Dear friends,
"Then Abishai said to David ...let me pin [King Saul] to the ground with
his own spear ...
David answered, "Do not kill him, for who can lift his hand against the
Lord's anointed and be without guilt?" Samuel 26
"The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy.
He does not treat us according to our sins, nor repay us according to
our faults." Ps 103 (102)
"And we who have been modelled on the earthly man, will be modelled on
the heavenly man" Corinthians 15
"Instead, love your enemies and do good ... and you will be sons of the
Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked" Luke
[By a determined effort to live compassionate lives - to "be
compassionate as your Father is compassionate" - we can break through
our human limitations and become more like Him. - Fr John Waldie SM,
Scripture commentator for 'NZ Catholic']
'The Far East' - January-February 2001
[The Far East is the monthly magazine of the New Zealand and Australian
members of St Columban's Missionary Society. In the online edition....
Reflection on the ninth World Day of the Sick
'Mission in the new century' (Interview)
In October-November 2000, Columbans from all their mission areas came
together to review, evaluate and plan for the future. The delegates
elected Fr Brendan O'Sullivan as Superior General of St Columban's
Mission Society. In this interview he shares his thoughts about the
future shape of mission ...
'A computer-aided desire for life', by Fr Thomas Tehan
Yukie Ohira is a 38-year-old, unmarried woman who was involved in an
accident which left her paralysed from her neck down. Fortunately Yukie
can operate a movable knob attached to a computer which enables her with
difficulty to print on the screen what she wants to communicate ...
'The Inspiration of One', by Sr Kate Midgley
The day their third child, Juan Miguel, died, Miguel and Irene did not
know that in the Providence of God something beautiful was also being
born - a community for street children ....
[You can open links to world news of religion in the secular press on
the bishops' News page at:
[Please don't try to hand-copy these newspaper Web addresses. Instead
Select, Copy and Paste them into your browser's address line]
'Ex-student says land titles show disputed land bought privately '
The Daily News (Taranaki) 16 February 2001
"A former student of Manaia's Catholic school believes the Ngati Tu hapu
should be addressing its concerns to the Crown and not to the church, in
the controversy over the sale of the school. Trevor Landers, who is
writing a history of the school for publication in April, said land
documents showed the land where the school sits was private land before
the church bought it..."
'The Royal Commission On Genetic Modification in Christchurch next
Scoop 16 Feb 2001
The Royal Commission on Genetic Modification will hear from a variety of
human interest groups, including the churches, during its Formal
Hearings next week. [On 22 February 2001] presentations will be heard
from ... 1. Quaker Spiritual Ecology Group of the Religious Society of
Friends; 2. New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference.
'Removal of statue triggers memories' (photo)
Timaru Herald 13 February 2001
When the statue of Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Catholic
order of the Marist Brothers, was removed from its home at Claremont
recently, it brought some vivid memories flooding back for Timaru
identity Rita Minehan ........
'Jack of all trades: Played major role in school's development' (photo)
Otago Daily Times 10 February 2001
"A man who made an enormous contribution to St Kevins College in Oamaru,
John Patrick McCarthy, died recently. In a eulogy delivered at his
funeral, former rector Br Joe Lauren said Mr McCarthy (69) had a "huge
hand" in St Kevins becoming what it was today ..."
18-22 April 2001
'Jesus 4 Real' Youth Camps
Jesus 4 Real Ministries is an independent voluntary group of adults
bringing the reality of Jesus to Catholic teenagers, and training adult
leaders for Catholic youth work, through camps and seminars in the
Wellington Archdiocese.
Web site:
Contact: (04) 904 7217 ; (04) 905 6636
11 - 16 March 2001
Discipleship Course, St Mary's Parish Centre, Campion Rd., Gisborne.
Sponsored by the Outreach and Evangelisation Commission of the Hamilton
Diocesan Pastoral Council. Cost: $80, excluding accommodation.
Details from: Dawn DeWitt, 11 Russell St., Gisborne, tel: (06) 867 6408;
and Christine: tel. (07) 846 2691
4 March 2001
Wellington Eucharistic Convention 2001: Town Hall, Lower Hutt
Theme: "The Fullness of God" (Ephesians 3: 14-21 )
Guest speakers : Rita Klaus ; Father Clement Machado ; Tony Zuniga
Details from: Ted Jordan, tel.: 904) 528 8678 and
(Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: )
Catholic diocese of of Religiopus Education.
Web site:
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 11 2001 p.23 and form Therese Verheyen, tel
(09) 368 4380; fax: (09) 376 2829
applications close 9 March 2001
Wellington Catholic Education Centre. Addmin assistant- Receptionist
Details in 'Wel-com' February 2001 or from the Centre, tel (04) 496 1718
; faz: (04) 496 1715 ; e-mail:
Applications close: 28 February 2001
St Joseph's Parish, New Plymouth. Lay Pastoral Worker
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb 11 2001 p.23 and form (06) 758 3912 PO Box
32 New Plymouth.
Applications close 28 Feb 2001
Every best wish and all God's blessings.
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' list manager