Dear kiwicatholics,
On the New Zealand Catholic Internet this week:
Our bishops pastoral letter for the Jubilee year: 'Faith alive!'
From this weekend's 'NZ Catholic' newspaper at:
'State school to become Catholic one'
[The unused Southern Cross School in Mangere, south Auckland, is to be
leased to the Auckland diocese for use as a Catholic school. It will be the
first of at least seven new Catholic schools in Auckland. Just over 20 per
cent of the people in Mangere identify as Catholics, the highest
concentration in New Zealand]
'Opposing views from Christian party leaders'
[Completely opposing responses from the leaders of the two Christian parties
followed their low polling in the general election]
'Coalition co-operation 'worthy of applause''
[Expectations of the new centre-left Labour Alliance government coalition
by: Sr Kathy Lynch (Sisters of Mercy justice committee), Don and Jackie
Brebner (family policy), Merle van de Klundert (Dunedin justice and peace
office), Dr Kevin Fitzsimons (Association of Catholic doctors), Peter
Richardson (social justice office Hamilton), Des Ryan (Age Concern
Wellington), Carolyn Moynihan (editor of the pro-life newspaper Humanity),
Elsie Flay (schools' policies)]
From 'EV 2000' Christmas 1999 (the quarterly magazine of the New Zealand
Evangelisation 2000 office)
'Now the hard task - converting the baptised'
'Visit from Little Rock Director'
[Catherine Upchurch, the American director of Little Rock Scripture Study
(which publishes a very popular parish-based Catholic bible study course)
will visit New Zealand in mid-February. Link to the LRSS home page]
'Bringing back the lapsed - an English parish steps out'
[How Our Lady of the Angels parish, Stoke-on-Trent, England carried out a
comprehensive outreach to inactive Catholics within the parish boundaries]
'I flunked the opportunity to share my faith', by our very own
'kiwicatholic' Christine Lewis.
[The article, in fact, recounts how Christine shared her faith brilliantly
with a young mum at Brisbane airport. She kindly told us about it in this
forum after she returned. Photo of Christine and grandchild]
'What are you doing to see-in the New Year?'
[At Koraunui Marae at the Stokes Valley Church of St Frances Xavier, Lower
Hutt, they are going to pray it in. There will be prayer from 7p.m. to
midnight before the Blessed Sacrament on the marae followed by midnight
'News from Home and Abroad'
[with links to Alpha New Zealand, the Knights of Columbus' online short
course in the Catholic faith, and the Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School
home page]
If anyone would like a copy of these articles by e-mail, just drop me a line
If you are going on holiday and don't want your mailbox filling up with
posts to 'kiwicatholic', you can suspend them for as long as you like
without quitting our forum. Drop me a note at or ...
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* To start receiving posts again, click on the
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My thanks to Philip, Brian and Anthony for your helpful comments on quoting
from Scripture and I will keep them in mind as I prepare texts for the Web.
Speaking of Bible translations, readers might like to add the following two
links to their Web browsers' Bookmarks/Favorites lists:
On the Web site of the Auckland Catholic Institute of Theology at:
there are links to four Catholic translations - the Latin Vulgate, the
English Douai-Rheims Bible, La Bible de Jerusalem (in French) and the daily
Lectionary readings from the New American Bible of the U.S. Catholic
Bishops' Conference.
In the same section are links to the Hebrew Bible (in Hebrew, that is!) and
the Greek New Testament.
The final link in this section is well worth listing on its own. It's the
complete Revised Standard Version, including all the books of the
Catholic/Orthodox Bible. You can search for every occurrence of every word
in it, or open it chapter by chapter. The start page is:
Until next week, God bless.
Mike Leon
'kiwicatholic' list manager