Church, while another
500-odd people lined the hill outside, standing silently as they listened to
the service over loudspeakers...
NZ's Clark asks media to support religious tolerance
New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark called on news media on Tuesday to
mend religious divisions in the wake of a global Muslim uproar over
publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in Europe.
Clark urged to tackle Philippines president on human rights
Prime Minister Helen Clark is being urged to raise human rights abuses with
the Philippines government during a meeting there this week. Representatives
of the Catholic Church in New Zealand have backed the call and have
highlighted a wide range of alleged abuses in the country.
Prime Minister Helen Clark is a self-described agnostic but this week will
address an international religious peace forum ...
The Dominion Post â€" News â€" 14 Mar 2006 â€" Page 8 (not available on the
paper's free Website)
Sancta Maria scores highly with ERO
Howick and Pakuranga Times Online
A glowing report from the Education Review Office (ERO) is the latest
addition to a long list of exciting firsts for Sancta Maria College...
Children hurt in bus accident,2106,3603792a6479,00.html
Four Taihape children have been hurt after their schoolbus was rear-ended by
a truck. The bus was carrying 28 students aged five to 17, who were on their
way to Taihape Area School and St Joseph's Catholic School.
New priest arrives in town,2106,3602786a6571,00.html
Fr Brian Fennessey has spread the good word in some bad places. Now, the
Catholic communities of Temuka and Geraldine have the benefit of a
well-travelled, full-time father.
The Kiwi trying to break the Code
... a tall, slim New Zealander crosses the courtyard with his wife. We know
he is 58: Michael Baigent celebrated his birthday on the first day of this
court case, in which he and Richard Leigh are suing Random House for
Bernard McGrath Trial
Minister won't comment on inquiry into religious school abuse
Sex-abuse inquiry demanded,2106,3607718a6407,00.html
The Lost Boys Tell Their Tale
Trial attempt to regain faith,2106,3606302a6009,00.html
Brother's Conviction Brings Some Closure,,11964-5534262,00.html
Disgraced brother guilty of 21 charges,2106,3607240a12855,00.html
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
The Caritas Lent Appeal 2006
"For faith to be true, it has to be generous and loving" â€" Mother Teresa
The season of Lent is once again with us and with that the Caritas Lent
Appeal - as synonymous with Lent as purple vestments, ashes on Wednesday and
no meat on Fridays. The theme for the 2006 appeal is “For faith to be true,
it has to be generous and loving�, a quote by Mother Teresa who devoted her
life to caring for the world’s poor...
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Missionary activity since Ad Gentes: Interview with Oswald Gracias of Agra,
India; address by Nicholas Cheong Jin-Suk of Seoul; Interview with Jesuit
Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach; Realignment in the Roman Curia; On relations with
Muslim states; Christ and the Church.; papal physician's book; the idea of
new patriarchates; women in the church
Mariapolis 2006
The annual gathering of the Focolare Movement in New Zealand.
Feilding Agricultural High School, North Street, Feilding. Wednesday 19 -
Sunday 23 April 2006
Programme and registration form from: Focolare Centre, PO Box 11-826,
Wellington. Tel: (04) 384 4559 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(04) 384 4559 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, (04) 479 7713
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 479 7713
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Managers, Manna Healing Centre, Oakura, Taranaki.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 12-25 2006 p.23, and from Ivan or Helen
Dunnett, phone or fax: (06) 752 7620.
Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' March 12-25 2006 p.4, and from Dennis Augustine,
Promotions and Advertising Manager, 'NZ Catholic', PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby,
Auckland 1034. Tel. (09) 360 3049 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(09) 360 3049 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; e-mail: