No. 229, December 18-24, 2005
Marriage bill lost as views conflict
Wellington - While United Future's Gordon Copeland lamented the defeat of
his Marriage Amendment (Gender Clarification) Bill at its first reading, a
fellow Catholic MP called the proposed legislation "ill-conceived"....
Four Sisters of Mercy congregations join together
Wellington - Sisters of Mercy throughout New Zealand -- and hundreds of
friends and associates -- have celebrated their coming together as one
single congregation with Masses from Auckland to Dunedin....
Catholics urged to speak on stem cells
Auckland - Catholics are being urged to exercise their right to speak out
against a proposal to allow embryonic stem cell research....
Also in this issue ...
Dream began at school fair ... Catholic kidnapped with NZ student ...
Nothing "new" in document ... Ex-miners thank patron St Barbara ... Clergy
changes announced ... Grandmas and dad graduate from literacy course ... Fr
Blake aided implementation of Vatican II ... No open Popetown hearing ...
Apocalyptic letter a phoney ... Women respond to ads ... RE teachers see
hopeful future ... Students' trip to India is delayed ... Archbishop will
work with St John chaplains ... Young historian named ... Record for Angel
Tree ... ERO File
Catholic MP assigned major duties ... Our annulment experience was
surprisingly positive ... Capacity enrolment likely for Hearts Aflame ...
Chinese youths visit on mission journey ... Dignity explains campaign to
allow assisted suicide ... Author felt "almost hounded" by God
Ronald Rolheiser: Jesus' dysfunctional family tree ... Brendan Malone:
Contraception is unfairly treated ... Joy Cowley: World religions show the
soul's yearning ... Editorial: Theologians looking past limbo theory ...
Malcolm Evans ... Letters
Pope says theology must flow from faith ... Pakistan seizes Christian homes
... Nuns on the march ... The Pope: Support given to HIV-Aids battle ...
Uphill battle on death penalty ... Cloning pioneer disgraced ... Even
non-believers can be saved ... New papal theologian ... Samoans visit Pope
... Activists help boost tourism in Bethlehem ... Pilgrims limited ...
Sacking of pregnant teacher prompts complaint ... De facto past not good for
marriage ... New instruction is refreshing ... Same-sex adoptions ordered
stopped ... Religions restricted ... Lecture called off ... In Brief
Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Clips, Net Scene, Tape Deck, Scripture,
Feasts, Papal Prayer, The Doolans, Family Talk, Question Box, Caption
Contest, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago, Dio. Diary, Cryptic Crossword, Photo
Prayer, That Word!, Holy Lives, Kit's Corner, Wit's End.
Catholic Caring Foundation
[There will be a special Christmas issue of 'NZ Catholic' on sale next
Sunday, Christmas Day.]
Respected leader of his community (obituary. photo)
Otago Daily Times
Bishop Takuira Max Mariu, who died this week, aged 53, was the Auxiliary
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton and a deeply respected leader of
the Catholic Maori community. Bishop Mariu was patron of Hui Aranga (Easter
Hui). He composed the well-known song Te Kokinga Mai for the exhibition to
mark the return of Te Taonga.
Anglican Maori Bishops pay tribute to Bishop Max Mariu
The Anglican Church’s five Maori bishops are today travelling to little
Waihi Marae near Turangi to mourn Takuira Max Mariu, the first Maori Roman
Catholic bishop, and to acknowledge the warm and close relationship they’d
Tributes flow at farewell to Maori bishop
Kotuku Tibble was a schoolboy in 1977 when Bishop Max Takuira Mariu was
ordained a priest at Little Waihi. Yesterday, Mr Tibble, along with other
schoolmates, friends, relatives and churchgoers, packed the Cathedral of the
Blessed Virgin Mary at Hamilton, in the diocese where New Zealand's first
Maori bishop served, to say goodbye to him...
He Aitua : Most Reverend Max Takuira Mariu
The Maori Party today joined whanau all over Aotearoa in mourning the loss
of the Most Reverend Max Takuira Mariu SM DD...
Maori religious leader dies
Tainui pay respects to late bishop at marae
Respected Maori Bishop passes away
High honour for Monsignor Harrington
When a man becomes a priest and offers his life to God and the church, he
does not expect to receive international accolades. But sometimes, as
Ashburton’s Monsignor James Harrington discovered, those honours and
accolades find you anyway. On Sunday he became only the third New Zealander
who can currently lay claim to the title Prothonotary Apostolic ...
Catholic church sees dilemmas in embryo screening
Embryo screening presents society with a number of dilemmas, including the
elimination of "unwanted" or "imperfect" embryos, a Catholic Church
spokesman said today. Couples at high risk of having children with serious
genetic disorders will be able to have government-funded embryo screening
within six months...
Chaplains hope to enrich prisoners' lives (photo)
Ngawha Prison is trail-blazing the country's penal institutions by
developing programmes to help prisoners find new ways of improving their
lives, a congregation heard last week. The Bishop of Auckland, the Reverend
Patrick Dunn DD, made the comment when he commissioned Molly Walters and
Isabelle Dalton, of Whirinaki, as Catholic chaplains at Ngawha Prison...
Pig cell diabetes treatment debated
Two diabetes groups disagree over the risks of pig cell transplants to treat
one version of the disease. Debate over the experimental treatment was
renewed on Tuesday by the Bioethics Council...
