27 October 2002
'NZ Catholic' No 148, October 20, 2002
"Josephite sisters meet at last " Over 70 Josephite sisters - the "Brown Joes" and the "Black Joes" - met officially for the first time in New Zealand last month at Sacred Heart College, Wanganui....
"Wellington car fund gets energy conservation award " A smart approach to fleet operation has earned the Wellington Diocesan Car Fund an energy conservation award....
"CWL cites cases of domestic violence " Some members of the Catholic Women's League have had their eyes opened about the level of violence in New Zealand against women....
"Catholic order may face legal suit " NZCity / IRN 22 October 2002 [Full text] Legal action may be taken against a Catholic order linked to alleged child sex abuse. Nearly 100 men have contacted the St John of God's Australasian headquarters with complaints regarding four brothers from the former Marylands school for boys in Christchurch. Lawyer Grant Cameron has declined to give details of the class action. But he admits negotiations are taking place with the order. He is expecting to know more in about a week.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz
'Walk by Faith' Co-ordinator, Auckland Diocese A 22-25 hours a week position in the religious Education team of the Catholic diocese of auckland. Duties include co-ordinating 'Walk by Faith' course workshops and seminars and marking assignments. Tel. 09 3784380 e-mail: janes@cda.org.nz Details in 'NZ Catholic' 20 Oct 2002, p.25 and form Jane schollum, Private Bag 47-904, auckland 1034. applications close 4 November 2002.
[If these books are not in your local library, you can request them on interloan. Shelf numbers may differ from library to library]
**The bishop in the West Wing : a Blackie Ryan story, by Andrew M. Greeley. New York : Forge, 2002. (fiction) Notes: A poltergeist in the White House? Strange as it sounds, that seems to be the case. A playful spirit, of unknown origin, is at work in the First Residence: rattling chains, slamming doors, dislodging paintings, disrupting press conferences and state dinners. Enter Bishop Blackwood Ryan, dispatched by Archdiocese of Chicago to get to the bottom of this high-level haunting....
**Full circle to God, by Ambrose Loughnan. Ohoka, N.Z. : Loughley Books, c2000. 922.2 LOU Notes: Whether Taihape-born Father Ambrose Loughnan was wending his way through three slow years in a POW camp, or struggling to master his lessons for the Dominican priesthood through seven years of study (some of it in Latin), or dealing with the intricacies of the Solomon Islands culture, or acting as unofficial chaplain to a large number of children dying of cancer in both Sydney and Auckland, or involved in running a Retreat centre in North Otago, Ambrose (or Ian, as he was born), comes across as an open-hearted man willing to grasp all life's twists and turns with enthusiasm and joy. He was environmental when interest in the environment was in its infancy; he had a vision for the Solomon Islanders that would have stood them in good stead for generations if he'd been allowed to see it fully through; and he had a constant concern for justice, even if it meant interfering with cultural traditions (when a father procrastinated because he wanted to keep his daughter working at home, Loughnan aided her and her fiancé to elope!).
**A fair and just solution? : a history of the integration of private schools in New Zealand / Rory Sweetman. Palmerston North : Dunmore Press, in association with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools, 2002. 379.32 SWE Subjects: Education and state--New Zealand. Politics and education--New Zealand. Catholic schools--New Zealand. Private schools--New Zealand.
From the place of the dead : Bishop Belo and the struggle for East Timor, by Arnold S. Kohen ; introduction by the Dalai Lama. Oxford : Lion, 1999. 922.25986 BEL
**Why I am a Catholic, by Garry Wills. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c2002. 282 WIL Notes: In this "unintended sequel" to his 2000 book, Papal Sin, Wills tries to answer the many readers who asked why he remains a Catholic even as he has criticized its authority figures, especially the current pope. He begins with a brief personal look at his life as a Catholic, which includes time spent as a Jesuit novice, then proceeds with a detailed defense of his views on the church and its papacy. He concludes with an explanation of the Apostles' Creed, which he regards as the true foundation of his faith. Wills's detractors may be surprised to learn that he has had a largely positive church experience, refreshingly bereft of the kind of stereotypical bad memories that have marked other recent Catholic memoirs. For Wills, a Catholic can be both loyal and critical, a loving child who stays with his father even if the parent is wrong. He has remained Catholic, he says, because his faith is based on "the great truths of salvation" found in the creed, which he believes Catholicism has played a major role in preserving.
**Stages of the soul : the path of the soulful life, by Paul Keenan. Lincolnwood, Ill. : Contemporary Books, c2000. 248.2 KEE Notes: Father Paul Keenan is Director for the Radio Ministry of the Archdiocese of New York. In this book, Fr Keenan teaches the language of the soul. Sharing his personal stories and those of others, Father Keenan shows us the soul's voice with the aim of moving us from the abyss to a life of soulfulness, where we can truly hear the music of inner guidance, wisdom, purpose, and awe. He explains that "Wonder is having at least one foot in eternity," and how compassion connects us to each other through the sharing of gifts of joy, soul wisdom, and purpose.
Molokai : the story of Father Damien, by Hilde Eynikel. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. 922.2 DAM Notes: Published to coincide with the release of the film, this is the true story of a 19th-century Belgian priest who almost single-handedly changed the lives and fates of the lepers of a Hawaiian colony.
For the love of God : the faith and future of the American nun, by Lucy Kaylin. New York : William Morrow, c2000. 271.9 KAY
Wounded prophet : a portrait of Henri J. M. Nouwen, by Michael Ford. London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 1999. 922.2 NOU Notes "...a compelling portrait of an attractive and complex human being, someone for whom the priesthood was central, but who struggled with the living out of his vocation"