Sunday, June 17, 2012

News and Notes - 17 June 2012



Brave nuns fight fire to save historic church (photo)
Seven nuns all avoided injury when the living quarters they were sleeping in caught fire shortly after midnight yesterday. The kauri church, thought to be more than 100 years old, escaped, but their quarters were badly hit. Mother Joanna Hope said they stood together terrified as flames leapt from the roof of their bedroom at Tyburn Monastery in Bombay, south of Auckland.

Churchgoers pray for return of stolen cross (photo)
South Waikato News
St Pius X Catholic Church members are praying for the return of their crucifix which was stolen last week.

Facing an uncertain future (photo)
The Nelson Mail
Sacred Heart church in Takaka has been declared unsafe to occupy and faces an uncertain future.

Time to end the hunger, says Caritas
More aid is needed to avert a famine in the Sahel region of West Africa, says Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Director Julianne Hickey. Eighteen million people across almost a dozen countries face hunger and malnutrition.

Policyholders approve insolvency scheme
Ansvar policyholders have voted in favour of a contingency scheme put forward by the insurer for settling their claims if the company goes under. The company was a leading insurer of churches, heritage organisations, educational institutions, and charitable organisations, with about 2000 policies in Christchurch.

'Indelible mark' left (photo)
The Press
Mike Bowden has left a permanent impression on the Canterbury region. As an early chief executive of the Canterbury Regional Council, Bowden steered the then fledgling environmental organisation through the new era that had been ushered in by local government amalgamation and the Resource Management Act of 1991. But it will be for his contribution to Canterbury's water management that he will be largely remembered.

A banker backstage (photo)
As managing director and chief executive of TSB, Kevin Murphy is well known to thousands of people in the region. He's a nice bloke who runs one of the region's largest businesses and it just happens the bank is one we all feel a great deal of pride in. After all, it is ours.

Religious lessons divide parents
Hundreds of primary schools "close" during class time so religious teachers can come in and teach Bible-based values, and parents must opt out if they do not want their children to attend. But a group of rationalists has launched a campaign to keep religion out of schools, saying it should be taught only as part of social studies or extra-curricular activities, and that prayer and Bible studies should ultimately be banned entirely.

Celebration time for women's league (photo)
Sixty years of the Catholic Women's League in Heretaunga was celebrated last Wednesday.

Local Catholics celebrate Father's 40 years (photo)
Queenstown's Catholic priest, who tomorrow celebrates 40 years in the ministry, is being hailed for his understanding of people. Father Tony Harrison, 63, has been parish priest in Queenstown for three years after stints at Oamaru, Invercargill's St Mary's Basilica, Alexandra, Dun­edin's St Joseph's Cathedral, and Milton.

Clere left his mark on the city (photo)
Manawatu Standard
An extraordinary architect designed many of Palmerston North's most notable buildings. These – as well as houses, business premises, and other structures now demolished – were designed by a gifted man with an unusual name: Frederick de Jersey Clere.

BlogWatcher - New Missal causing clumsy consecrations
The awkward page turns in the New Zealand edition of the new missal have led to clumsy consecrations on the other side of the Tasman, reports

Hawke's Bays first 'district nurse' (photo)
If you lived in Hawke's Bay in the 1870s and were sick, poor or in desperate need, there was a good chance that you would have been visited by French nun, Suzanne Aubert. A talk by Jessie Munro, author of the award winning book The Story of Suzanne Aubert, will be held at the Hastings War Memorial Library on Saturday 7th July at 2.00pm. The talk will celebrate the life of this extraordinary woman and look at her part in our community's history.

News of the Schools

Francis Douglas Memorial College, New Plymouth: Goalkeepers the stars in hard-fought Challenge Cup (photo)

Francis Douglas Memorial College, New Plymouth: PBHS win drab match with FDMC (text and video)

John Paul College, Rotorua: Three awards for 'Much Ado About Nothing' (photo)

Reignier School, Taradale: Reignier talent on show (photo) The Napier Mail

St Joseph's, Speargrass Flat: New school campus to proceed (photo)

St Joseph's, Temuka: Temuka man to lead study visit to Ireland

St Patrick's college, Wellington: Confidence boost for St Pat's first XV (photo)



Knowing: Mark 4:26-34 - 'Kingdom', a reading and reflection with Sister Stephanie Kitching



LIGHT OF THE WORLD - Otago Catholic Access Radio

June 10 – Interviews with participants at the 7th World Assembly of Families in Milan; and on the Feast of the Body
and Blood of Christ, Fr Owen Gorman takes us to the "upper room"

[Choose the "Click to download" link. The sound quality of the other one is terrible - ml]

Station XV

Episode 57 — Of budgets and butlers
The big international stories of the month fell on either sides of Atlantic, with Catholic organisations in the US suing the Obama administration over aspects of its health care reforms while, across in Rome, the Vatican was dealing with a series of documents allegedly leaked by the papal butler. In the Antipodes, Budgets and the ongoing debate about same-sex marriage grabbed headlines. But fear not, we've also got our trademark light story for the month.


'BEING FRANK' - New Zealand Catholic blogs

** We have a mustard seed. And we aren't afraid to use it! (the scandal of a small, weak church)

** Corpus Christi (reflections on being a Minister of the Eucharist)

** Jean Daniélou SJ (breaking the silence on one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century)



Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform'

Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet'

The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report'

NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Good News and the News'

Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger'

St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East'

'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine.



Exclusive interview: Levada talks LCWR, criticism in the States

Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Vatican's ultra-powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, rarely gives interviews, and when he does, it's because he has something to say, not because he simply enjoys the exercise. As a result, when Levada agreed to an exclusive one-on-one interview this week to discuss the Vatican's dust-up with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, you can take it to the bank that it wasn't a casual choice. Instead, it amounted to acknowledgment that the LCWR dispute has stirred enormous discussion, much of it critical of the Vatican, and this was Levada's effort to respond...



Living the Word - Fr Frank Bird sm

Reflect - Veronica Lawson rsm

Daily Reflections (right-hand column)



Pompallier's People: The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bishop Patrick Dunn

Catholic Discipleship College

SMNZ Marists - the Society of Mary in New Zealand


NEWS OF THE CHURCH IN NZ AND THE WORLD (video news of Pope Benedict)



New Zealand Catholic Education Convention 2012
8-10 August 2012, Wellington Convention Centre



[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: ]

[Catholic overseas volunteer vacancies are listed on the Vacancies page of ]

Database/Grants/Administration Coordinator, Catholic Caring Foundation, Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Details on the Foundation's Website and from Leanne Killgour,, tel. 09 360 3009