Catholic Brother's Appeal Denied (full text)
A retired Catholic church brother convicted of sexually abusing pupils at
Feilding's Hato Paora Maori Boys College in the 1970s and 80s has lost his
appeal. Earlier this year Andrew Cody was jailed for two-and-a-half-years
after pleading guilty to charges including indecent assault relating to
three boys. Justice Young has denied the 67-year-old's appeal for his
sentence to be reduced by six-months. Later this month retired teacher, John
Lewis Stevenson - also known as Brother Bernard - will be sentenced after
admitting to abusing four boys around the same time.
School on the mat over weekly prayer
An Auckland primary school faces a Human Rights Tribunal hearing over saying
the Lord's Prayer at weekly assembly. Victoria Avenue School in Remuera says
it has recited the prayer throughout its 52-year-history. But parent Nicki
Butt, who has brought the complaint, says a prayer from any religion is not
appropriate in a secular state school...
Spend up large ... and then repent
Katowice - Poles are being given the chance to reconcile their devotion to
Mammon with their duties as Catholics after a confessional booth was
installed at a new shopping centre in the southern Polish city of
Christmas Tainted by Commercialism, Says Pope
Vatican City, Dec. 11, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI encouraged the
faithful to overcome the "commercial contamination" of Christmas by
rediscovering the Child Jesus, the Son of God made man out of love. The
Pope, who led the recitation of the midday Angelus from the window of his
study, referred today to the tradition of setting up a Nativity crib in
homes as a way of presenting the Christian faith, especially to children...
Pope to work overtime at Christmas
The Vatican has announced that 78 year old Pope Benedict XVI will rise to
the challenge of a gruelling schedule of public Masses and prayer services
at Christmas time...
Simple Gaudete of a complex believer
When the consummate artist of the consumer age let slip the mask of Pop-Art
imagery, he revealed the sincerity of his Catholic faith. The childlike
simplicity and joy of Andy Warhol’s Nativity is an inspiration for us to
reflect on what lies at the heart of the Christmas season ...
Christmas of solidarity in Pakistan
This year Christmas will not be a time of useless expenses, but one of
prayers and offerings to Kashmir quake survivors and to the Christians of
Sangla Hill, victims of religious intolerance...
Dawn masses set to start for Christmas
Manila (AsiaNews) â€" “Dawn massesâ€� â€" traditional liturgies which prepare
faithful during Advent and accompany them until the Epiphany â€" are set to
start in the Philippines with the pre-Christmas novena...
Church to ramp up use of media
The Catholic Church in Australia plans to use the media to get its message
to a world increasingly reluctant to attend church, according to a report
published yesterday in the Sunday Age. Religion writer Barney Zwartz said
that the church's leadership, which has long been suspicious of the media
and on the back foot over such scandals as clerical sexual abuse, plans to
guide the church into "the media age"...
An enigma wrapped in a cowl
After nine years as Master of the Dominicans, Timothy Radcliffe spends his
time these days on the road as the very model of a modern member of the
Order of Preachers. Catherine Pepinster meets the man many rely on to spread
light on the Church’s more difficult corners ...
Smile, ‘hello’ may draw more to Mass. A conversation with Sr Carmel Pilcher,
liturgist and expert on the Eucharist
Catholic Weekly (Sydney)
We all have a responsibility to change our attitudes, the quality of our
liturgy and put a smile on our face to attract more people, especially young
people, to Sunday Mass, says Sr Carmel Pilcher on the eve of the end of her
term as director of liturgy in the Sydney archdiocese. And we can learn from
other religions, including Islam, when it comes to connecting with each
Media Releases
Death of first Maori Catholic Bishop (13 Dec 2005 - photo)
Bishop Takuira Max Mariu died last night (12 December) at Auckland hospital
where he was flown by helicopter from Waikato Hospital for emergency
surgery. He was aged 53 ...
Global Catholic News, plus sound files from Vatican Radio
France seeks more respect for ashes of the dead
Prominent German theologian and critic announces he's no longer Catholic
Spain has eye on 2011 World Youth Day
Parent produces gun at Sydney school
Jesuits and companions begin Jubilee Year with assembly
Vatican official slams Iran over Holocaust remark
Vatican foundation appeals for donations for HIV/AIDS medicine
Gay clergy respond to Vatican policy on priests
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Q & A on Opus Dei
"I've been traveling recently related to my book Opus Dei: An Objective Look
Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic
church (Doubleday). By now I've fielded questions from media outlets and
ordinary readers in various parts of the world, and I have a fairly good
sense of what's on people's minds. I thought I'd present some of this
material this week in Q & A format..."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 28-31 January 2006
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Adviser, Archdiocesan Office of Justice, Peace and Development, Wellington
Website: http://wn.catholic.org.nz/justicepeacedevelopment.html
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2005, p. 5 and from: Lorraine McArthur,
Director, Archdiocesan Pastoral Services, Catholic Centre, P O Box 1937,
Wellington 6015. E-mail: l.mcarthur@wn.catholic.org.nz; tel. (04) 496
1706 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 496 1706
fax: (04) 496 1768
Applications close 23 January 2006.
General telephone enquiries 64 4 496 1777
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 64 4 496 1777
Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Dec. 18-24 2005 p.15, and from Dennis Augustine,
Promotions and Advertising Manager, 'NZ Catholic', PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby,
Auckland 1034. Tel. (09) 360 3049 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(09) 360 3049 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; e-mail: